
Until i fall inlove again

UNTIL I FALL INLOVE AGAIN Romance, Comedy, Drama, Modern (Graphic Warning: With Mature Content) SYNOPSIS: Laurice Ledesma Azul Had an artistic temperament. A shrewd femme d'affaires. With a sheltered past. A broken home. Thwarted passion. She possessed an unrivalved beauty that is envied by women and coveted by men. An exquisite woman of her youth with a vulnerable character. ... With her sanity on the line, will Laurice eventually succumb to the temptation of the gorgeous stranger with a son playing as his wingman? Sid Walsh was relentless. Another Walsh however came in play. Laurice's interest is perked up. Will there be rivalry between brothers? An old flame returned as well. It was the most disturbing one. But if an ex-boyfriend's appearance wasn't chaotic enough, a tenacious fiance revealed himself claiming his rights as the future husband! The battle among lovers is on! Laurice was somehow caught in between. But she still had a missing person to find and a career to foster. Will she ever find the courage to be free from all control, abandon herself to her desires without reserve and trust wherever fate leads her to be? ... 20th of March, Year 20XX At that serendipitous moment, Laurice was certain she saw something in his cognac eyes - something akin to love. ... Extra Scene: "I like you." The man was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the words. It was almost inaudible. Like a careless whisper. "Y-you like me?" He uttered. "W-well, i don't h-hate you." Laurice stammered. The man arched his eyebrows in amusement. He grinned at the woman who was being defensive. A playful glint flashed past his eyes. "Can i kiss you, then?" Sid asked. Laurice: " ...???!!! " A kiss?

msgel · Geral
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90 Chs

Chapter 63: Bad decision

"Send her over. Dinner at seven tonight." The sharp and bone-chilling voice filled the air. The old madam studied her daughter's stunned face which paled in a matter of seconds with a piercing gaze while waiting rather impatiently for her to respond. She sneered in her heart. Her daughter's reaction somehow ticked her off.

Only the sound of the clock ticking away could be heard from across the room afterwards. It was rather stifling.

However, the ghastly chill choked the other woman's words breaking her own quiet and stillness.

"Yes, mother." An obedient reply followed suit after a long pause. She bowed her head a few degrees mechanically in courtesy as the old woman alighted from her seat. The dignified figure passed by her in lithe footsteps, pausing for a moment to give her final words before turning to leave.

An ominous silence filled the study right after her mother left.


'Remove that foolish expression on your face.'

Her own mother's words struck a chord. Indeed, she had been a fool for exposing herself. She had totally lost her composure under the pressure of the situation.

Camilla Ledesma Azul who goes by her own maiden name now, remained motionless. She was feeling lethargic and oppressed. Nothing unusual though. Whenever Adelina Ledesma is around, her mother in her late seventies, she herself gets a little pumped up with blood rushing through her veins every single time. The old madam's royal disposition was quite over-bearing and intimidating. Unfortunately today, her blood went up to her brain and she faltered miserably.

Her mind seized to function with a feeling of foreboding. The reception just now was familiar to her. It was quite similar from the time when she went back to the old residence after her failed marriage. Camilla was getting vexed by the idea that her own daughter was about to face her grandmother's wrath as well. Her face grimaced in frustration. Her mother was undeniably a complicated person with a twisted personality.

Adelina Ledesma was a self-confessed and an outwardly austere woman. She was notorious for her being stern with her decisions backed up by her strict upbringing. She was well-disciplined but quick-tempered. Her attitude being justified by her accomplishments in the field of commerce. Both she and her husband, Camilla's parents, were the pillars of the entire Suma Group of Companies and have kept it in a flourishing condition for several years already until today when the daughter and sons have finally succeeded them.


Camilla's maternal instincts were sending her warning signals. She had to contact her daughter immediately and debrief her somehow. Her own daughter was quite a handful herself. She fear Laurice's personality would clash with that of her own grandmother's. She sighed in resignation as she regained back her composure and strode out of the room in a hurry.

Soon, the room was emptied but was left with traces of an impending storm.


Back at W Residences.

The trio went back inside the condominium building after a short trip around the vicinity of W Residences out of which, the outdoor park and the garden impressed Laurice the most. The landscaping all throughout was top notch and the entire property was massive and lavish. Laurice furrowed her brows with the idea that comes to mind. It certainly was a no brainer that a condo unit is a prized investment. But the demand, the costs, the gains and returns ... all these digits kept adding up to her brain and she was mentally absorbed by it.

On their way inside and around the building ...

Laurice was still in deep thought during the entire duration of their walk. This experience had been quite helpful to her as she had been currently reviewing some data regarding the country's economic progress that she can now somehow extrapolate to be greatly impacted by the growing real estate market in the country. She unknowingly nodded her head in acknowledgment of this finding.

The man beside her had been observing her behavior for quite sometime now. He kept looking at her with interest and he was amused by her. The woman just could not keep herself idle.

However, he wished Laurice would spare him a bit of her attention as well. At that same moment, Sid noticed the small figure of a certain little young master who had also been sulking around. It was reassuring that they were fighting the same battle. Both father and son sighed in discontentment. Even their body movements are synchronized.

Butler Han who kept watching from behind them: " ...!!! "

So pitiful. His young masters are so pitiful.



The sound of the elevator signaling their arrival to a designated floor brought Laurice back to the present.

They exited and was led to the lounge area.

Laurice was ecstatic!

The sound of splashing was already ringing in her ears.

"Sweetie!! Do you hear what i hear?" Laurice exclaimed as she tilted her head down and found Little Louie perking up as well. Her voice sounded like a rhythm.

Hearing Laurice's call, his heart was healed in an instant.

His 'mommy' finally noticed him again.

Little Louie nodded his head vigorously and replied, "Yes mommy! Are you excited?"

"Are you?!" Laurice retorted back with a snort. Her eyes were shimmering in delight.

Little Louie nodded his head back and forth with an animated expression on his face, in Laurice's eyes he looked like a little puppy wagging it's tail to his master.

So adorable! She could not help but pinched the little guy's cheeks in return.

Both their hearts rejoiced in sync.

Sid was pleased by their reactions. Seeing their happy faces made him happy as well. His plan was a success after all.

Sid walked towards his son and said to her, "Go change. I'll take Louie to the dressing room."

Laurice instinctively nodded in approval and after bidding the pair goodbye, she followed the staff's direction leading towards the separate dressing room for females.

The moment Laurice entered the room, realization came crashing down at her. She was awfully reminded by the swimsuit!


She totally forgot about it.

In her hands, was a bag of clothing. She lifted both fabrics that screams elegant but sexy. Her anxiety rose a few degrees.

She sighed heavily.

The image of her immersing under water was so tempting though. 

With a determined expression, Laurice bolted right inside the vacant room and changed hesitatingly. She was mumbling a short prayer, hoping the clothes won't fit her so she can make that her excuse or God bless her soul!


A few moments passed.

A woman was slowly striding inside the luxurious pool area. Her clear and moist eyes were roaming around anxiously searching for a familiar face who is currently nowhere to be found. Clutching over the hem of her skirt she halted in her steps and grumbled.

'What's taking them so long?!'

She was feeling so uncomfortable in her dress already. Her entire body was flushed in embarrassment.


Unbeknownst the woman, her appearance had already been causing disturbance inside the private pool area. There were only a few people around but mostly men from reputable families and distinguished personalities. Some who even came in pairs, were still distracted by the appearance of an unfamiliar beauty. This earned the glare and envy of their female companions causing a slight commotion in the place.

Almost everyone was rendered breathless. There was a momentary silence from across the place. They all seem bewitched by the oblivious woman's allure clad in a black lace short button down cover up dress. The vneckline, the scalloping of the sleeves and the hem, with that delicate embroidery around the waist that ties at the center front was exuding a deeply feminine and graceful appeal. What's more stunning was that, the woman's assets are in full display! Their eyes feast at the sight before them.

The cover up failed to conceal the woman's accentuated waist and hips. Her collarbone, down to her arms and thighs were looking smooth and flawless! And her legs was divine! Her shapely figure was so attractive. The swimwear underneath was also a torturing tease. The crocheting of the fabric revealed a one piece swimsuit with a fluttering assymetric cut. Their gaze involutarily fixed towards the woman.

If she was a celebrity, then they were in deep luck.

But she was just too reserved and detached to be one. They pondered over her identity.


Laurice stood still in one corner.

She was completely ignoring the curious stares of the people around her. She already despised her clothes for drawing their attention. It's the only logical reason she could come up with for the intense gaze she had been receiving.

Bad decision!

Her grip tighten around her body.

The one piece swimwear was bothering her the most.

It was a thick one-shoulder design swimwear with a strap that goes diagonally across the back featuring a ruching along the entirety of the side and an adjustable tie at the hips. She was adamant to wear it at first but she had to admit that it indeed suits her taste. It has an elegant and contemporary feel to it being a classic style swimwear with a touch of modern sophistication but still ... a sexy one nonetheless.

At this instant, she was no longer desperate for a dip.

Laurice had been waiting for quite awhile now but Sid and Little Louie still did not show up. Her knees was getting numb from standing for a long time already. She then decided to head back to where she came from and wait for them there instead. But after a couple of steps, she suddenly bumped into a lean body.

"Sorry." Both Laurice and the man mechanically and simultaneously apologized to one another.

Laurice tilted her head upwards to look at the person who blocked her way. Recognition flashed past her eyes in an instant.

The man seemed to recognize her as well.

His lips curled up into a tender smile.

With a deep magnetic voice he said, "Fancy meeting you here, Ms. Laurice."

Meeting the grandmother soon.

Adelina Ledesma is not a simple person.

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