
Uzumaki Hero? DROPPED

Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Konohagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Iwagakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! Kumogakure! You people will pay for this! I will make sure to bring your village upside down! I Fukushu Uzumaki will be either die or kill all of you! Will he keep on his path getting revenge? Or his heart will get soft as he find peace. I used chat-gpt for grammar correction.

NewbieOtor · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Boring chapter

"Lord Hanzo, I have brought Magina here," the ninja said before swiftly disappearing with a body flicker.

Hanzo, the leader of Amegakure, stared at Magina, expecting him to speak first. The silence lingered for 15 minutes as Hanzo calmly sipped his coffee. Finally, he broke the silence.

"Magina, why don't you become a ninja of my village?" Hanzo asked confidently, aware that his own strength could entice anyone to join his ranks.

Magina met Hanzo's gaze but remained silent, contemplating his response. After a moment, he smiled and looked towards the roof as if lost in thought.

"Lord Hanzo, please forgive me, but my only desire is to establish an orphanage so that those who have no roof over their heads may at least find shelter," Magina replied, his words carrying a sense of determination.

Hanzo persisted in persuading Magina to become part of his village, engaging in a 30-minute exchange. "The truth is, we have already been planning to build an orphanage, and we are currently seeking someone to oversee it. Since you are willing to take on that responsibility, we will open it tomorrow, and you can start helping those in need. However, I do hope you possess the strength to protect it," Hanzo spoke, his teeth slightly clenched, a hint of lingering anger evident in his tone.

"Thank you, Lord Hanzo. Don't worry, if any danger befalls the village, I will do my best to defend it," Magina expressed his gratitude, despite sensing a tinge of lingering anger from Hanzo.

As Magina departed, Hanzo waved his hand, and an ANBU operative swiftly approached him. The Amekage issued a command, likely related to Magina's new role.

Magina made his way to the site where the orphanage was to be established, passing by children playing alone and families huddled together, unmistakable signs of the refugees' struggles. Deeply moved by their plight, Magina stopped at a nearby market to purchase food.

Using almost half of the money given to him by Baki, Magina bought an abundance of food, knowing that he would need funds to sustain the orphanage. He distributed the food to the refugees, receiving grateful and kind-hearted glances from some, while others expressed skepticism, fearing that this act of generosity would encourage dependency.

"Thank you, mister," a blue-haired child bowed, accepting the food and sharing it with her parents.

Magina smiled warmly at the child's gratitude. "Tomorrow, the orphanage that I will manage will open. I hope all of you can come, and I encourage the adults to lend their assistance in making it even better," Magina's voice reached the ears of the refugees, filling them with gratitude and hope that they would finally find respite from the incessant rain and have a place to call home.

As Magina prepared to leave, the blue-haired child followed him, taking hold of his hand. "Mister, thank you for the food. As a token of my appreciation, I want to give this to you," she said, handing him a carefully folded paper crane before running back to her parents.

Magina cherished the heartfelt gesture and proceeded to find an inn in the village to rest for the night.

As the sun rose, Magina woke up with excitement, knowing that the inauguration ceremony would take place later in the afternoon. He enjoyed a meal at the inn while taking in the sight of the unrelenting rain that had become an integral part of this village's existence.


"Today, we gather here to embark on a new journey for our village. I implore all of us to support one another during these trying times. The establishment of this orphanage is not merely about providing food and shelter to children but also about assisting adults in finding stability and integration within our community. Without further delay, allow me to introduce the individual who will oversee this orphanage, Magina," Haruka announced with a smile, presenting Magina to the crowd.

Magina took the stage and shared his plans and aspirations. He spoke about expanding the orphanage to encompass additional land, leaving the crowd thrilled and expectant. One by one, people congratulated him, and he humbly bowed in gratitude and respect.

Magina diligently organized the refugees within the orphanage, surprised by the overwhelming numbers that sought refuge under his care—236 children and 102 adults. His head began to throb as he contemplated how to secure the funds needed to sustain them.

He assigned the adults various tasks within the orphanage, to which they happily agreed, grateful for the opportunity to contribute. Magina then stepped outside, his mind consumed by thoughts of how to acquire the necessary funds.

Lost in thought, Magina walked until he found himself standing in front of the Hanzo's office. Realizing why he had instinctively come here, he sighed and entered the room. The guard, already aware of his arrival, beckoned him inside.

Magina shook his head, acknowledging that Hanzo was already aware of his predicament. As he entered the room, Hanzo's voice immediately reached his ears. "You see, this is precisely why we cannot accommodate every migrant in our village. The influx of people is overwhelming."

"I was hoping the Lord could assign me bounty hunting missions or any other tasks that would allow me to earn money to support the orphanage," Magina said, his teeth gritted, feeling frustrated that Fukushu's poverty had led to this situation.

"Very well. There is a missing-nin who has been causing trouble in our village. I hope you can eliminate that headache for us," Hanzo replied bluntly, fully aware that someone like Magina, unaffiliated and relatively unknown, could move freely without arousing suspicion from the missing-nin.

Magina agreed to the task, his mind already racing with plans to return and prepare the people at the orphanage.

#Sorry for this boring chapters, but they are needed for the story.#