
Hey! I Just Got a Fiance... I

"M-Master..." Lisha stuttered, looking at Alastor who was still 'passed-out' in her master's arms, the way she held him... it was as if she wasn't willing to let go any sooner.

It had been roughly half an hour now, she didn't know what to do or say, her master wasn't in a nice state of mind. She kept mumbling things to herself and overall... not quite okay.

"Hmmn?" It was after some seconds that Zaforia seemed to have caught up with Lisha's question.

"What are we going to do with him? If he managed to suck your powers-" She began, sitting beside the two of them.

"He's my hope... Lisha, no one had managed this so far... he sucked the abyss." Zaforia had a bright smile, hope and so many more feelings, it was a mysterious source of joy which brought her up to this wavelength.

But that enthusiasm wasn't being shared by Lisha, who only pursued her lips in contemplation while looking at the still passed-out Alastor.

"But he passed out, he couldn't hold more than a few drops of your blood." She retorted.

"It is a ridiculously small portion but I can feel it, I felt better... Imagine if he could suck more in the future? if he becomes strong enough to suck, I don't know... half of it? I would be able to leave this place without causing much trouble, then I'd go to the capital, Aurora..." The Empress mumbled and amidst their chatter, she got entangled in her own thoughts again until Lisha sighed and uttered something else.

"What if it harms him? it is the abyss we're talking about... I'm surprised he can even take a single drop."

What awaited was not her master's response, but instead... something that shocked her.

"... why do you sound so pessimistic?!" The Empress seemed to have lost her composure and once again Lisha's ears dropped... the demoness' eyes went from red to completely pitch black, like the abyss itself.

"Master, that's not what I mean..." Lisha felt sad, her words were just misinterpreted, she'd never desire any ill for her master.

"I'm sorry..." The demoness apologised as well, her eyes went back to normal and she kept caressing Alastor's raven hair.

There was some brief awkward silence in which Zaforia looked away, but Lisha's slightly tear-stained eyes looked at her master. The golden kitsune approached and hugged her tightly.


"Master, I love you..."

"..." Those words seemed not to cause too much impact on Zaforia von Fargas, hence, Lisha began caressing her red horns and hair, just like she always likes.

The demoness immediately went mellowy.

"I love you so much, I wouldn't ever want any harm for you. I just don't want you to have the wrong expectations, master... he might be the hope you're looking for, but this hope is still bland... he just arrived and he's weak as well..."

"Yet you have opened up to him." The Empress regarded her servant with a knowing smirk.

"T-That, he tastes good." The servant deviated her gaze this time, she wouldn't admit it.

"..." All the demoness had to do was chuckle with a gaze that said 'not even you believe that.

"Come on master! he is another summon so of curse I'm going to be open with him like I'm with Big sis, Meru and Elena... he's just a male that's all. Y-Yeah that's it... It was a new experience so I just went a little bit too far." The kitsune pouted and looked away, rubbing the backside of her ears.

But how could her master not notice that mild blush? moreover, that's exactly what the kitsune does when she's lying or insecure about something...

"If you keep acting so open and cuddly with him, you're going to give him the wrong impression... when he sees what you're really capable of... he will be shocked, Lisha."

"I-I'm not giving any wrong impression... moreover, we will see when the time comes, master... he's a monster as well, no one that's able to swallow a drop of your blood and survive can be normal."

"Did you think I was going to do something bad to him?"

"..." Lisha fidgeted.

"It's not what you're thinking, do you believe me capable of doing that to someone I just summoned, Lisha? moreover, he passed the test... he's now a member of this family and I'll never harm my family." Zaforia's words held determination and it made the fox pop up a bright smile.

"Of course not master, but... we just met him, I thought you would at least consider making him a container or something..."

"I'll make him my fiance."


Lisha's body shook and so did Alastor.

"W-Why?!" The Golden Fox gasped in disbelief, a fiance? Zaforia von Fargas and 'relationship' were two words that didn't go along very well.

"Because if he becomes strong enough in the future and manages to suck more of my abyss, he will be the only one qualified to hold this position. Moreover, I'm already more than ten thousand years old... it is about time I get married too and find a good Emperor for the Ghostly Lands~"

"Since when do you care about marriage, master?!" There was a conflagration of thoughts in Lisha's head, particularly, the reaction of the other 'calamities' regarding their master's decision, something like this she'd usually talk about with all of them at once, yet just now she decided it by herself.

Zaforia von Fargas marrying someone didn't decide only her fate and the Ghostly Lands'... it also decided 'theirs' in a way.

It told tales of how important this was for her if she didn't consult them.

"Today... so what do you think Alastor, are you up for it?~"


"Oh? are you going to pretend that you're asleep? hehe~ sure, let's see how long you can do it." Zaforia closed up her face towards his, Alastor was still snoring, but when he opened his mouth to release the next one, her tongue went in like a slippery snake!

"Hmn!~" Alastor immediately wrestled back and they both held each other tightly, joining their mouths in yet another moist dance which the Empress seemed to be shamelessly winning. Her tongue was long and slippery, even if it was his terrain, Alastor was no match.

They separated almost a minute after with Alastor actually panting for oxygen, this kiss was something good, it made him realise that he was still keeping the illusion of breathing that came along with being a human, something he was no more.

But back to the topic at hand, he cleaned his salivated mouth, stained with her taste and regarded this sexy master of his, he had come out of his inner realm not too long ago and was hearing their conversation, yet when the words 'fiance' was said, he kinda couldn't keep his composure anymore.

He somehow managed to hold it when Zaforia said she was over ten thousand years old... but with the fiance thingy, yeah that was over the top.

"..." He took the time to look at her in disbelief, fiance, isn't that too fast?!

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