
Prologue: Girlfriend Wang Wei Was Assaulted!

City X is situated on the southeastern coast, built by the sea and surrounded by mountains. It is a historic mountain city. In the southern suburbs of the city, there is an upward road built along the edge of a cliff, leading to the most luxurious villa area of City X.

This villa area, with its unbeatable sea views and tranquil environment, is home to the wealthiest and most powerful locals. Government ministries and agencies also have dormitory buildings here. Although the mountain road is winding and twisting, it is wide and smooth, fitting for a place inhabited by such important figures.

2 am.

At this moment, a red Ford Fiesta hatchback speeds along the winding mountain road. The car is heading away from the villa area, down the mountain. Despite the smoothness of the road and the bright streetlights on both sides, driving so fast on such a winding path is extremely dangerous.

As the camera zooms in, it reveals that the driver of the red Ford Fiesta is a young woman, dressed formally. Her round, beautiful breasts are tightly wrapped in a semi-transparent fruit-colored shirt, vaguely revealing a black bra and deep cleavage. Her long, slender legs, along with her round hips, are tightly encased in a short red chiffon skirt, accentuating her curvaceous figure. She is wearing black ultra-thin transparent stockings and fashionable leopard print high heels with ten-centimeter heels, lifting her delicate white heels high. Her smooth, white, well-proportioned, and slender thighs are eye-catching as they expertly maneuver the gas, clutch, and brake pedals.

Zooming in further, one can see that this beautiful young woman has a mature and elegant aura. Her name is Wang Wei, an accountant at a Fortune 500 company, aged around 23 or 24. After meticulously applying makeup, her cheeks are a rosy blush, her lips are fiery red, and her chestnut-colored wavy hair falls to her shoulders. Her face is fair with a rosy hue. Her large, watery eyes have long eyelashes, her nose is high, her teeth are white, and her bright red lips are extremely sexy. Looking further down, her high, firm breasts resemble small mountains, and her athletic long legs and round buttocks highlight her slender waist, making her a stunning beauty.

However, there is something strange. Her expression is extremely sad and resentful, her lips tightly pursed, as if she has suffered a great grievance and humiliation.

At this moment, a pair of black stockings crumpled into a ball can be seen on the passenger seat. They seem to have been violently torn, with spots of a thick, mucus-like substance on them, emitting a strong ammonia-like smell.

Zooming in again, it is clear that she is not wearing underwear under her light, airy chiffon skirt. Her pubic hair is faintly visible, and although she is trying to tightly press her thighs together, the mixed fluids of her own transparent discharge and external murky ammonia-like substance are seeping out, dripping onto the seat and staining her white buttocks.

She disgustedly shifts her buttocks, one hand gripping the steering wheel, and the other quickly grabs the black stockings she had just taken off. She balls them up and desperately wipes herself, then rolls down the window and throws the now filthy black stockings out of the car.

Too dirty! Tears start to roll down her face, like a string of pearls, leaving streaks on her delicate makeup.

She never imagined that tonight, when she delivered financial reports to President He, she would be raped by him!

The violent intrusion without proper lubrication was excruciating, especially since it was done from behind. President He, after lifting her skirt and tearing off her black transparent stockings, sneered shamelessly at her beige boxer briefs: "Accountant Wang, I didn't expect someone as flirtatious as you on the outside to be so traditional on the inside, wearing such ugly underwear. I'll take them off and throw them away for you. I'll buy you some lace ones, from Victoria's Secret!"

With that, he tore them off and threw them out of the balcony with an unbeatable sea view. Her beige boxer briefs floated weakly down the cliff.

President He spread her kneeling legs apart, roughly parted her pubic hair, exposing her tender lips, and grabbed her waist as he entered.

"Aah...ah!" She nearly collapsed from the angle of the intrusion.

President kept thrusting his hips forward, and with each thrust, she let out a cry of pain.

"You're so tight, it doesn't match your age at all, like a little girl," he sneered.

The deep humiliation and physical pain made her death wish, but he was a high-ranking president, and she, a weak woman, had no strength to push away his violent thrusts. She could only bite her teeth and endure.

Her waterfall-like long hair hung down, completely covering her exquisite face, revealing her white jade neck, making her appear particularly fragile. Her disheveled hair strands trembled with each thrust.

After hundreds of thrusts from his fat belly and that thing, President He finally stopped his beastly act, leaving his essence inside her frail body.

The ejaculation was so overwhelming that she almost wailed and trembled violently. She could no longer hold back and burst into tears, collapsing there. A stream of liquid flowed from her body, slowly trickling down her thighs, cool and slippery.

The black monster still stood erect, as if unsatisfied.

After a long while, President He regained a serious expression, concernedly saying to her, "The recent financial report data is very satisfactory. Your performance is also good. I will propose to the board to promote you to financial director soon, with an annual salary of millions!"

His shameless face made her want to vomit. She thought about calling the police, but if such a thing got out, how could she continue to work at this Fortune 500 company? What would others think of her?

Under President He's tyranny, most would label her as a seductress, a broken shoe. A woman's reputation is very important and can affect her entire life.

She thought of her beloved boyfriend. If he knew she had been raped by President He, how would he react?

Facing such a situation, her mind was in chaos. Crying to her boyfriend might be too much for him to handle, and reporting to the police would ruin her reputation! She didn't know what to do!

Although this vile-faced man began to make promises, it was clear he was experienced in such matters, rarely failing to sway people with his promises. But she didn't want to listen, finding his words utterly disgusting!

Without expression, she pulled down her skirt, adjusted her bra that had been pushed up, straightened her torn black stockings, and coldly said, "President He, I'm leaving now..."

Seeing her indifferent expression during his promises, President He felt uneasy, wondering if she would report him.

But her polite farewell reassured him. "This beauty, like most women, cares about her reputation. She won't cause any trouble," he thought.

President nodded and asked with concern, "The road is steep, drive carefully!" After a pause, he added, "Don't worry, what you lost today will be rewarded doubly! Keep in touch!"

Before he finished speaking, she quickly ran out of his villa, started her car, and urgently wanted to escape this hellhole.

This car was a gift from her beloved boyfriend, bought after she got her driver's license, as a first anniversary present. He still rode an electric bike to work every day!

It was late at night, with few cars on the road. Her anger and grievance made her speed up, the open car window letting in the cold wind that messed up her hair, the strands painfully hitting her smooth forehead.

One hand on the steering wheel, eyes on the road, she grabbed her phone from the dashboard with the other hand, unlocked it, opened WeChat, and found that person's profile. She deleted him—"Wolf Among Flowers"—President He's username.

Disgusting! How many good women had been shamelessly played by him, yet he acted so righteous!

After deleting him from WeChat, she put her phone back on the dashboard and continued driving down the mountain.

She just wanted to go home and take a shower, to wash away the strong, foul smell of bodily fluids and the lingering humiliation!

"Honk! Honk! Honk honk honk!" The sharp, piercing horn startled her from her daze!

The bright white lights pierced her eyes as a car came directly at her!

"Ah!" She screamed in shock, jerking the steering wheel to one side. Although she avoided the oncoming car, her red Ford Fiesta hatchback crashed violently into the mountain road guardrail!

The huge impact from the crash threw her body out of the car window. Her exquisite face was shattered by the glass, her phone was thrown violently out as well! Below the guardrail was a sheer cliff!

Unconscious from the crash, she fell like a butterfly, her limbs spread out as she plummeted rapidly down the cliff. Her red chiffon skirt and chestnut waves scattered beautifully, her vagina exposed without care, and her pubic hair fully visible, creating a bizarre yet captivating scene.

"Boom!" Her body crashed heavily onto the hard rocks below, blood and limbs splattering everywhere. Was there any life left in her?

Li Jin, the main character of this story, a naturally gifted young man, had his beloved girlfriend Wang Wei raped by the president. How will he embark on his frenzied and twisted path of revenge?

Dear readers, please be patient as I start from Li Jin's youth...

This book promises to be thrilling...

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