
Valhalla Project

Asya awoke with a heavy weight on his chest to his straw bed next to the stables and a blond boy around his age with beautiful blue eyes and wavy with light curling hair in well-kept clothes with a fancy hide cape glaring at him Asya suddenly screamed realizing the almost giant raven on his chest. The raven startled and flew behind the blond boy Asya hopped up as the blonde boy said "What's with your skin thrall it's tanner than most Norsemen but lighter than blue men" which is something people always asked me. My mother had dark skin, a woman from across the sea who was captured as a thrall she passed when I was seven. I don't know who my father is, probably a random Norseman peasant or thrall but I always try to convince myself he's some Viking warrior. Asya replies "True I'm a half blue man but I'm more Norse than any other thrall or peasant I was born and raised in Ravensburg I follow the path of Viking the path of The All Father Odin." mother would probably turn in her grave if she heard me say that. The blond boy smirked and said "you must have a lot of guts thrall" the blonde boy suddenly grabbed my hand and started dragging me along with as the giant raven flew away he pulled me past the stables as the horses began to get riled up from the noises. He led me to the wooden path to the docks as we got to the docks you could smell the salty mist of the ocean and the newly brought in fish right next to the docks was the fish market as he dragged past it I gave a small greeting the man running it he had this shocked look for some reason but before I could find out why the blonde boy pulled me saying "No time thrall" I thought about resisting but could I do I'm a thrall I let out a sigh as he pulled to the main street that leads to the Great Hall of Ravensburg as he rushed the muddy streets of the town I could feel cold snow and mud beneath my feet also could see the mass of people with shocked faces looking at us as murmuring when throughout the crowds I was confused I wondered to who was this boy as we started nearing the gate of the great hall I pulled back a little and said "where are you taking me" the boy smiled at Asya an said "the great hall of course" the boy continued to pull Asya to the main gate where the two heavily armed guards quickly opened the gates for him and glared at Asya. Each step up the stair had Asya excited yet nervous right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left this pattern repeated in Asya's head until they reached the doors of the Great Hall Asya panicked he barely been in a house before to go from that to The Great Hall of Ravensburg the place of Odin's chosen Viking clan home of The Jarl of Ravensburg Lord Ragnvald but before he could think about running the boy opened the doors pulled Asya in he was frozen by the beauty of the hall candles lit the hall as a great swarm of Vikings at a long stretch table were feasting as the blond boy led me through the crowd of warriors they greeted the boy whose name I found out was Kare I sensed a lording over aura as I looked up to see Jarl of Ravensburg Lord Ragnvald glaring at us with commanding unique gem-like blue eyes on a balcony near the end of the table. He walked away from the balcony's edge Kare led me up the stairs to the Jarl sitting on his throne he had longish platinum blond hair that was greying he had a scar across his face and gem-like blue eyes a muscular build dressed in fancy hides and a black cloak I bowed immediately but Kare stood tall and said "I chose this thrall" the Jarl reply "Are you sure son he looks no older than thirteen"

Asya was shocked Kare was the son of the Jarl of Ravensburg.