

I transmigrated to the world of ASOIAF one night.

I went to sleep and woke up in the body of a 14-year-old vagabond boy in Lannisport. I acquired the kid's memories; his poor mother died four years ago when he was 11, of a sudden illness, and he was unaware of his father. This fact didn't surprise me, though.

When I watched the show, it gave me the impression of the Old West; here, it was a free-for-all and free style, with almost no rules. Fathers running away or forgetting about the mother and their babies was something usual here with the noble system, I guess.

I don't know; I was never so smart, but I still understand some stuff.

It's the year 292, and it's been three months since I arrived here. At least I know how to survive thanks to the kid's memories and his belongings. Nothing to be proud of, but everything was useful here.

Believe it or not, but the luck of this kid peaked days before his mother died. The kid didn't know it, but the kingdom was in a state of war. I'm quite sure it was the Greyjoy Rebellion. Of course, the kid didn't know the cause or why there were so many armored men on the streets, but I am certain it was the Greyjoy Rebellion because the word "squid" was mentioned a few times in the kid's memories. Of course, he wouldn't know what this meant, but I do.

Anyway, during those days, there was chaos. How wouldn't there be? Here, thieves, assassins, rapists, and all kinds of idiots weren't scared of being recorded by cameras that were everywhere and pursued for their crimes. Here, you could kill someone in a dark corner, and if no one saw you, you could leave the body there, and hardly anyone could blame you; there wasn't technology here. This represented a big chance for bad people, just like the golden era for them.

Now, adding all that to a kingdom in a state of war, what do we get? First, we get a lot of idiots looking for a chance; then the second thing we get is a lot of idiots lying dead on the streets, victims and victimizers alike. Oh, the tragedy...

One morning, the kid got out of his house and noticed a body on the corner. There was a small rusty dagger next to the body; I'm not sure if no one wanted it, or the kid was just lucky. Looking to see if there were any people around for a second and noticing there weren't, the kid quickly ran and picked it up before running away without problems.

That rusty dagger and the knowledge from the memories; I've been stealing food when I can and when I cannot, I just look for food in the streets.

That was enough to survive until now, but I know I cannot keep it this way. This is not a plausible way that I could use all the time.

At these three months I have been thinking about what to do. To be honest, this is not a good place to live; one can die in the next second just because, or even worse, a noble can pick you up from the street if you were good looking and only the heavens would know how that would end for you. Fortunately for me or not, I wasn't handsome. My look is just average, so I don't have to worry about the second one, but still, yeah, this sucks.

First of all, I considered I need to move to a place where no one knows me, so I can start again and try to live a peaceful life, with my own personality and all. I am not a teenager who wants to hang out with his favorite characters; nah! Screw that. Almost everybody here is a piece of shit, good people or bad people, there will always be a problem.

I am by myself here. I don't want to mess in any way with the plot. I don't give a crap who sits on the throne, who is the son of who, or who dies.

Now, how the hell do I move out of here? I mean, I understood it might be pretty risky if I move by myself since there is no GPS here, and I don't know anything about where is what in this country.

I could get lost and die of hunger or get robbed and die anyway, not counting I have not a horse and I don't even know how to ride one... yeah, that was gonna be the last option.

I'll need to find a group to travel with, perhaps a merchant caravan. I know, old times = caravans, not impressive at all, but if I move in a caravan, everything would be a lot easier for me. I know no one would hire a kid as a guard of a caravan; I'm not thinking that.

I'm thinking I can just follow a merchant caravan, and voilà, I'm safe in another place that is not Lannisport. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against Lannisport; I just want to start again, and here, even if only kids and other homeless have seen me, I don't feel comfortable knowing that if something goes bad, they can get information about me... and I want a new life.

I can always return to Lannisport some years later to do a tour in the city, when no one recognizes me anymore.

Where should i move?

After a few questions over here and over there, there were only two choices right now. I cannot go too far away being so poor and weak. Apparently, Casterly Rock is surrounded by Riverrun and The Reach, so it is decided. I'm heading to The Reach.

The Reach is the center of everything. Once there, if I want to keep a low profile and avoid any entanglements with the major players or the ongoing plot, I'll need to find a small, inconspicuous town to settle in. Somewhere off the beaten path where I can blend in and live a quiet life without drawing any attention to myself.

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