

[Black Mask's POV] 

I sat in my opulent office, surrounded by the trappings of power. The Black Mask, the master of organized crime in Gotham City, and yet here I was, seething with anger and frustration. My staff members cowered before me, unable to meet my fiery gaze.

Someone was stealing my business partners right from under my nose, slowly but surely taking over the criminal underworld in Gotham. How dare they challenge my authority? How dare they encroach upon my territories without my permission? The audacity!

I slammed my fist down on the desk, the sound reverberating through the room. "Tell me! Who is responsible for this treachery? Who is the one worming their way into my empire?" My voice was laced with fury, the anger boiling inside me threatening to consume everything in its path.

Silence filled the room as my subordinates exchanged nervous glances, none of them daring to speak. They were all afraid, afraid of the consequences of crossing me. But their fear only fueled my rage further.

Certain territories had already been claimed by this enigmatic figure, someone I did not yet know. But one thing I did know was that if anyone dared to disrupt the business in those territories, they would have to face the wrath of Deathstroke. I wondered who this adversary had at their disposal. Which other dangerous mercenaries had aligned themselves with this shadowy figure?

My eyes narrowed as I plotted my next move. "We will fight for those territories," I declared, my voice dripping with determination. "Let's see if this coward dares to show themselves when we take the fight to them, when we disrupt their clandestine operations. They've chosen to operate from the shadows, but they will soon learn that I am not one to be underestimated."

I paced back and forth, the anger fueling my steps, my mind ablaze with thoughts of vengeance. I would hunt down this usurper, expose them, and make them pay for daring to challenge the Black Mask. No one steals from me and gets away with it. No one.

The room was filled with an eerie silence, broken only by my heavy breathing. My staff members dared not make a sound, the tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. They knew that I was a force to be reckoned with, a force that could bring destruction upon anyone foolish enough to cross me.

With a final glare at my quivering subordinates, I made my way to the large window overlooking the city. The night sky was my backdrop, the cityscape my canvas. And I would paint it with the blood of those who dared challenge my reign.


These days, an insatiable desire gnaws at my core, compelling me to reveal the true extent of my power to this world. While heroes delude themselves into believing they hold dominion, villains squander their time chasing after futile goals and insignificant schemes.


As the hours turn into days, I can feel my powers surging, surpassing their previous limitations. There's a part of me that yearns to dominate this universe, both as Ghost and as Ace. I hunger to seize control of the criminal underworld, keeping heroes and anyone foolish enough to stand in my way at bay.

If I focus on honing my powers even further, they will transcend the bounds of mere vectors, ascending into something extraordinary. I could manipulate reality itself, defying the laws that govern this realm. Perhaps it's because I am an anomaly in this world, but they say power has a way of driving one mad. I comprehend their words all too well. Without restraint and complete control over my thoughts, I may find myself transforming into someone akin to Thanos, conquering worlds for sport. And truth be told, maybe that isn't such a terrible idea after all.

But what am I saying? Am I genuinely contemplating the audacious notion of challenging this world, of dominating both the heroes, villains, and the criminal underbelly? Could I become the embodiment of a new sense of justice, reshaping this messed-up  DC universe?


There goes my initial intention of leading a quiet and peaceful life. I suppose with all this power, that was nothing more than a pipe dream.

For the freest person is one who can do as they please, whenever they please, without fear of the Justice League or any other heroes this world has to offer standing in their way.

Nevertheless, there must be an end to this war before revealing my power as Ace and striking fear into the hearts of those who kill for their own twisted amusement, as well as the hearts of the public.

Some may perceive me as a villain, hungry for world domination. Yet those with fortitude would view me as a harbinger of a new and improved justice, reshaping this world to the best of my abilities.

When I first awoke in this universe, my intentions were far more modest. All I desired was a quiet existence, operating in the shadows and displaying my power only when absolutely necessary. But now, an insidious urge to conquer stirs within me, as if another personality claws at the surface of my mind.

Each time I don the mask as Ace, my darker side attempts to take hold, eager to be set free.

I won't deceive myself—there's a perverse satisfaction coursing through me when I snuff out the life of someone like Sinestro or Joker in our previous encounter. I am uncertain whether it is the power I have been bestowed with that alters my perspectives and values, but I must keep that dark side under control. It yearns to unleash my full potential, and the consequences would be catastrophic for anyone unfortunate enough to stand in my way.

"Are you alright, Master Tom?" Gwen, my ever-loyal AI, inquired, sensing the depth of my contemplation.

"Rest easy, Gwen. I was merely pondering something."

"You seem troubled," she remarked.

"There's no need to worry Gwen. It's inconsequential. I simply require some time to meditate and delve deeper into my powers. Mute all calls and notifications until further notice," I commanded. I needed to meditate, to forge a profound connection with my powers, in order to comprehend their rapid growth and maintain mastery over my darker side. I made my way to my chamber, assuming a monk-like position, eyes closed, breaths measured. And so, I began.

I delved deep into my subconscious, exploring the possibilities that lay within my grasp. I held my hands a small width apart and summoned a sphere of condensed air, infusing it with electricity. This deadly combination would be unleashed upon a target, causing the sphere to explode within their body. A direct hit would shatter their internal organs, rendering them utterly helpless. The survival rate was so slim that it would be a miracle for an average human to endure such an assault.

A wry smirk tugged at the corner of my lips—effortlessly ending a life without leaving a trace. As Ace, I would require such capabilities for the delicate tasks that demanded absolute stealth. How fortunate that I possessed just the tool for that.

Moreover, I could effortlessly nullify sound around me, granting me absolute silence. By preventing sound waves from reaching me, I would become impervious to the noise of gunshots or any auditory distractions. Sound, as it traveled through the air, caused vibrational ripples before reaching our ears. But by intercepting those sound waves, I could revel in complete silence.

"What if I reversed it, Gwen? What if I nullified sound with every interaction I had?" I muttered, lost in thought. "Gwen, let me know if you hear anything," I commanded.

"As you wish, sir," she replied, ever efficient.

Expanding my field of influence, I rose from my seat and approached my desk. I struck it with force, yet there was no sound—completely muted. "Did you hear anything?" I queried, curious if the experience differed for a computer-based security system.

"No, sir. There was no discernible sound produced when you struck the desk."

"Damn, an ability assassins would kill for," I mused aloud. At this point, my limitations were bound solely by my imagination. As long as I could conceive an action that adhered to the principles of reality, my mind could calculate the appropriate vectors, granting me the desired outcome.

Then again, I could easily strip the air from someone's lungs, creating a vacuum around their head and rendering them incapable of breathing. A formidable technique indeed.

Furthermore, I needed to strengthen my mental fortitude to undertake certain acts without suffering the debilitating side effects. Thus far, I have yet to engage in a battle that truly tested my mettle.

"Gwen, have the emails from every mob family in attendance at that meeting arrived yet?"

"Yes, sir. Would you like me to read them aloud?"

"No need, Gwen. I will peruse them later. Quietly, sift through and retain those discussing firearms, drugs, illegal car racing, prostitution, and other nefarious crimes. However, delete any pertaining to human trafficking or the harvesting of organs and body parts."

"This world may be a jungle, but I refuse to associate myself with animals so blinded by greed that they sell their souls to the devil, eradicating their very humanity for the sake of lining their pockets."

"Sir, there seems to be someone at the door," Gwen informed me, her awareness surpassing the ring of the bell.

"Who is it this time? Please don't tell me it's Talia or the Bat again," I asked, raising an eyebrow. The presence of visitors felt peculiar, considering my usual solitude.

"The individual at the door is recognized as Leonard Snart, a.k.a. Captain Cold," she replied before the doorbell even chimed.

'Leo?' I thought to myself, wondering why he was here. Though I was happy he was, it felt very unusual. I walked over to the door and looked at the side screen only to see Leo looking directly at the camera and gave a subtle wave. 

"Hey Tom, been a while." The first words that left his mouth the moment I opened the door.


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