
Urban Lord VS fantasy world

a young man suffers a heart attack while closing his shop he thought it was his end only to find himself in another world between shock and fear he slowly start exploring and interacting with the new world

Noble_Devil · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

the beginning is always slow

Aslan was confused according to his knowledge with his father power and experience he could advanced the land rank after years after foundation even if he was dumb as a mule he could at least reach the iron beginning level but instead the village looks like it is a normal land with no Sigil even the special buildings aren't functioning

this is a mystery even his predecessor have no clue about Aslan stopped thinking about it

he went outside to see the village with his own eyes

while strolling around the village he came across many friendly villagers but he noticed that they live immediately after grating him none of them tried to make small talks with him the don't even wait for him to reply before leaving or focussing back on their chores and works

a lot of them where shocked when he actually returned their greeting in a formal manner some even drop tears of happiness

the change of Aslan character and the slight improvement made the villagers happy although Aslan was never actively interacting with them after his mother death he was still their humble young lord he used to help and try and be useful he played and treated their kids as his friends without being influenced by his status

Aslan kept strolling around eventually he reached the training grounds where the young kids start learning the basic martial defense arts the one who usually teaching is his father Robert but today it was John his uncle because the latter was busy with his village chief duty

John is Robert younger brother of Robert he is the captain of the guards he usually patrols the village, fields and the nearby forest to insure the safety of the village

John , Robert where the only survivors from the Volonternell family

John is very respectful to Robert because he was very young when they lost their home if not for Robert he couldn't even escape

the Volonternell family a noble martial arts family in a deferent kingdom the Volonternell family have high level Martial arts héritage but John and Robert separated from their family before coming to age when the Volonternell family starts passing down their martial arts

lucky for them the foundation training Robert received allowed them to be strong enough to defend themselves later they earned martial manuals provided by the kingdom in the army

Aslan is familiar with this scene he also had to take the training since he was 5 but stopped going when he was 10 nevertheless he still completed the foundation buildings training and is considered a beginner who can start learning martial arts to become a martial artist but he lost passion and interest Robert was disappointed he thought Aslan could be there hope in reviving their family but now he Has no choice but to try and teach another heir but Matilda only give birth to two girls and John also have one kid named Liam although he is very intelligent he didn't show any exceptional talent only average potential in martial arts unlike Aslan

John and the students quickly noticed Aslan aproching all of them were shocked but his uncle was first to recover

" hello Aslan it's nice to see you out of your room what brings you here are you ready to hold a sword again " John asked he was very surprised to see Aslan under the sun again

"greetings uncle it's good to see you too today i am looking for father to see if he have an assignment for me but maybe I would joining in your training "

John was surprised he didn't expect Aslan to actually be interested in training again

" Robert went to deal with some business with the merchant in the meetings hall but if you want some assignments how about helping us in the guards post "

"i am flattered for the offer but unfortunately it's been a long time since I touched a sword i am not confident in my skills I don't want to embarrass myself i will have to stick to labor tasks for now "

" i see. .. i understand than see your father the meeting must be coming to end soon but before you leave remember that you aren't alone we all stand with yo Aslan if you ever decide to restart your journey in martial arts feel free to find me anytime "

"thank you uncle i will be taking my leave now"

Aslan left the training grounds and soon reached the town hall where a bunch of strangers came out and soon his father and some village seniors followed behind them

but from their expressions the first group had more satisfied deal

even his father had a annoyed look in his face but quickly changed when he spotted his son

" Aslan my boy your finally came to save your old man and take some weight of my shoulder"

said Robert before scooping Aslan in a bear hug the fat chubby Aslan is taller than most of kids most people won't be able to make both their hands go around him but Robert picked him of the ground with extreme ease as if he was weightless

" yes Father aunty Matilda asked me to come and find you for some assignments"

"hmm I think we need someone to keep order and guard the village well the people have no choice but to stand in line in order to get the water I need you to be there and stop any trouble makers and help elderly pull water from the deep well"

Aslan remembers the old well it existed way before the village it used to be a water source for travelers but getting water from the well is very inefficient due to the dept it requires a lot of effort to extract a small amount usually the villagers aren't depending on the well but the streams of water and the nearby lake become a hot spot for demonic beast it become impossible to get water anywhere else