
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

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90 Chs

Chapter 90: Catching his breath

Back at present, Woodville Homes.

There was a still moment of silence across the lustrous red oak flight of stairs separating the two-floored residence. Laurice, who remained motionless at the topmost staircase since for God knows how long, was mindlessly clutching the railing to one side and could vaguely hear anything else besides her heart pounding heavily against her chest, almost as if being totally oblivious around her surroundings.

Really though, her thoughts were indeed somewhere else. Somewhere far away, across the vast meadow in a remote estate. Sharing all those given space with that dark-haired bachelor while horses are freely galloping around them. Her gaze clearly matches with his as they both stride along the grassland, hand in hand. The mood was set so perfectly then like nothing could possibly go wrong, that everything just feels blissful. More than enough to fill her heart that's already brimming with joy and contentment.

Ah. Such vivid daydreaming Laurice built herself unknowingly instead.

But there was really no need for her to escape reality, for the man standing tall before her, in the flesh was all the more charming, and very promising too, more than she could ever hope for and whose affection ... she had truly been craving for.


Amidst all these however, she seemed to be forgetting something, the previous thoughts she buried along her memories, had she abandoned them already? Her promises to herself, her absolute resolve. Was her tenacity completely compromised with the concurrence of all these not so few characters's fate interlocking with hers? More importantly, was she even prepared with what's coming her way? The changes that's about to happen, can she really deal with them?

A new chapter is about to unfold in Laurice's life without her even realizing.


Beguiled by the warm morning, as Laurice fell into deep daydreaming, the man towering in front of her begun inching closer while catching his own breath stealthily from much anticipation. Slowly, he regained composure and was now gradually leaning towards her without even shifting his gaze away from her, not even for a damned second.

"Earth to Laurice." He whispered, trying to get some response from her.

But Laurice did not budge at all as if she didn't hear a thing making the man chuckle in amusement.

For a moment there, Sid found himself drifted into a vision.

A day waking up next to her in their own bed, or even a day such as today wouldn't be too bad, he thought to himself. With just her presence alone, he knew without a doubt that he'd be completely satisfied.

Laurice Ledesma Azul was the first woman he ever sets eyes on. The very same woman taking possession of such alluring face that has been completely embedded in his thoughts and dreams, probably the only face he can never forget in his lifetime, too. How she even manages to look this beautiful upon waking up so early in the morning was an utter surprise and mystery to him or was he just being generous with his praises? But there's no more questioning really, she's a natural beauty and she was his.


Just when their faces aligned, Sid halted and sighed helplessly at the sight of the defenseless woman.

Laurice looked rather innocent and delicate even while wearing her pajamas that it was distracting him. Mentally torturing him at some degree. Unable to resist the urge to hold the woman in his palm, Sid crossed their distance in a heartbeat, and without warning, planted a soft kiss on the woman's temple.

It made no sound.

The kiss was gentle and an enduring one at that.

Sid's adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed the lump in his throat. His heart has already went into frenzy with just a single kiss that he felt pathetic almost. There was no need mentioning that if not for that child Laurice was carrying, he would have acted rashly and boldly instead by dragging the woman by the waist and kept her back inside the bedroom. Perhaps a round of pure ecstasy with her, too, closedoors.


'Out with it, Sid!' Mentally scolding himself for his naughty thoughts and intentions, he forced a breath and tried to calm the tensions building up inside of him. He stared back at the surprised woman before him, still with clothes-on. pretty much to his dismay, and held back his desires.

There's now a faint but nervous smile reflected upon his gaze as he notices that Laurice's senses finally resurfaces back.

Blinking in a daze as she's basically still in a half-asleep state but seemed to have noticed something strange, Laurice frowned slightly afterwards, but the moment she realizes her situation, her eyes finally lit by heaps fold.

Laurice: " ...!!! "

The sensation of the man's lips gradually spreads across her forehead making her entire face flushed in delight and what's this ... embarrassment?

It was such a feast in Sid's eyes to recognize every bit of emotion flashing across Laurice's face.

In a deep, low voice he finally greeted her, "Good morning."

Amusement still apparent in his tone.

Laurice just stood there unmoving, her eyes shifted it's direction away from the man who was making her blush missing the glint that flashes across the man's deep gaze.

"You were late last night, came back together with a man and slept like a log without remembering to call me back, and now not even a good morning from you too? My Love, aren't you being too much?" Adding a deliberate annoyance in his tone, Sid reprimanded the woman he loved so dearly that he could not helped but teased her a bit.

Laurice was still gushing over the kiss that her lips almost broke into a smile but felt the chill that came from his voice when he suddenly spoke. Sid's words brought chaos in her mind that she nearly panicked.

Laurice: " !!! ... i-i ... "

Stuttering while trying to confess, Laurice frowned in sorrow and cowered in fear and anxiety upon meeting the man's gaze back. Last night's encounter came as a blurr but she did recalled the important details .She even swore to herself that nothing that could disappoint Sid happened. The man from yesterday was only a cousin and she even got into trouble because of that same cousin, that's why she went home late. She's innocent of both crimes but guilty of one. Fine, she did not call him back last night alright but that's all because she wasn't feeling well that her body gave away it's strength the moment she reached her own place. Will that count as an excuse? She has to explain herself somehow but Sid was taunting her.

Wait one second, Sid implied that he seemed to have met with her cousin last night, what could have happened then? Her curiosity turned into worry in an instant. However, she did not want to ponder on insignificant things anymore, She's still pretty much exhausted and almost sleep-deprived. Frustration now completely replaces her expression, and Sid noticed that. His own expression softened a tad bit not wanting to give the woman a difficult time.

Sighing helplessly in surrender, he stretched out a hand towards her, gently stroking the side of her face, while her still flushed cheeks that felt so warm against his fingers, he muttered in a low and sweet voice this time, "Don't take it to heart, Laurice. I am not mad at you, Alright?"

Not mad, he said.

Laurice brightened up slightly and curiously asked, "Really?"

"Really." He asserted reassuring his woman who worries too much..

A smile finally appeared on Laurice's face afterwards. She felt Sid's sincerity that she begun relaxing in his presence again. Thinking that they can save the rest of the conversation for later, she did not want to elaborate yet after apologizing to him and saying, "I had a rough night yesterday. Im sorry for not being able to call you right back. I didn't mean to. Really, i'm sorry. You must have been so worried."

Sid nodded in response. He could only agree to that.

Ofcourse he got extremely worried but it stretched far beyond that. He was literally at his wits end yesterday. Little Louie ranted all night, his secretary calling him nonstop about his schedules already piling up clearly cutting short his vacation, and Laurice not disclosing anything about her family encounter was making him upset somehow however unexpectedly what's worse was that, he met yet another man who's overly protective of Laurice. And it so seems that nothing he say could placate 'that' particular man's anger and suspicion towards him.

What the h*ll was that one's problem anyway, Sid wondered, as if that cousin of hers has the rights to restrict Laurice from being with him and vice versa. He wasn't even his father for goodness sake! What an annoying person, Sid thought. From yesterday on, he considered Eduard Bunker Ledesma his sworn enemy. Apparently, he needed to watch his back while wooing his woman. He can't be caught of guard by that man's threats, he definitely will not lose to him. Not especially to him.