
UNWANTED CHAPTER 1 "The problem"

"Get out of my house , you this stupid girl". That was the voice of my auntie. oh! my! gosh! "I am done for, this is the biggest mistake of my life"

That's how have been living my life for over 10 years now. oh sorry! I forgot to introduce myself. Anyways, am bella, am 16 years old, I was six when I was brought here. I did not know anyone. Even the people am living with.. funny right?

That was when I started living my miserable life. "go away, you this worthless girl, I fed you, clothed you, and you still don't appreciate my doings . Is this how you are going to repay me? Just get lost!" she said as she was throwing my belongings out and shuts the door "aunty please open the door " I cried from outside"If you dare call me your auntie again! I will kill you before my husband arrives" she yelled from I inside, fuming with anger.

I tried so hard to reach the neighbors for help, but it seems no one cares. They called me names, such as Ungrateful, Untrustworthy girl. with a nonchalant attitude .

I ignored them and try to find my way out. "Diego! yes ! Diego! he's from a rich family, he might try to help me" I stood up happily from where I was sitting by the corner after trekking a long distance, but then I broke down again."Diego is a very arrogant and rude guy" he might deny me and I don't even know where he lives .

'He can't take care of two people? ' I thought, I will just be a burden to his head. but still I will try my luck, he might consider my condition and I'll also try to get his address from one of our neighbours daughter whom we do go to school together.

Shatel's POV

"Take this, that's the address of the cute guy" I said handling it to her and she took it happily and later asked "why did you call him cute?" I looked at her with disgust... "is he not cute?" I asked irritated, she nodded and ignored me.

' I can't wait to have him to myself" I said and walked out on her. You guys are wondering who I am right? My name is Shantel Jackson and am 17 years old , I and Bella attend the same school. Well, she can't go back to school now because of her current condition. 'her problem' I thought and rolled my eyes.

Bella's POV

"oh my goodness! Are you blind?" I yelled to the driver as he splashed water on me, he shouted at me and came down from his car at the same time"can't you concentrate on where you are going? you bitch!" he spouted and I landed a heavy slap on his face "never in your life call me a bitch. Do I look like one?"

Ryan's POV

I came down to see what was going on, I saw my driver and a girl arguing. 'wow!!! she's so beautiful. I imagined her in my arms already!' I thought. But what is she doing roaming about In this big city of America? "hi" I greeted her as I approached her, but she didn't reply, she hisses instead. "My name is Ryan Fox, am 19 years old, have just been transferred to America on behalf of my dad's business so I could handle it ".

Bella's POV

I looked at him in disgust and said " so much with the hyping. like I care? Anyways, am done with this discussion. Tch .... rich people" "And you!!!" I half yelled as I turned to the driver giving him a death look on my face , I felt a hand grabbing me back. Damn it! 'what does he want?' I thought.

"I said am not interested in listening to your hypings... so arrogant!" I said to him " I was just introducing myself and you're behaving as if am nothing?" he replied. I hissed and said"can you let go off me?" I said with a daring look "wait a sec" he added and entered his car, he brought out a card stretched is out "take this, that's my business card, contains my address and my mobile number " he said and entered his car telling his driver to zoom off. " do you really think am a bitch?! " I shouted at their car. I don't really need this business card, but I think I'd keep it for future reference.

I checked my purse for money but I only have a dollar, anyways it will still take me to Diego's place.

"you really have to let me in " I pleaded Diego's gatekeeper" my boss isn't in any position to answer you right now ma'am "please, pity my condition. Am in pain!" I added and he looked at me piteously and opened the gate a little bit more wider than before to let me in. "Sit here, I'll tell the boss about you" he said and I nodded as I want to sit. His compound is so beautiful, I was carried away by the beauty of the compound flowers, the cool breeze that blowed within me.

Diego's POV

"let her in" I said to Frank (the gate keeper) Am Diego woodpecker, am 18 years old, and somehow rude I guess. Well, I don't care ." Diego am here" I heard a familiar vioce 'what's she doing here?' I thought to myself "I wonder what she's up to, " I have come to ask for space in your house, am stranded " she continued "just tell me the reason you are here" I said coldly but instead of talking she fell unconscious right in front of me! I was shocked! 'did I what I said made her unconscious?' I thought to myself "bella please wake up! wake up!" Don't worry you can stay! just wake up please! I was sweating profusely

Bella's POV

I woke up just to find myself in a very beautiful room, on a king size bed!!! I was still in awe when I hear a voice "hope you are fine now?" Diego asked form the corner of the room where he was standing, I gulped hard 'has he been watching me sleep?' I thought " yes, I am" I said simply.

"How did you do it that you are carrying a baby in your womb?" he asked coldly with a blank expression. 'how did he find out am pregnant?!"

I thought........

To be continued.