In this world, words are power. Words that have become the foundation for a new form of warfare. Those who are not gifted become secondary citizens and those who are rise to the top.
When I was younger I always wondered how the advancement of technology would eventually affect the world. I always thought that one day we might become one with the internet, or have teleporters, or even maybe eventually reach into the depths of space. Well, sadly it never advanced much. In 2025 we experienced a phenomenon that would eventually be called the surge. A wave of unknown energy from a dying star in a neighboring arm of the milky way. And with it, came strange events; mysterious deaths, cases of perfectly normal people losing their minds, and widespread cranial pain. So instead of technology, we began to learn more about the brain. Exploring the depths of the mind, learning exactly what makes it tick. And just like a clock, we learned that there were parts of thought that were essential to its function. Set one piece out of balance and the mechanism would explode in a jumble of springs, gears, and steel.
We developed a new form of weapon, and with it a new form of warfare. We began to weaponize speech. A famous scientist once said that he wasn't sure what World War III would be fought with and that he did know that World War IV would be fought with sticks and stones. Alas, what these two wars would be fought with would be much more sinister. A weapon that even a child could use with the right training, a weapon that would cause the death of billions.
Sadly patterns are an essential part of human nature and what would be a more human pattern than war? Initially, we thought they were simply battles for territory, but soon we realized the true goal was people. As in nature, there are some creatures who have been exposed to extreme or unique situations. Such was the case with many humans during the surge. People were discovered to be gifted, talented, special. Take your pick. People began to emerge who were more and more compatible with the weapon, more and more who were able to unleash this weapon's full potential. So, what is another abhorrent human pattern?
The desire to be above.