
What is Justice?

I was once happy. I had my mom and dad at my side. I didn't have everything but I could always say i had my parents.

But then they died. Funny how that happens, a thug could ruin everything just with a Bullet. Ever since time slowed down for me, I went into a state in which my Perception was completely slowed down, words felt much longer than they should have, everything felt slower.

I was in the Police Station with a blanket wrapped around me. I had been there a lot during the entirety of the case. The world got even slower when the verdict was made. One year in Prison. Is this Justice?

Two people died but he gets another chance after one year. He says he was remorseful and had no other choice but he has some of the best paying lawyers while i only had a public attorney at my side.

I watched in agony at every step he took as he was escorted out of the courthouse with a grin towards me, I watched as the Jury all had that same cunning grin on their pace. Payed off, definitely. Is this Justice?

[6 years later]

"So where are my drugs at?" A man walking on a dark street said "What the hell do you mean I gotta wait til tomorrow?!"

I lurked from the building above, a murderer left on the streets, the reason for my everlasting agony. I jumped onto a ladder and scaled down and went onto the Sidewalk. Am I really doing this, is this Justice?

I attacked from behind. "The hell?!", the murderer shouted as I went to town pummeling him, he couldn't do anything, no punch could hit me. After a while, he was nearly dead and begging for his life.

"Please! Please have mercy on me!"

Mercy? What is Mercy? I then smashed his face in with one last punch and he fell to the ground dead and i smiled and laughed. For the first time in Six years.

"Yes... Yes... Yes! THIS IS JUSTICE!" I laughed like a man possessed, this is what all criminals like him deserved, this is Justice.