
vector control in another world ?

Daoist4Zdnz0 · Outros
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Am i really dead or somthing?( ・ั﹏・ั)

[ first thing first like any other writer says " it's my first fanfiction.hehe everyone says that, i know". 🥺(actually don't).my grammer's not good cause you know, my mother language is hindi. so bear with it. "Arigato"]

action #he is doing#

thinking {{he is thinking}}


name: so, like it?

narrating \ a place where every where is only darkness. some crap like that \

ok, let's now stop this bullshit and talk about the storyline,

first it is a fanfic of accelerator going to the world of "faraway paladin". he get transported or died who knows?. this happen when accelerator and the "hero" kamijou Touma was fighting in the railyard. you know where.

so end of the don't know what. now to the story.

# during the fight between the weakest and the strongest for saving the clone of the third strongest esper(misaka mokoto) #

Accelerator pov: when i was about kill the useless clone(well she not really useless though she is making me tthe world first level 6) suddenly i started to hear footsteps like someone just enter there breathing heavily.

Touma pov: after knowing where "he" was going to kill the clone from misaka i started running toward the location.

{{biri-biri getting killed by Accelerator to make the diagram of tree miscalculate and stoping the experiment is not the only option. there is another way and that is to show that accelerator is really weak by making him defeated by a level 0 which is me. i am going to stop this experiment cause i want a where a world where everyone has a smile on their faces}}

3rd pov: A black pointy haired boy is currently running toward a certain railyard to stop Accelerator but you can clearly see that he so tired as if even punched by a 5 years old child he will faint but still he is running. just to save person that can't be consider a person from p.o.v. of science.

Touma pov: reaching the railyard, i was breathing heavily so heavily that, not even a word could leave my mouth but when i see "he" is about kill her. i screamed automatically.

Touma: get away from her you bastard.

Accelerator pov: i felt someone coming so i stop but when i heared someone screaming# get away from her you bastard# only one word came out of my mouth.

Accelerator: huh?

{{ who the hell does he think he is coming out of mowhere disturbing me and calling me bastard?does have death wish or he doesn't know me?}}

Touma: can't you hear me you lowly thug.get the hell away from her.

Accelerator: and why do you think i will listen to you? third-string.

{{ lowly thug, he sure does not know me. then, i should show him what i am }}

#laughing maniacally inside#

Touma: cause if you don't i will make you.

#started running toward accelerator with his right hand forward as about to punch someone#

Accelerator:quite straight forward. huh?

{{what the hell is this guy thinking trying to punch me .oh i forgot he doesn't know me}}

#accelerator kick on ground slowly and making debris of small stone flying at high speed with air#

3rd pov: accelerator kick on ground making Touma fly backwards 15 meters and getting hit with the wall.

Touma pov: when i was about to land a punch on accelerator's face i saw him kicking on ground. before i knew anything i was hit with the wall 15 meters or something on my back.

Touma: ahh. it hurts.

Accelerator: that's what you get for trying to pick a fight with me.


# Accelerator laughing like a madman#

Touma{{ can i defeat him? there is only one way to know}}

# again launching himself toward accelerator with his fullspeed#

accelerator{{ is he really stupid or is he trying something new. well, now its becoming borring. let just crack some bones.}}

#still laughing#

3rd pov: a certain black pointy haired boy is running towards a white haired boy. they just some meters away from each other.

Accelerater# smiling like a manaic villian #

{{i know that a level 0 is weak but i didn't know that they are that stupid as well}}.

Touma pov: i can only see him standing there and (maybe waiting for me) but he look seriously bored. when i was only a meter away from him i pushed my punch straight on his face.

Touma: haaaaa.....

Accelerator pov: when his right was about to touch my and punching me i though how stupid he was but all those thoughts were gone when he just bypass my reflection barrier like it's just a paper and his puch straight hit my face. in many years i felt pain. and from a level 0 .

Accelerator: What the f××k! aaaahhh...

{{ wait how did he do it. no,maybe i miscalculate something.let me try again}}

Touma{{ I know that i my right hand can negate anything supernatural but i didn't know it can negate someone's a.i.m. diffusion field. Yes, i can win against him if i can cancel his power}}.

#Touma looking at his right hand with a newly found confidence#

Accelerator: hmmm. looks like i miscalculate something wrong.lets try again!

#accelerator launch himself towards with his left hand forward thinking of reversing his blood flow and making him burst like popping a balloon #

3rd pov: the white haired boy lauch himself towards touma.

Touma pov: when his right hand came close to my face i push his hand to my right and punch him. putting all my remaining strenght in it.

Accelerator pov: when i was about crush his head with my hand. i saw his right hand pushing hand to my left. i was so shocked that i didn't even saw his hand coming towards my face,

some seconds later maybe 5 or more. pain in my jaws start to erupt making me groan in pain a little.

Accelerator: what the hell is wrong with that damn hand?

#but in exchange of that question he didn't get any answers he was engrage by that response that he wanted to kill and he open his eyes but what was in front of him was something he was not familiar with#

Accelerator= huh? what the hell? what's with the amount of light used in it are they fan of lights.? or something?.

[( author-sama: yes he had no problem that he was theoretically,physically and meantally not in earth. Yeah, he just have problem with light there. hahah that's my boi!)]

Touma pov : after i punched him he flyed back 2 meters lying on ground. but it took him almost 10 second to realize.

when i was going for another hit trying not to give him any chance to get up,

suddenly, he just vanish into thin air as i just stood there thinking of possibilities.

Touma:where in the hell did he go?

\ in a certain place where (not actually) it is divided in 2 parts where one is filled with cloud,plants,flowers and is filled with \

and in other part is filled with darkness,blood,souls,monsters,mutants and

[( author-sama= you guessed where there is evil there is Accelerator the one way road.)]

Accelerator complaining about lights.\

Accelerator: what the hell is this place?

3rd pov: a voice enough to even clam down a rampaging hulk. can be heard.

stranger: you don't have to be confused.

you have now lived your life like you wanted"a villain" so here i am( raising his voice) the " all controller" to punish you for you deeds by the worst thing you would want.

Accelerator:"all controller"? huh? is this some fancy show! do you think i am stupid or something? if you you are not stupid then tell me where the fxxk am i?

or else i will crush you!

3rd p.o.v: accelerator raise his hand and point at the self proclaimed " all controller" intending to kill him with super dense air.

all the needed calculations were done but; no bloodshed was made which was supposed to happen.

accelerator p.o.v: ?? wait..? how? i am really sure i did the calculation perfectly? is the air here different?........ so that's why! the air here is made up if completely unknown gasses.

sorry, i am not very good in explaining things .


you know bear with it .


you may ask who is that "all controller " than i will say he is someone with a great ability to control everything.(ofcourse excepting god).

and that place is like a court or something to bring justice to people.(not really it is actually there for just fun of th so called " all controller".

bye bye thanks.

Daoist4Zdnz0creators' thoughts