
Chapter 27

"you..you haven't been to bed?"

"No..not really"

"Why what have you been doing?

"Nothing much I was going through the Alliance group's project proposal"

"Not bad, how is it coming?

"So far so good but 'm yet to be done

Come tomorrow I might accompany you to the office".

He laughs ,"you forgot I am no longer the CEO".

She bites her nails

My goodness I didn't think of that.

"But you need to do the handing over right"

"Yeah !

"Then its settled

I will accompany you through it".

Shrugging his shoulders " fine with me".


Maria tries her best to settle into the acting CEO position.

Cleve had a heap of projects yet to be reviewed.

Starting from the bottom ones she goes through them step by step.

Moments later Aina and Cleve walk in

She squints her eyes, this girl wears the air of pride whenever she goes.

"Aunt I see you have everything under control". He states as he takes a sit 

"Yeah m trying...but might need your help and some pointers from time to time". She closes the file she was reviewing as she heads to his direction.

"No worries aunt 'm at your disposal."

"I know my dear ,I heard there are some sensitive projects that need our attention but from the files I see none"

"Aunt such projects' information  have to be well kept ",Opening the safe, he shows her the password and the most important project he has been working on

"Is this the Skylar project ,the most sought after ?"

"Yeah we are at the final stages of furnishing it before presenting  we present it ."

As she skims through it she nods in approval.

I love your idea ,its brilliant, it only needs some polishing but generally its a wonderful wonderful idea.

Cleve smiles with satisfaction

"Aunt aren't you exaggerating?"

"Not at all ,You know me dear I rarely appreciate something but this is perfect ,when is the scheduled date?

"that is tomorrow"


Son that's on such short notice 

How 'm I gonna manage?

"Relax Aunt I  will take you through it step by step."

"That won't be helpful, I will make a fool out of myself son how about you finish what you started"

"aunt what ...."

"it won't work ,we have an appointment tomorrow"  Aina interjects.

"but swiry we can.."

"no !Cleve this matters too. we have to be present when  Miss .Rou undergoes the procedure".

Maria's eyes widen in surprise," is it tomorrow ?"

"of course it is "Aina looks at her weirdly. Maria sounds as though its an important matter to her.

"Cleve how' z it gonna be?' m sure you don wanna miss out on this but similarly this project is highly sought after ,getting it will mean a lot to us ,we need you there dear".

after serious consideration 

"I think its manageable"

"but hunie "..Aina wants to retort

"relax baby I have a plan, when is the IVF happening?"

"our appointment is scheduled for eleven in the morning"

"and the meeting starts from seven to ten in the morning" Maria informs.

"perfect I can attend the meeting ,seal the deal if possible then join you at the hospital".

Aina pouts her lips ,"no this cannot work.

tomorrow is our day ,you must be there you have to "

" baby who has said I wouldn't  ,the meeting will end at ten. I will be with you before you know it."

"that's my problem Cleve. you see I am of no importance to you.

you give me no consideration at all. when have I ever been a priority to you?"

Maria feels like slapping her blue black.

"dear the project is as important as tomorrows procedure

if we get the deal then our company and life will be set 

don't you want your child to have the best? this deal will be the game changer".

for a moment she almost waivers 

"no! postpone that meeting ,tell them you are busy or held up somewhere. You are Cleve Khumbata. Nobody can say no to you. Do anything but our appointment must be as scheduled."

"Does she not understand the depth of the matter?

Aina we are doing this for the family and you as part of us you need to be supportive and understanding"

she sneers," Now that you brought it up, have you ever considered me as one of you?"

they look at each other surprised

"what are you driving at Aina ,what's with all this accusations, what has gotten into you?"

"Cleve I know everything ,everything.

Have you ever consulted me in anything? when you have family gatherings have you ever stood up for me against that old woman."

Maria slaps the table " young lady mind your language .

that old lady is your grandmother in law show some respect don't make me lose my temper.I have tolerated enough of your stupidity".

"lose it do I look like I care? if not for you and your interference Cleve would still be the CEO

have you ever heard of a woman who stays with her husband at her father's house.

You and the live in son-in law are nothing but leeches .

"Aina mind your language" he tries really hard to control his emotions .This woman knows how to bring out the worst in people.

"What! Isn't that the truth dear aunt. You are a family of  leeches ,blood sucking leeches and your good for nothing son makes it even worse.

"Show my aunt some respect if not for her you wouldn't even be standing here".

"ooh really now ? she claps her hands mockingly 'thank you aunt Maria. You are the epitome of a loving and caring aunt." 

"Cleve " Maria's gaze has turned murderous , "settle your woman or I' ll help you deal with her".

The change she just exhibited makes Maria worry ."What gave her that courage ?she had never dared to talk back at her or even act disrespectful. What could possibly be going on ?

Left with his stubborn and senseless girlfriend he runs his fingers through his hair .He is frustrated

"Aina at times you can be so senseless"

He follows his aunt to the adjoining room leaving a fuming Aina all by herself

smiling with satisfaction she drinks a mouthful of water

"Maria is so thick skinned after all my efforts nothing seems to get to her.'

Answering her phone that has been silently  peeping.


as they come out she adjusts her glass frame.

"Cleve meet me outside being here is suffocating enough"

she struts out all smiles it was one hell of a job but mission accomplished.

after finalizing tomorrow's presentation he heads out 

turning on the ignition he hits the road.

"Cleve I want a take out".

"Aina I don't have that time , tomorrow is a long day and I need the rest'


He shakes his head in resignation.

She is changing.


Aina" baby girl how was your night are you ready for today?'

Cleo 'as ready as I can be, when are we meeting ?"

"that will be two hours from now.' M waiting  for Cleve he had an early meeting.".


"Brown are you planning to break my door?"

"come on sleepy head don't you know the day today?"

"what's so good about the day today? its too early" she complains as she snuggles into her covers some more. 

Brown "come on we are running late baby "

"just five minutes give me five more minutes please"

smiling mischievously he lets her settle in before splashing some cold water on her face.

 Brown You! Today will be the death of you".

"If you do my niece will grow without her handsome uncle, m sure she will hate you for that"

she chases him around the room and finally seats on the couch.

"what ! are you that bored with your life that you have to trouble me? "

"anything for my sweetheart " he pinches her chubby cheeks as he hands her a toothbrush

"here clean up, sniffling her Eww you stink like a he goat.

"what stinking but you love it" she places her sweat armpit close to his face

(puking) see even the flies are drunk with that smell "

he pushes her to the bathroom "clean up we will be late for your appointment"

she pouts her lips complaining for setting the appointment that earlier.

"you of all people should know I hate earlier mornings"

"because my dear you are gonna be a mother soon so learn to be an earlier bird"

as she cleans up he fixes her a light meal

"bro 'am really nervous are you sure I made the right decision. "

"having jitters already?"

"I cant help it brown, she swings his arm "you know I hate needles are the smell of the hospital makes me feel dizzy"

"its okay baby I will accompany you through it all"

"promise you won't leave"

"I Cross my heart baby' he pulls her in for a hug.

"Brown am sorry for taking most of your time you even have no social life because of my demands but please don't ever leave me.

I will be a good sister to you

I will try my best to stand up on my own'

she cannot hold her tears anymore 

brown lets her cry her heart out as he soothes her comfortingly

"cry your heart out baby but henceforth promise me you won't shade anymore of  those precious tears

I might not know what you went through in the hands of that bastard but I promise none like him will ever get close to you."

she nods her head.

"when you walk in there I wanna see a strong and determined woman .A woman who knows what she wants and sure of herself".