
chapter Two

after 3 days, Loretta seems to forget all that happened and became her usual self. Richard was happy with the recent change in his wife. she was no longer moving or loss in her thoughts full-stop she became very jovial and lovely.

darling you be late for work. come down quickly and eat your breakfast. Loretta said.

I'm coming, I really need to check if this tie fits me or not. Richard said.

Don't be silly, no matter what you wear, you will always be handsome. Loretta answered.

Are you serious? That means, other women must also me attracted to me. Richard replied.

what? what did you say? Loretta asked feeling annoyed.

I was only joking my dear, you really look cute when you are angry. Richard teased.

stop teasing me, Richard, that joke was quite expensive. Loretta said frowning her face.

is okay, noi eat. I really need to give you something bitter to reduce the sugar in your mouth. Loretta joked.

I didn't do anything wrong, am only appreciating the beauty in my wife. Richard replied and they laughed.

After breakfast, Richard went to get the car ready while Loretta came after him.

Good morning, Mrs. Loretta. Helen greeted.

Good morning , Mrs. Helen, is there any problem. Loretta asked.

No, I only want to inform you that tomorrow is my daughter's birthday and am inviting you to her birthday party. she will be very delighted to see you. Helen said.

oh! you mean Clara? wow!, am so happy for her,how old will she be?. Loretta asked.

she will be 5 years old. Helen answered.

Good morning Mrs Helen, are you inviting her to your daughter's birthday?. Roslyn asked.

yes, is there anything wrong with it?. Helen asked.

Don't be ridiculous, it is a party for children, which means that any parents that comes, must come with their children. so, who is she coming with?. Roslyn mocked.

Roslyn, don't talk that way, you shouldn't belittle her. she is a very good friend of mine, so what stops me from inviting her. she has been good to the other neighbors, why are you talking this way? . Helen said looking surprised.

Helen don't be fooled. she is only acting this way because she has no child to spend her money on. if she had children, you will see how true character. you will see how swanky

and arrogant she can be. Roslyn said.

Loretta was feeling very embarrassed.The neighbors were watching, many supported her and very few supported what Roslyn said.

Richard couldn't keep watching how his wife was humiliated, he thought that this was women matter, that he shouldn't interfer but he didn't know things would turn out this way.

Is enough!. Mrs. Helen, you should be ashamed of yourself. looks at how you are publicly insulting your fellow woman. Is this how you train your own children?, you really lack manners, I wonder how your children are,I hope they are not like you because you are really shameless. Richard said and took his wife away.

As soon as they entered inside the car, Loretta started crying, It took all her self will not to cry in front of everyone. she doesn't want to show her weakness, especially not in front of Roslyn.

Honey is alright, no need to cry, is not your fault, you are not to be blamed for anything. Be strong dear, am here for you. Richard said, hugging her tightly.

Darling, please am begging you, please let's adopt a child, please. Don't say no, please I can no longer take this, is too much! is too much for me to bear. Loretta pleaded.

But am not complaining, am not in a hurry. There is no need to rush things. we have to think it through. Richard replied.

Darling, I have thought about it countless times, I have been harbouring this in my mind for a long time dear, please let's adopt a child and save our self from this shame. Loretta pleaded.

Alright, I have heard you. Richard said.

oh my God !!!, thank you so much, you are the best. I love you, thank you so much dear, thank you. Loretta appreciated.

Is alright, anything to make you happy. Richard replied.

well, I want to adopt a year old baby boy. what do you think about it?. Loretta asked feeling excited.

If it is alright with you, then I have no problem with it. Richard answered.

I don't know how to thank you, in fact, I can't thank you enough. what would I have done without a Lovely husband like you. Loretta said.

you don't have to thank me. Am your husband, am just carrying out my responsibility towards you as my wife. Richard said and drove off.

But not all men are like you, if there are 100 men in the world, only 30 are like you. you are one in a million, the best among the best. I started counting my blessings the day I met you. Thank you so much for your love, care and tremendous support. Loretta said feeling lucky.

Am also proud to be married to you, I love you for who you are dear. Richard replied.