
Episode 1

(The episode opens with a 12-year-old boy who has short purple hair with a hint of white, white skin, wearing a white shirt with a purple dot on it, purple pants with white stripes, white sock, and purple boots named Dawn)

Dawn (looking upset): But, I don't want to go to private school

(A woman who has curly orange hair, white skin, wearing a white dress and heels named Ms. Unina)

Ms. Unina: But, you'll make lots of new friends and plus you are bright, so you shouldn't be bothered by any teachers that think you have a smart mouth

Dawn: I don't care about those annoying teachers, I can handle them

Ms. Unina: Says the boy who nearly threw a trash can out the window because a teacher embarrassed him in front of the whole class

Dawn: My friends made all the stuff that happened at that school tolerable.

Ms. Unina: Well, it's too late, you are going to this school in order to control your anger, but before I send you off (hands Dawn a red book that has blue lines on it) here

Dawn (confused): A book? (Looks inside and sees nothing)

Ms. Unina: No, it's a diary

Dawn: A diary (smiles) this doesn't change my mind, but thank you

Ms. Unina: You are welcome, now go get your bookbag

Dawn: Okay (runs upstairs with his book)

(The screen shows a room that has a guitar, a normal bed with purple clovers, no posters, a desk with a chair, on the desk is a computer, there's a Tv and a TV remote on the dresser and a pen)

Dawn: (looks at the diary)Hmmm… I guess I could write one thing down

(Dawn grabs the pen and writes in the diary)

(The screen switches to Dawn looking at a school that has purple bricks, a flag with a castle on it, and a statue of a woman looking at a book)

Dawn: Well, here goes

(Dawn walks into the school)

A bunch of people: Welcome

(Dawn sees four boys: one who has long dark purple hair, white skin, wearing a brown shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes named Axel, one who has short light brown hair, white skin, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes named Bentley, one who has long light green hair, white skin, glasses, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and yellow shoes named Colt, and the last one has black hair, white skin, wearing a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and green shoes named DeAndre)

Axel: My name is Axel

Bentley: My name is Bentley

Colt: My name is Colt

DeAndre: And my name is DeAndre

The boys: And we are the student council

Colt (by Dawn): Also, your welcoming committee

Dawn: Pleasure to meet you, I'm Dawn

Dawn (thought): I can't believe there's an all-boys student council

DeAndre: If you have any questions, just ask

Dawn: Okay, this may be rude, but why an all-boys student council?

(The boys laugh)

Dawn (unamused): I miss the joke

Bentley: We apologize, but I thought it would be obvious that this is an all boys student council, since this is an all boys school

Dawn (looked shocked): What?

Dawn (thought) angry): When I get my hands on Ms. Unina, I am going to kill her

Colt: Well, since you know let's show you your dorm

(Colt takes Dawn's hand and runs upstairs)

DeAndre: He always get over excited about new students

(The rest of the boy follow Colt and Dawn)

(The screen shows a room with pictures of werewolves, vampires, and Zombies, two beds, a desk and chairs)

Dawn: I have a roommate?

Dawn (thought): Great

Axel: Yup, all students are required to have a roommate, but don't you and Enron will get along just fine, he may be a bit of a troublemaker; but means well

Colt: He is also obsessed with the supernatural and believe it is real

DeAndre: Oh and be careful, he likes picking up cute boys

Dawn: Wait, are all the boys here gay?

(Axel, Bentley, Colt,and DeAndre laugh)

Colt: That's such a stereotype

Axel: Don't believe everything, you watch on TV, not all of us are gay.

DeAndre: Yeah, although we don't count

Bentley: Yeah, all four of us are gay

(Dawn backs up)

Colt: No need to be alarmed, we already have partners of our own

Axel: Plus, we would never attack our fellow students

Dawn: Okay, wait, are you dating each other?

Colt: Well, DeAndre and I are dating, but not Axel and Bentley

Axel: Yeah, we have separate partners

Bentley: Any other questions

Axel: Oh, and before I forget (hands Dawn paper)

Dawn: So, when do classes start?

DeAndre: Tomorrow afternoon, so you have plenty of time to get to know some people and make friends

Colt: And if you need anything from us just ask

Axel (puts a paper on Dawn's schedule): And here's the extracurricular activities you can participate in.

Dawn (looking shocked): You have a tennis, baseball, football, and basketball team

Axel: Yup, we also have an anime club, debate club, cross country, and a chess club

Dawn: Deadline

DeAndre: Since you are new, you have until Thursday

Dawn: I guess that can work

Axel: Well, we'll be going

Dawn: Wait, aren't you going to give some kind of tour

(Colt smiles with stars in his eyes)

DeAndre: You said it

Dawn: Wait, did I say…

(Colt takes Dawn away and the others follow)

(The screen shows them in the gym)

Colt: This is the gym, this is where the chess and debate club would have their competitions; it also is used for class of course

(Dawn sees his third class is gym)

Colt: Anyway, there is a bathroom next to it

Dawn: What about the basketball team

Colt: Oh, we have a second gym for them

Dawn (thought): A second gym?!

(The screen shows Colt showing the library)

Colt: The library, which is where the anime club gathers and it's a great place to study

Dawn: Does the anime club do anything special?

Colt: Reading, going on trips, and having fun; it's the most popular club, since it's more laid back

Dawn: Maybe I should join

Dawn (thought): I'm not so good at sports

Dawn: Are there any openings?

A voice: Did I hear somebody say they wanted to join the anime club?

(Dawn turns around to see a boy who has long light pink hair, wearing glasses, wearing a red shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes)

The boy (checking Dawn): You must be new, my name is Toro, president of the anime club, question what's your name, and anime or manga that you like.

Dawn: My name is Dawn and I like mystery and (blushes) Yaoi anime

Toro: A fellow fundanshi (shakes Dawn's hands) welcome if you want to join, just sign (gives paper to Dawn) this

Dawn: Thank you, I'll consider it

(Toro kisses Colt on the cheek)

Toro: Good to see you again, Colt, bye everybody else

Dawn: Got some kind of history

(DeAndre looked angry)

Colt: Don't be jealous, it's ancient history

DeAndre: I know, but I swear sometimes that guy is taunting me

Colt: It's okay, just don't pay attention to him

Dawn (thought): Hmmm…

(The screen shows the tennis court)

Colt: Where all the tennis club meets, except when it's raining

Dawn: Uh, great, do any of you play tennis?

Colt (grabs a racket): I do

Dawn: Let me guess team captain

Colt: No, (takes his glasses off and put them on his head) but I will be when the team captain graduates (puts his glasses back on)

Dawn: So, second in command

Colt: You could say that

Dawn: Okay

(The screen shows Colt presents the track)

Colt: Here's the track, used for gym sometimes and cross country.

Dawn (thought): I always hated running and kids always made fun of me for running so slow

(Dawn has a fire aura around him as he looks at the track)

DeAndre: Alright, let's move on

(The screen shows the second gym)

Colt: This is where the basketball team practices

Dawn (thought): They really have two gyms

(The screen shows the cafeteria, principal's office, vice principal's office, and last, the student council room)

Dawn: So, this is where you do your work

Bentley: Yup, sometimes we be busy for days

Colt: But, we also get chances to meet new people and have fun

Axel: We also get to help our classmates

DeAndre: We also get to help out teachers

Dawn: Interesting

Colt: Well, that's the end of our tour, you should get back to your dorm and unpack

Dawn: Right

Axel: Remember, if you have any questions our door is always open along with the principal's office

(The screen switches to Dawn by his door, when it opens)

(A hand pulls him in)

(Dawn sees a boy who has light brown wavy hair, white skin, wearing a red shirt with yellow stripes, blue pants, and white shoes)

The boy (looks at Dawn): So, you are my new roommate

(Dawn backs up to the wall)

The boy (walks with a smirk): You have a cute face, my name is Enron, what's yours?

Dawn (moving around the room): Dawn, do you by any chance have a boyfriend?

Enron (while chasing Dawn): The student council told you about me, I'm honored.

Dawn: You aren't going to perhaps let me exit and forget this situation

Enron: No need to be scared, I won't attack you, I just want one kiss

Dawn (blushes): Kiss? I'm into guys

Enron (putting his hand on the wall Dawn is standing against): Don't knock, what you haven't tried

Dawn (blushes) (sitting on the floor): But…I'm probably not your type, I have a sour attitude, I don't like getting close to people I don't know

Enron: I love tough boys, they make life more fun

Dawn (thought): I am so going to kill Ms. Unina

(Enron kisses Dawn on the lips)

(Dawn's eyes widened)

Dawn (thought): French kiss

Enron: Your mouth tastes sweet

Dawn (backs up): Thanks, well you got one kiss as promised

(Enron spins Dawn and kisses him again)

Enron: Did you really think one kiss would possibly be enough for me?

Dawn: I thought you said you wouldn't attack me

Enron: It's not an attack, I just want to taste more of your mouth

(Enron kisses Dawn more)

Dawn (thought): My first kiss taken from me by a guy

Enron (thought): How rare to find a boy that tastes so sweet and he's only

(The screen switches to Dawn by the bed blushing and Enron smiling)

Enron: No need to be embarrassed, you can still fall in love with someone

Dawn: I know that, but…(blushes)

Enron: Trust me first kisses are nothing, nobody ever had a perfect first kiss

Dawn (looking angry): How would you know, you just easily stole mine?

Enron (looking at Dawn): I'll have you know mine was stolen from me too, though that was in the past, (upside down on the bed) anyway want help with unpacking

Dawn (guards his suitcase) (blushes): No way! Stay away from my stuff

Enron: I would never violate someone's privacy, that's the kind of person I am (phone beeps) besides I've been called somewhere else

Dawn: Called somewhere else?

Enron (smirks): Want to come with me? It's just a party.

Dawn: Party? No thanks, I'm terrible at parties

Enron: You sure, you can make lots of friends there

Dawn: I'm sure, I need to unpack, but maybe next time

Enron (heads to the door): Well I'll let them, know about you (kisses Dawn on the cheek) bye (closes the door)

(The screen switches to Dawn looking angry)

Dawn: What the heck is up with this place, there are a thousand places for clubs, a bunch of classrooms and worst of all it's an all boys school. (Sinks his head into legs) Ms. Unina, what have you gotten me into?

(The screen shows Colt smiling)

(Axel, Bentley, Colt, and DeAndre at the entrance)

Dawn (voice over): At least the student council is nice

Axel: Remember, if you have any questions our door is always open

(The episode ends with Dawn unpacking his bags)