

"Young Queen Demon Fighter! Young Queen Demon Fighter!! Young Queen Demon Fighter!!!" Zhang Min started hearing the strange man's voice again and from her sleep. It was like dream but the same way it was like reality, Zhang Min was turning around on the bed and sweating seriously because the voice was affecting her.

"Young Queen Demon Fighter! Why are you not replying me or do think I am just calling you!" Zhang Min's eye opened from the sleep and closed back.

"Young Queen Demon Fighter! Young Queen Demon Fighter!! I am here to lead you through on the mission you are planning for and how to go with it!"

"Who are you?" She asked loudly from the sleep but also saying it out that if someone was in the room with her could hear what she was saying or asking.

"I am immortal sorcerer! And I have wanted to talk to you all this while. Your destiny has named you as the Young Queen Demon Fighter! Whom could take over if any one of the two Kings of the Demon fighter dead or join them to carry out any Mission or join them in Demon war or any war!" The strange voice said.

"Who are the King of the Demon fighter?" Asked with low and talking out from the sleep. Was laying down flat on the bed and used a pillow to support her head.

"King or Queen are those that this Kingdom rest on their shoulders and they are born to protect the Kingdom and the people of the Kingdom. So this kingdom depends on you as their young Queen and need you to safe and protect them more as the Queen!"

"Okay!" Said with low voice. Zhang Min didn't open her eye or changed her position just talking from the sleep.

"One of the Dragon egg is still on harsh and if the second King of the Demon fighter doesn't harsh it on time, that mean it's you that could do that. Because if the egg later harsh by itself, it can betray you or him or not obey you or him at all!"

"Who are the King of the Demon fighter?"

"Zhang Min! Zhang Min!! Are you Okay? And hope you should have wake up by now!" Zhang Min heard her father's voice from far distance and the strange voice disappeared and she didn't hear him again.

"Zhang Min! Zhang Min!!" She opened her eye and looking around the room.

"Good morning my daughter!" The man said.

"Good morning Father!" Zhang Min said with low voice, stood up from the bed and sat down.

"I make your tea again! Will you have a zip now and drink the rest later!" He took the tea on the floor.

"Okay Father!" She collected the tea from him. "I heard the man's voice again and this time I was able to reply him and told me some things!" Stopped talking and drank the tea. The man didn't say anything just feeling Zhang Min's temperature.

"He told me about the two Kings of the Demon fighters and about the second Dragon's egg that it has not been harsh and it will better that i or the King harsh it on time before it harsh by itself! I still haven't get what he said right!"

"Just calm down and relax yourself. If he want you to know more, he will surely tell you! Okay!"

"Father! Who are the two kings of the Demon fighter? Are they siblings or friends? Tell me their history" She asked with low voice and looking at her father.

"I don't know them! Or their history, my daughter. Just know that this Kingdom rest on your shoulder and their young Queen!" Said with low voice.

"Rest on my shoulders! That was what the man said as well, I don't get something. How can I see them?" The man looked at her and said.

"Maybe when it's time you can know them or how to get them. Just stand up now, go and take your bath so that you could eat and go to market" He stood up on the floor and looking at him.

"Okay Father!" She got down from the bed with a short gown and with the tea cup in her hand.

"I will leave the room now. Be fast and meet me in the living room, breakfast could have ready by then!" Said with low voice and leaving the bedroom.

"Okay Father!" The man left. She put the tea cup on the table and entered into the bathroom.

She took a water from a bucket and using it to wash her face, she put the bowl back inside the bucket and used a towel to wrap her face. She took a toothbrush from a weave basket and started brushing her tooth.

The man got down to the backyard of the house, took a bowl with a water inside it from a big bowl that they put at corner and leaving the place. He entered a corner in the kitchen at where he was cooking and sat down on a chair there.

He put the bowl on the floor at the front of him, brought out a necklace from his pocket and which was Dragon's necklace and put it inside the water. Looking at it and a man showed up.

He was the Immortal sorcerer that always uses to lead the King or the Queen of the Demon fighters or tell them what they must know. He was young with face and it was because he was an Immortal.

He had been in existence for five thousand years and it was since there he had been as mentor.

"Why did you interrupt our conversations by waking her up from the sleep?" The sorcerer said with loud voice. The man looked at him for few seconds.

"It's too early Immortal sorcerer for her to know!" Said with low voice and with unhappy look. He was the one that intentionally woke Zhang Min up.

"Li Jun! Why are you hiding your identity from her, if you are hiding it from other not suppose to be from her. She is your daughter, you suppose to open up for her. And also it's not you that suppose to be leading her own on how to kill her own biological father, you suppose to confuse her not that it's you that will be as the backbone for her!"

"I will have to support my daughter on anything that she want to do. And my own lady, the lady that I love so much can't died and REVENGE won't be take on her death. So don't tell me that!"

"Have you forgotten that her father, is your elder brother and the only person you have left---"

"He is not my brother! Don't ever say that again!" Said with loud voice and with anger.

"Li Jun! Why don't you please calm down and stop all this that you are doing!" The man said. Li Jun kept silent for few seconds.

"Just don't tell Zhang Min about me! Nothing concern her about the King of the Demon fighters for now!" He said and took the necklace from the water and the man vanished.

"Father! Father!! Hope no problem?" Zhang Min said as she got to the kitchen side.

"You are done my daughter! Nothing at all!" He quickly hid the necklace inside his pocket and didn't allow Zhang Min to see it.

"I have checked everywhere but I didn't see you there, and I am hearing your voice like you are talking. Are you talking to someone Father?" Zhang Min asked suspiciously.

"I am not talking to anyone! Who did I want to be talking to here not that I have a customer!" He lied to her and trying to hind his anger.

"I think so! Hope you are Okay father!"

"I am good!" He smiled at her. "Go and help me to open the shop and by then food will have ready!"

"Okay Father!" Zhang Min said with smile and leaving the place. Li Jun was looking at her going and with unconditional love.

"Always suspicious like her Mother!" He said with smile and entered into the kitchen.


Dong Mei turned to her right hand side on the bed and raised up from the bed. Her body had strong and she had felt fine very well.

"This medicine that Zhang Min gave me really work. Wow! I am good now!" She said and got down from the bed, stretching her hands.

She went to the toilet, wearing a white short gown and with her hair scartted. She washed her face with water, dry it with a towel and left the bathroom going outside to get a hot water to take her bath.

Other in that Mansion had woke up and some where outside when some where inside doing different things that they liked.

Lee Yangyie was still in that mansion, he slept there overnight and it was because he wanted to see Dong Mei. He love her so much and he couldn't able to hind it anymore always care for her.

Dong Mei got down from their own apartment, just getting to entrance when Lee Yangyie got there. He had been standing at the visitor's entrance apartment since waiting for her to come out.

"Good morning Dong Mei! How are you now?" Dong Mei looked at him and shook her head.

"I have been here since yesterday night and wanted to see you because I heard that you are not feeling fine, but as I got here I was not allowed to enter your apartment or to see you at all. I tried yesterday night but I am not so that is why I logged here so that I could see you this morning!"

"Okay! I am good now, thank you!" Said with low voice and looking at each other.

"Hope you are okay now? How are you feeling now!" Showing serious feelings.

"I am fine now! Can't you see!" Said loudly.

"I just don't know! I have never have this kind of feeling for any lady before just don't know how come as I set my eye on you. Since yesterday i was just thinking about you that how are you feeling! How is the sickness? Hope it doesn't much? That are what I am thinking and that is why I stayed by!" Starring at her. Chang ying was coming from the backyard and with hibiscus flowers inside a flat basket.

"So he stayed overnight because of her!" Talked with jealous and looking at them.

"Thank you for the care. I have to go now!" Dong Mei turned back and wanted to leave.

"Waiting Dong Mei!" He held her hand, and as he held her hand Dong Mei wanted to fall and he had to grab her quickly on her waist.

Two of them were looking at each other for few seconds and Dong Mei quickly composed herself and stand fit on the floor.

"I am so sorry! Are you Okay!" Lee Yangyie asked

"I am fine thank you!" Looking at another direction as Lee Yangyie was starring at her

"Lee Yangyie! Lee Yangyie!! Master has been looking for you and asking of you" the fat boy said and whom was Lee Yangyie's friend as he got to where they were with the tall guy.

"Why don't you come back to school last night, Master had know that you are not around and he has been looking for you!" The tall guy said.

"I have to go now Dong Mei. Good bye!" The fat guy dragged him, as they saw that he didn't want to leave Dong Mei and dragging him out from the Night mansion and talking to him.

"Ah! Stay there!" Chang ying walked closed to Dong Mei as Lee Yangyie and his friends had gone.

"You think you are beautiful than me or smart! Hell NO. Look the First chief's son is mine not yours at all, thinking that he like you right!" Chang ying said.

"What is your problem! That is not him going, then go and meet him!" Wanted to be going.

"I will have him to myself and you will see! You this witch and boyfriend snatcher!" Dong Mei laughed.

"Then what are you waiting for. I don't like him anyways!" Looked at her with bad looks, passed beside her and going to the kitchen.

"Am I not beautiful than her? Why did Lee Yangyie choosed her over me. No! It's me you must choose because I love you like mad!" Said with loud voice, feeling jealous and going inside.