
Universe of The Gifted: Sequoia

In this realm of magic and fantasy, where battles were fought with elemental forces and alliances were tested, the Paragons stood as beacons of hope, their bravery and unwavering determination forging a path toward a brighter future. The locals believed that once upon a time, there was a place full of dangerous creatures that invaded the humankind. After the brutal attack that claimed the lives of her adoptive parents and destroyed her village, Nyra learns of her true identity and embarks on a journey of vengeance and redemption. Driven by a burning desire to avenge the deaths of her loved ones and rescue her abducted friend from the clutches of the Adbeels, Nyra sets out on a path of power and transformation. She enrolls in a prestigious school where individuals with God-given gifts are trained to harness their abilities and ascend to higher levels of mastery. Determined to become stronger and more powerful, Nyra immerses herself in rigorous training, pushing the boundaries of her capabilities. Alongside her fellow students, she delves into the mysteries of her unique gift, unlocking new levels of potential and unlocking secrets about her heritage as her power grows Disclaimer: The Book cover that I used is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner of the art.

MiChuu_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Your Highness

"Quite down, Your Highness. They'll hear us," the man who dragged on the back of a huge tree.

Your Highness? What he called me caused my brow to furrow. God, I have no time for him.

I tried to move my head to see what they did to Glendale, but when I returned my gaze to Glendale, I was alarmed to see that they had vanished in the place where I had last seen them.

Glendale was kidnapped!

As soon as the man who had dragged me loosened his grip on me, I turned to face him and slapped him without thinking.

I'm furious, he had no right to drag me wherever he pleased, and as a result, I lost Glendale!

As the sting of my slap echoed through the air, a mixture of anger and confusion swirled within me. The man's unexpected reaction puzzled me. Why did he bow his head instead of retaliating or defending his actions? Was there something I didn't understand?

He seems to be a servant from a wealthy family, dressed in a black suit and likely in his 50s. Did I just slap Glendale's servant?! But if he is, he should have helped her instead of hiding like a scaredy cat.

"What do you think you're doing, Mister?! I lost my friend because of you," I stomped my feet on the ground out of rage.

His voice, low and filled with remorse, broke the tense silence. "I apologize for my actions, Your Highness. It was necessary for your safety, though I understand how it may appear otherwise."

I narrowed my eyes, still seething with anger, but curiosity tugged at me. I demanded an explanation, my voice laced with defiance. "What do you mean, 'necessary for my safety'? Who are you, and why do you think you have the right to drag me around? Also, lease stop addressing me as 'your highness'? And I'm certain that they'll get me as well, but I can't just let them get my best friend just like that. But, you! You, I know you had the opportunity to help my friend, but you chose not to!"

As conflicting emotions swirled within me, I found it difficult to reconcile my gratitude for being saved with the anger and disappointment I felt towards Ethan for neglecting my friend. The weight of those emotions pulled me in different directions, leaving me torn and uncertain about how to approach him.

If he was afraid of those wizards, he should have let me go to them and help my poor friend instead of dragging me here.

When he did not respond, my tears began to fall again, and everything began to sink in. My parents were killed in our home by the fire that those wizards started, and now they have abducted my best friend and I failed to help her.

Glendale must be terrified right now, I must take an action!

Determined to rescue my friend and restore Glendale, I steeled myself against the conflicting emotions and focused on the task at hand. Ignoring his presence, I turned my back to him and began searching for any trace of where the demons had taken Glendale . I will do anything, and everything to get her. They are indeed evil and remorseless.

Neither did my parents nor the residents of my village deserve what they did, no one deserves this!

I had only taken a few steps away from the man when he suddenly spoke, "Where do you plan to go, Your Highness? The village is dangerous right now, and some Adbeels may still be here," he said, his voice worried but I shrugged it off.

I didn't turn around to look at him; instead, I said, "I'm going to get my friend, and you won't be able to stop me now." and began walking away again, but he ran ahead and blocked my path which made me irked.

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, your majesty," he said as I tried to escape from him but he kept blocking my path.

I guffaw and held onto my face, hard, because of the annoyance I am feeling towards him, "For God's sake, mister! Keep your nose out of my business, and I already told you to stop calling me that." I became antagonized and left him there, beginning to walk on a different path, but he still caught up with me and blocked my path again!

I stomped my feet on the ground in annoyance, he is certainly testing my perseverance. "Tell me what you want from me, and then leave me alone and find your family or someone. But If you want me to thank you for saving me from those creatures, then THANK YOU!"

In the midst of my frantic search, my emotions threatened to overwhelm me. The weight of the day's events, the loss of my parents, and the perilous situation my friend faced pressed heavily on my heart. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I forcefully blinked them away, refusing to succumb to weakness.

As my frustration mingled with grief, I couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the way I had treated the Mister in front of me. He had saved me from the wizards, after all, and while he had failed to protect my friend, I knew deep down that his intentions were not malicious. But the urgency of the situation left little room for understanding or compassion.

A lot of unimaginable things have already occurred today, and I can not help but be exasperated. I want to grieve because of what happened to my parents, but my friend needs me. I do not have time to be weak.

"My mission has always been to keep you safe, Your Highness. We've been keeping an eye on you from afar, and now that the Adbeels have made their move, I need to bring you back to the castle where you truly belong, it's not safe here anymore. I am sure the Paragons in our place would be happy to see you their Princess back." he said not looking at me, he just kept his head down.

His words made my head hurt even more, Is he being a delusional creep or something?

"Are you saying you've been following me around? What are you on about? I apologize for this, but I believe you have lost your sanity, Mister." I couldn't keep my mouth shut anymore, because what he says is simply driving me insane.

"I apologize for the confusion, but I'm afraid I'm not the right person to explain these things to you. Your parents will explain everything to you once we return to the castle." When he said that, I stood there stunned by his words.

I couldn't process his words and just stood there with my mouth slightly open. I feel like my world has come to a halt for a few moments.

"M-my parents?" I asked, my voice cracking.

He nodded, "Yes, Your Highness." His voice becomes bright and hopeful, unlike earlier, he sounded strained.

I would have been extremely happy, but I remembered what I had witnessed earlier in our house. Our house was burned out w-with my...with my parents inside. I even have my mother's necklace that I saw from their ashes.

I scowled at him, enraged. Did he really use my dead parents to deceive me?!

"Don't you dare use my parents to fool me, Mister. I may appear to be a frail woman, but when I get mad, I become the most terrifying woman you will ever meet." As I look down at him, my voice has become cold and dangerous.

"My parents have died inside our house because of those evil creatures who took my best friend, and now you're telling me that they are alive and waiting for me?!" After screaming at his face, my breathing became more rapid than before.

He nervously shakes his head to me, "I-I am not talking about your adoptive parents, Your Highness." As he spoke, my brow furrowed even more, "I'm talking about your biological parents."

For a split second, I feel like I become deaf to what he said.

I'm not sure if I should believe this man I've never met before or give him the benefit of the doubt.

My heart is racing so fast as I think about what I should do. "Whether or not that is true. My biological parents abandoned me in this village. That doesn't concern me. if they want to see me, because me? I don't want to meet them." I said, full of hatred in my voice.

So my real parents are alive and now they want me back? That is unbelievable!

"They did not abandon you, Your Highness. I did. I had to," his voice was low but enough for me to hear it.

"W-what do you mean by that?"

"This is not the right time or place for this discussion, Your Highness. Your parents are expecting you, and I believe they have all the right to explain everything to you." His tone is professional and respectful as he points his hand in the direction of the carriage behind me.

I sighed before nodding my head, "Bring me to them,"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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