
Villain Is A Teacher Of Heros

When I woke up after a pretty crappy death, what greeted me was one of those famous fantasy worlds! I didn’t expect anything like becoming the strongest with a common job, or rising to the top with the weakest class… All I wanted was to live a slow farming life, but the world just wouldn’t leave me alone! And so I equally backstabbed good people and bad people alike, becoming a villain with a true sense of equality and just when I was about to retire and enjoy a proper life on a farm… “Master!” My former disciple at the evil organisation, currently the hero of justice came looking for me. Can’t you all just leave me alone?

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

I’ve become a hero who saved the world!

Ahhh, it's a success.

What are you, my fearsome brain!

Was I actually a genius! It's a pity that I'm wasting it in service to an evil organization, but too late for that.

Ahh. Shit. God damn it all!

If only my parents didn't pass away in the fight between the hero and villains.

No, even if that stupid lord didn't make the first gamble in his life and was fucked over by the Empire!

If then I could have become a grand figure like an isekai novel's protagonist!

Whoa now, calm down. That's all just a daydream, isn't it?

When I was alive the trending genre was where the protag basically suffered a lot.

Let's be satisfied with my big fat paycheck.

As I went through happy memories at full speed, I saw a very flustered mister lord archdevil.

"Wh, what is this!"

He probably saw the Geass Roll.

It cost quite a penny, but it's nothing less but a contract with the world as witness.

A contract not even gods can do anything about, a contract with the creators' authorities inscribed into it.

There are only three places in the entire continent where these are made on a small-scale only, where let alone other races, even the oil and water races that are humans and demons keep the peace, I bought a few of these while I was there, now is the time to use them.

Of course, the expenses will be passed onto accounting later.

"This, this is a scam!"

Yep. It's a scam.

I took the basis of this scam from a particular devil.

There was a mid-tier demon that the organization contracted with frequently, whenever he was summoned, he always appeared in green smoke with his arms crossed haughtily.

And when I had the chance, I asked the devil.

-Why is there always green smoke whenever you're summoned?

And the devil answered.

-Because this is how I respond to summons!

Hearing him out a bit more, apparently other demons were appeared in their own distinctive ways when they were summoned.

To get the precise details, I cooperated with one of my disciples and summoned a low-rank demon, when I politely asked him, he answered us.

In the case of the giant wolf in Northern Europe mythology, Fenrir, he howled for around a minute into the skies, the major league vampire Count Dracula appears by hundreds of bats combining into one.

There were three that seemed like they'd fall for the bait, and one of them was this Muspelheim's master Surtr.

He actually appears as he slams his hand into the ground.

Could you say his destructive summon is really appropriate for someone that destroyed a world?

From what I heard, once he appeared in an old cave system like that and buried his summoner in a cave-in.

Anyways, the contracts between humans and devils, no, the majority of the contracts between humans and devils are verbal contracts.

While in my past life they were theoretically binding but seemed of absolutely no benefit to me, here you can even give away souls with oral contracts.

In that case, what if you make a written contract?

With the person's thumbprint?

I prepared a stone plate, and placed the Geass roll onto it. With No.17's thumbprint fiiirmly stamped.

Stage 1 preparations complete. And now, place that stone plate underneath the prepared floor, and on top, a specifically prepared ink plate, and on the very top, a normal looking floor!

And this stupid giant appeared with I am Surtr! And slammed! his hand down, the actually very thin ground broke under the impact, and firmly pressed his fingerprint down on the deepest layer.

"This, this kind of contract!"

Surtr started smashing the stone plate his thumbprint was on, but since the contract was already made according to the Geass Roll, since the contents are already engraved onto No.17 and Surtr's souls, it doesn't matter what he does to that stone plate.

Heck I wasn't even sure if such a ridiculous method would work.

But would you believe it everyone it actually worked!

"Obedience? I can't even act independently? And with no compensation?"

Kuaaaaa! The giant that set a world ablaze roared!

Surtr was seriously strong.

He was strong enough to chew up Northern Europe's last hope Frey and burn down the world!

But so what.

Now he's a slave devil under a slave contract.

"No.17, tell him to shut up."

"Please shut up."

I looked at Surtr silently opening and shutting his mouth with oddly aggrieved eyes and nodded to No.17.

"It looks like it's gone well."

Well of course, due to the scam contract the amount of power he can exert onto this world is decreased.

No, even before that, if it was that slave contract an archdevil this proud wouldn't even want to show off his full strength.

But it's an archdevil?

He's fucked over an entire mythology?

Even if the key forces Odin and Thor were screwed over by monsters during the Northern European mythology's war Ragnarok he's still a devil that set the world on fire?

If someone like that roams around then what kind of weak civilian, no, small-time criminal like me, without any mana, supposed to survive.

If the world burns, then there's nowhere for me to spend the money I spent half my life in an evil organization to earn?

And therefore a seal.

On the contrary, having been weakened is better.

Naturally. No.17 could more than backstab me sometime in the future.

In this place, even if she is my disciple, on the contrary because she's my disciple that she could knife me in the stomach.

And that place is called an evil organization!

And thus, I've become a hero that saved both my peace, and while I'm at it the world's peace!

… Mother, Father, I've become a hero that saved the world!