
Unleashing Chakra and Ki: The Fusion of Dragon Ball and Naruto Worlds

"Hey Lord Zeno, Is there anything Interesting I can do or Anywhere I can go to?" Goku Asked, This novel is a story of Goku, who was teleported to the world of Naruto from Lord Zeno's whim. Will Goku come back to the Dragon Ball world? How will he impact the Naruto World as we know it today? Find out and satisfy your curiosity from this fun light-hearted Novel!

MarSus · Anime e quadrinhos
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8 Chs

Goku Vs Might Guy

With a spirited grin, Might Guy stepped up to the challenge, his excitement palpable. He launched his assault with his signature Dynamic Entry kick, aiming to catch Goku off guard. However, Goku effortlessly sidestepped the attack, his movements fluid and precise.

Goku chuckled, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Nice try! But I've seen tougher opponents than that!"

Might Guy chuckled in response, his bushy eyebrows wiggling. "Haha, you're quick! But don't be fooled. I'm just getting warmed up!"

Guy shifted gears, launching a series of swift and straightforward attacks. He aimed for precision, hoping to find a gap in Goku's defenses. Yet, Goku effortlessly parried each strike, his movements a dance of grace and power.

Goku raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk on his lips. "Come on, Guy! Is this really the best you've got?"

Guy laughed heartily, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Hahaha, Goku, my friend, you haven't even seen a fraction of my true power! Brace yourself!"

With newfound determination, Guy's demeanor shifted. His carefree attitude gave way to a more focused intensity. He tapped into his inner strength, channeling his chakra for a more potent assault. He unleashed a barrage of strikes, each infused with a greater force than before.

Tsunade watched from the sidelines, her brows furrowing slightly. She could sense the change in Guy's approach, the air around him crackling with energy. Her concern grew as Goku continued to deflect Guy's attacks effortlessly.

As the spar continued, Goku's encouraging words echoed through the training field. "You're strong, Guy! Keep it up!"

Tsunade's experienced gaze didn't miss the subtle nuances. She knew Goku's encouragement was genuine, but she also saw the truth—he was holding back. She sighed softly, her worry evident.

Goku's voice rang out again, his tone cheerful. "You're really giving it your all, Guy! But I haven't even gone serious yet!"

Tsunade exchanged a knowing glance with Shikamaru, who had been observing alongside her. "Goku's strength goes far beyond what he's showing," she murmured.

Guy, caught up in the heat of battle, continued to push himself. His movements became more calculated, his strikes hitting with greater precision. Still, Goku effortlessly deflected each blow, his grin never wavering.

Tsunade sighed inwardly, her concern deepening. She knew that Goku's light-hearted demeanor masked an incredible power—one that hadn't even been fully unleashed yet.

Might Guy's determination burn brighter with each passing moment, yet frustration began to etch lines on his face. His exuberant tone transformed into one of focused intensity. The corners of his lips tightened as he decided to take things up a notch. With a deep breath, he unlocked the first gate, releasing a surge of energy that enveloped him.

Goku's observant eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the transformation. "A technique to enhance your power, huh? Seems like it comes at a cost," he remarked, his voice tinged with concern.

Guy nodded, his breathing a bit more labored. "Yes, Goku. This is the Eight Gates technique. It grants me incredible strength and speed, but it does put a toll on my body. You've earned the right to witness this, my friend."

As Guy's movements became even more blisteringly swift, Goku's own stance shifted. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of intrigue in his expression.

However, just as Guy was about to push himself even further, a commanding voice cut through the tension. "Hold it right there!"

Tsunade stepped onto the training field, her gaze stern but compassionate. Guy froze, his chakra still pulsating from the activated gate. "Tsunade-sama?"

Tsunade's gaze shifted to Goku. "I apologize, Goku, for interrupting your duel. However, I can't allow Guy to proceed any further. Opening the gates can have severe consequences on his body."

Goku nodded understandingly, his expression a mix of curiosity and respect. "I see. It's a powerful technique, but it comes at a great cost."

Tsunade gave a curt nod. "Indeed. I appreciate your understanding. Guy, stand down. Let's end the spar here."

Guy sighed, his energy beginning to ebb. He flashed Goku a determined smile. "Well, Goku, it looks like our duel is over for now. But mark my words, this won't be our last encounter!"

Goku grinned back, a spark of excitement in his eyes. "You bet, Guy! I look forward to it!"

As the training field fell silent, the lingering anticipation hung in the air. The encounter between Goku and Guy had revealed glimpses of their true power, leaving both sides eager for more. With the promise of future battles and newfound connections, the fusion of worlds continued to unfold.