______________________________________________________ “Are you serious? Do you really think this is going to work?” Seth threw the papers across the room. “Bold of you to assume I think.” I take one more bite out of the cake. “ … I don’t even know where to start with.” He rubbed his face and plopped beside me on the couch. “How about don’t start at all. Just follow your instincts. If you think too much they will find a way to counterattack.” He just looked at me. I could see that he is worried about my attitude but he must learn to trust me. Annoyed, I stuffed his mouth with cake too so he doesn’t have time to answer. ______________________________________________________ “Say three words and I’m yours.” I have so much work to do. I told his dramatic ass to leave me alone at least for a few days. “No.” “That’s only one word. Do you even know how to count? Are you 5?” Seth challenged me I put my pen down and looked him straight in the eyes. “I’m 22.” “Well I don’t think I believe you seeing that you don’t know how to count.” “Ok. That’s it.” As soon as I rose from my seat he started running. “Dumbass. You really think you can run.” _______________________________________________________ After losing a bet with her older brother, the Crown Prince, she had to go to the battle in his place. She knew they did not expect her to return alive, but Victoria swore to herself that she will be back victoriously. After returning from war, seeing her as a threat, the Emperor sent her to marry Seth, one of the Kings forming The Great Alliance, under the pretext of "solidifying the peaceful relationships". How will they manage their relation and deal with their own problems in the same time?
As the sun set down, the darkness engulfed the bloody battlefield.
*huff huff*
I keep breathing erratically but I still feel that my lungs don't get enough oxygen. My throat feels dry. Should I just take off my helmet?
The battle felt like it was going on for too long. I could see that my soldiers were tired, desperation flooding their eyes. If we win this, the war is over. If we conquer the Capital and we can finally go home. I'm tired but I can feel the enemy starting to get anxious. They know what darkness means. The desperation in their eyes is palpable. 'just a little bit. Just a little bit and then…maybe…maybe we can finally go home.'
"I know" I muttered. We are all thinking the same. We are all tired of fighting someone else's battle. Losing our lives, our friends, our family, our sanity.
"AArGhh. Alright. That's it. EVERYBODY RETREAT!!!"
My soldiers heard my signal and started yelling and dragging away the other comrades. The enemy knew what was happening. They probably heard stories from the soldiers that got away in other battles. I removed my helmet and started walking towards the enemy's vanguard.
"The Black Witch!" someone yelled.
"Everybody, run!"
One by one started running away. The screams got louder and louder as if that was going to help them. I am not a cruel person, but it's either them, or my soldiers.
I let mana flow out of my body, embracing me like a second skin. I saw my reflection in the pool of blood below my feet. My yellow eyes were probably shinning because of the anticipation of <the end>.
I should not kill any more people. I immobilized the people staying in my path as I was headed towards the king. He was easy to spot on. The soldiers gathered quickly around him getting ready to protect their leader. I stopped at a few meters distance. I could see them trembling. I know they are scared but I want this to be over. I can't let them see any opening, any crack, no weakness.
"Surrender. This is a fight you can't win anymore."
I could see his contorted expression, sweat dripping on his forehead. He was pondering. I know it's not an easy decision, but I know he wants his people to live as much as I do.
"I know you don't want more people to die. Surrender and you and all your men will be spared."
He looked shocked. I would be too. Not a lot of times someone if showing you mercy on the battlefield.
"…I…I surrender."
I exhaled relieved. "Tell your men to retreat and open the gates."
He wordlessly nodded and signaled his soldiers.
The armies organized themselves. They took the injured and carried the dead to the carriages. A few hours ago, they were killing each other and now they are working together. This is an easy example of how shitty the idea of a war is. Because the greed of some few shitty royalties, there are thousands of people dying. They were just fighting for their life, their homes. I am no different. My father is greedy for power, I am greedy for peace.
"The day finally came. I can now go home."
Em breve