
Unordinary Magus

On the night of the lunar eclipse in the year 2072, two identical twins were born to a pair of rich Mages, 2 little boys named Peter and Noah Magtris entered into the world of Magic and beasts... Whilst Noah, the older of the two had an incomparable aptitude with Magic and had even awakened his mana core at the age of 5, his brother - Peter - was not so fortunate. Not only was he born blind but experts even stated he wouldn’t even be able to use mana ever in his life as his meridians were damaged. This led to the 2 rich mages investing all of their resources into the once in a lifetime prodigy: Noah, leaving Peter with nothing. Noah and Peter were inseparable, even though Peter’s parents always excluded him due to his unfortunate situation, his brother always treated him well. However, things didn’t look good for the Magtris Family as at the age of 10, their prodigal son, Noah had suddenly fallen ill to an incurable disease and had died a couple of days later. “Don’t worry brother, I’ll always be by your side…” Those were Noah’s last words to his weak little brother, before he passed away... Join Peter’s perilous journey in a world of cultivation and magic and watch as he overcomes countless dangers and hurdles. Is Peter really cursed by God? Or is his situation a blessing in disguise? ======== * Reward System: * 150 PS | 1 Extra Chapter 300 PS | 3 Extra Chapters 400 PS | 5 Extra Chapters ======== Support the Author: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/tofspades

TofSpades · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

The Inheritance Ground IV

Noah danced around, using the shadow steps spell to maneuver expertly, cutting down two of the dark figures whilst dodging dozens of arrows aimed at him simultaneously.

The 9th round consisted of 50 Dark figures. It was a preposterous number of individuals to fight, however, Noah's plan to use potions whilst moving worked perfectly, allowing him to spam his spells in succession.

It was a long and strenuous battle but finally, he had managed to kill all of the figures.

Currently, he was facing 10 dark figures in the final and tenth trials. His opponents were shrouded in heavy armor and 5 nimble Bowmen. The numbers weren't much but each of them had power equivalent to a 5th stage Novice Rank Cultivator.

Noah had to rely a lot on the Stigma's boosts and he feared that the devilish demon voice would resurface again if this battle carried on.

'Darkness Entrapment.'

The shadows underneath the figures made out of darkness mana froze momentarily. Noah didn't hesitate to use the shadow steps spell and leap towards where the bowmen were. They were the most annoying to handle as they were extremely nimble and their arrows had debuffing effects.

He had to kill them first, whilst the other tanky figures were still frozen.

'Darkness slash'

'Darkness slash'

Noah sliced horizontally twice, exercising all of his remaining mana to kill off all of the bowmen. The two arcs of dense darkness mana cut through them like butter making them disappear in smoke.

'The entrapment spell's disappeared. Hurry.' Peter warned Noah.

It was good he had warned him as his mana reserves were empty.

"Friday. Major Mana Potion. Quick!" Noah began running in a frenzy, dodging and blocking the powerful strikes of the armored shadow figures with extreme difficulty.

He leaped back as far as he could before opening the vial - that had materialized in his hand - and chugging down the strawberry flavored liquid in one go.

Noah exhaled channeling vast amounts of mana from Peter's mana core for a final attack. He would combine the last form of the 'Ethereal Blades' martial arts and his darkness slash to create his most powerful attack.

'Let's hope this attack can cut them down. I don't think our body can last any longer.' Noah assessed.

Cracks were forming around Peter's mana core from the constant usage and his body showed signs of breakdown. Noah had been fighting non-stop pushing the limits of Peter's body to its limits.

He roared his battle cry, attacking with his most powerful move.

A destructive arc of unstable darkness mana moved through the air at an incredible speed, before it sliced the numerous figures, cutting them cleanly into 2.

The figures went up in smoke, signaling the end of the 10th trial.

'We did it!!' Peter shouted in glee.

"Congratulations. You have managed to clear all of the 10 trials. Initiating the inheritance process…" The female AI voice echoed.

A burst of blue light shone on Peter's body, knocking out both Noah's and Peter's consciousnesses cold.


"Interesting. How interesting." A powerful voice reverberated.

Slowly, Peter's consciousness returned to him and he regained full control of his body again. It seemed that his body had gone through a full recovery and somehow his mana core was in perfect condition, taking him to the peak of the 2nd stage of the Novice Stage. Not only were the cracks in his mana core fixed completely, it even received a small boost.

He flexed his muscles feeling them pumping with energy and vigor.

"An 11-year-Old Blind boy that has even inherited a Stigma is my successor. How peculiar. Not only do I sense 1 soul in your body, but I also sense one more residing in you. I seem to have hit the jackpot." A man's voice echoed all around the battle hall. An almost translucent and ancient-looking being stood, levitating in the air.

He was none other than the cultivator known as the Abyssal Tyrant - someone who had reached the King Rank in Cultivation before disappearing.

"Listen up boy. I'm sure you know who I am: The Famous Abyssal Tyrant of the Darkness Element. I congratulate you for passing through the 10 trials, however, I only have a short time in this world, before this soul fragment withers, so I will cut corners. I will now tell you the will and legacy I will be leaving upon your shoulders…" The Abyssal tyrant spoke. He was a tall man, with a young stature may be looking to be in his late 20s. He had pristine white skin and long dark hair that was held in a ponytail.

Peter and Noah both listened attentively to this ancient man's powerful voice. They both couldn't help but wonder if a tiny withering soul fragment had such a powerful presence, How powerful was the original tyrant?

"It all started long ago. We were 5 brothers coming from a broken orphanage, not bound by blood; After bandits had raided our orphanage and we had luckily managed to escape, we all vowed we would become powerful cultivators and reach the apex of the cultivation world. Like that we all strove for power in different ways. Whilst I used a merciless unorthodox Cultivation method to rapidly progress, the other 4 used their own peculiar methods.

"I shall tell you the names of the other 4 after as I believe those old fools are still alive and kicking - you'll need to know them if you want to complete my dying will.

"Moving on… we 5 brothers were extremely powerful but greed and thirst for this world blinded them, causing them to gang up on me; they all ganged up together to kill me for a special liquid I had found."

"What was this liquid?" Peter asked immediately, engrossed at the beginning of this tale.

"Blood. It was blood that had powerful and peculiar properties. Drinking just 500ml of this type of blood would keep you young for centuries. Of course for such powerful cultivators, time was their only enemy; Although their life spans were several thousands of years, most wanted this liquid for themselves.

"Our battle shook the Earth and ultimately I managed to take down one of them with me, still leaving 3 of them out there. They're probably silently regaining their strength in solitude.

"My final will is for you to eradicate the remaining 3 cultivators and protect the peace of this world. I have already prepared several spellbooks for you to inherit. However, I believe you should absorb the 5-star Spellbook first; it remained after the death of the brother that I killed.

"I will bestow you with my rune inscription art and his spellbook. Everything else has been taken by previous people who arrived at the inheritance ground before you. However, I do warn you. If you accept this spell, you will be unable to use any other 5-star spell other than it; those are the conditions. As for my rune inscription art, you are still too weak to fully master it but you should be able to master the basics in a few years.

"This soul fragment is beginning to disappear. Listen carefully, the 3 men you need to hunt down are: Linix Reinmeler, Paul Rosenberd, and Daemon Spade. I'm leaving everything to you boy with the stigma! Do not disappoint me! You have to defeat them otherwise I will come back and haunt your soul for eternity!" The Abyssal Tyrant laughed before his voice faded away.


"The Abyssal Tyrant's Inheritance Ground has a new master: Peter Magtris. I formally welcome the new master of this dungeon. All your rewards have been put into your dimension ring.

"You now have complete control of this dungeon and all of its 4 exit points along with its transport mechanism and training mechanisms." A tall female looking to be in her early 20's appeared, made out of blue light; she had straight black hair and wore a simple black dress. The female AI had finally taken its true form.

"AI Ella greets the new master. I shall tend to all the dungeon's matters, so please feel free to ask if you ever need anything master." The small girl, shorter than Pet

'Brother, before we get excited with the rewards, let's first cultivate and enter the 3rd stage of the Novice Rank. We are already so close.' Noah suggested.

Peter nodded in agreement.

"Ella, close off all exit points and entry points to the dungeon from the outside." Peter commanded, immediately assuming his role as the new master.

"As you wish, master." Ella replied, void of emotion.

Peter hurriedly took a seat on the ground pulling out several Novice Rank Crystals and beginning his absorption of mana.