

## MATURE CONTENT! ## It's not some regular mafia story you will read. The plot is little different from others. Two almost lost soul will find love in each other through war, hatred, betrayal, bullying and many more while saving themselves and their close ones from enemies. On a fine morning, Charlie Zaffino, the most popular kid of his university, got interested in a weird nerd girl. A boy was bullying that nerd. But what got Charlies attention was the nerds calmness even in that bullying situation. The girl was not like random nerds who are afraid. There was something in her aura that was attracting Charlie. Of course he didn't save the girl because he himself is a bully too. " You are not what you are showing little nerdy. Now you have got my attention. I'll find what are you hiding behind that calmness," Charlie thought. " Only Undocile can save our heirs." " But why will Venom help us? We are not in aligns." " We have to beg for help to the Emperor or Venom otherwise our heirs will be killed." "Venom, I beg you. Please leave me this time. I'll obey your every word in future. Don't kill me." Venom started laughing sarcastically. Then said in a octave lower voice, " Once a betrayer is always a betrayer dear. There is no place for a betrayer in UNDOCILE." saying that she shot the man standing in front of her.

Soulmate2023 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
258 Chs

PART 219

Charlie ran to the woods and found Aurora walking slowly while looking around. There was a soft smile on her lips. Charlie went near her silently and hugged her from behind.

" Hi." Aurora said smiling.

" Hi. Why did you come alone? I was worried."

" It feels good to walk around here." Aurora mumbled.

" You should bring me too. I'm a good company you know?" Charlie said holding her tightly and nosing her neck.

Aurora moved her head to opposite giving him more space. Charlie gave few kisses on her neck.

" I'm sorry for making you worried last night." Aurora said.

Charlie turned her around and pulled closer. He stared at her deeply, " Your apology doesn't count as I know you will do the same next time too Princess."

Aurora chuckled locking her hands on his nape.

" Are you tired with my stubbornness already Mr. Zaffino?" She asked.

Charlie kissed her forehead.

" Never Princess." He said smiling.

Aurora smiled too.

" But be careful please. I don't like it when you get hurt. My heart pains." Charlie whispered.

Aurora put her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her.

" If someday you find someone who treats you better, gives you enough time, listens to you, doesn't hurt you ever, will you forget me? And go to her?" She asked murmuring.

" No matter whoever comes, no one can replace you in my heart. I'll keep loving my little Princess till the day I die." Charlie said and kissed her hair.

They kept standing there in that position for sometime.

" Do you want to stay here more or go inside Princess?" Charlie asked softly.

" Let's go inside." Aurora mumbled on his chest.

" Let me carry my Princess then. Hop on my back." Charlie said breaking the hug and went on his knees turning around so that Aurora could get on his back.

Aurora chuckled and got on his back. She lockes her hands and legs around him. Charlie held her thighs to make sure she wouldn't fall.

" You carry me so easily everytime like I don't even weight anything." Aurora said pouting.

" Eat more to make me feel your weight then. I become surprised how can you fight so well with this little weight? Even bodybuilders can't defeat you." Charlie said walking towards the mansion.

" That's a secret. Practice and skills can make anyone strong." Aurora said putting her head on his.

Every guards were shocked seeing them like that. They kept looking at them in daze. Aurora didn't say anything this time.

"But seriously Princess you should eat more. You are under weight I guess."

" I'll try to maintain." Aurora said giggling.

" I know you won't Princess. I understand you too well by now." Charlie said sighing. Aurora chuckled hearing that.

They went inside. Members working inside and maids gawked at the scene. They kept staring at them forgetting their works.

" Where are you taking me?" Aurora asked.

" To your room."

" No. I want to go to the office room. Take me there!" Aurora said stubbornly.

" Princess you need rest. Work can wait."

" I have enough rest. I have so many work pending Charlie." She said whining.

" You will overwork yourself. I won't allow that."


" Nothing more Princess. Take some rest for now. Antonia or Sofia will help you to take shower as your wounds can't get wet. You can work after lunch. We all will help you." Charlie said putting her on her bed.

He looked at her and saw her pouting. He sat in front of her patting her head.

" Don't get mad at me Princess. Please try to understand my point." He said softly staring at her.

Aurora stared back and they got lost in each other.

But their sweet moment got interrupted by Sofia and Antonia.

They came inside saw the duo gawking at each other.

" Done eating each others face through eyes?" Sofia asked.

Aurora and Charlie came out of daze and looked at them.

" Stop talking nonsense." Aurora said glaring at her.

Both of them chuckled.

" Charlie you should go and freshened up. We all are done. Me and Sofia will help her showering." Antonia said.

" Well you can help if she gives permission. After all you will be the one showering with her in future." Sofia said with a smirk.

Charlie and Aurora both choked om nothing. Aurora became red in embarrassment.

" I'll see you later Princess." saying that Charlie hurriedly went out of the room.

" You are so nasty! Look you have made them shy." Antonia said chuckling.

" Let's see where there shyness goes after they get together." Sofia said smirking.

" Shut up bitch!" Aurora exclaimed. Antonia and Sofia laughed out loudly seeing her.


It was evening when everyone was in the living room talking and helping Aurora with her work. They had a feast in the noon and again slept after lunch.

" Have you talked to Kevin?" Sofia asked Aurora. Charlie who was beside Aurora rolled his eyes.

" I have called many times but his number is not reachable." Aurora said going through a file.

" Where d

id he even go in the middle of the party?" Antonia asked.

" No idea." Aurora said shrugging. Her phone started ringing at that time.

" Venom speaking." She said.

" Venom, I'm from tech team."

" Why are you calling me when I'm inside the mansion? You can just come to me." Aurora said frowning.

" Venom, some men were walking around the mansion suspiciously. We have noticed them in the camera but they were really vague and ran away as soon as the flashlight fell on them."

" How closer were they? Were they keeping eyes or trying to come inside?"

Others were shocked too.

" They were watching Venom. Didn't try to come inside. But it looked like they know about mansion well."

" What do you mean?" Aurora asked being confused.

" Venom they knew where the cameras and flashlights are and they were in an uncommon side where naturally unknown people don't go easily."

" You have recorded them right?"

" Yes Venom."

" Send it to me."

" Sure."

Aurora cut the call.

" What happened?" Antonia asked.

" Some people were noticed around the mansion. They looked pretty suspicious." Aurora said thinking hard.

" Do you think they want to attack?" Harry asked.

" Attacking Mariano mansion is the worst mistake anyone will do. Their motive is vague." Aurora said. She opened her laptop to see the video.

They watched it carefully.

" Their faces are not clear. They were wearing masks." Lucas said. Aurora kept looking at the video without saying anything.

" They can't be spotted. They were really careful." Antonia said.

" I'm sure they were here for us." Leo said.

" Then why didn't they take any step?" Sofia asked.

" What step can they take except watching us?" Charlie said.

"But they weren't just watching. Their body movements were unusual." Antonia said.

Aurora was quiet the whole time.