
My Father

The dead tiger left the spotted, the dead man left the name. Very easy and easy to understand is not it? That is the beauty of the Malay proverb to illustrate the importance of everyone to dedicate their service and services in their respective fields so that the names are forgiven and kept in mind.

Since the time of the Sultanate of Malacca, nowadays, many have served the country and they are always remembered. If there is any opposite side of the figure, it will be saved only for teaching. There is no need for a Malay word. However, some of us fail to understand the essence of the best.

All the memories I ever remember about my father are just ordinary memories. Very common. The first memory of my father seems like staring at a blurry picture. Still, it's still fresh in the mind of a simple picture of my father.

My father, like all other Malays, is just a simple element in the chronology of the times. My father was the essence of that simplicity because of his very quiet attitude. Never claim anything from anyone.

Feeling 'no need to prove anything, to anyone, besides affection for the family.'

Although many of my father are dissatisfied with his life that ultimately puts things happen to him as a test.

In fact, humans deal with tests in various ways. Some are shouting out loud to tell the world to correct, express or argue about many things. So many of us forget, the acceptance and understanding of every human being on our tests is not the same. No less, like my father who chooses a silent path and monologizes on a prayer and is shed on the Almighty for holding the silent motto is beautiful. That is the choice that is asked of the mind.

'Hold fast to the faith because no matter what God has given us is intended to tyranny our lives. Only we as human beings need to open the mind and try to gain wisdom on the contrary. Because most of us forget about proverbs; If you feel like a boat test, then be assured of the favors and wisdom of God as big as the ocean. ' I still remember my father's advices.

We also do not know exactly what rewards God provides to those who undergo the test. The test actually did not change from its foundation. Human life, in the world we have never realized, the test always comes into clumps. In short, every day we sail on this face of the world must face the test. Unfortunately, many of us just like stopping seeing the test alone.

At the time when people see us happy, laughing and facing life happily, what is being witnessed is sometimes only an eye-opener. In essence, the cheek and laughter that is exhibited is a cure for the heart.

But how do we actually guide the wisdom of living beyond his test? If we become a realistic human, everything that comes as a test is seen at the end of it comes with the real universe of wisdom.

That is, if we are not a grumpy man always, not all right and blame many things so forgot to at least open one eye to explore the wisdom behind what God has given us. So, we have to live a balanced life of accepting tests and reading wisdom on the contrary.

According to my father, family poverty is not an obstacle for him to continue the rest of his life. In fact, poverty is considered a challenge for her to strive hard. My father only inherited the ancestral lands of the grandfather of 0.4 hectares. Each day my father struck his four-tailed bones in the heritage of the grandfather. Without any complaints. From 'gold hole' that's my father's 'mine' and keeps 'mining' to get results for our five families. Meanwhile, my mom is a full-time housewife.

I watched many villagers who live their lives like my dad. When they are new to work. When they are working and when they are at the end of their age. So, I can imagine that my father had also lived like them. If my father dies, I do not know how many people will be commemorating his services.

I am grateful for the blessings of a loving father and of importance to education. My father always reminded us of siblings, that only education can be a way out for someone from the poverty of poverty. Education can turn into priceless treasures later on. Learn as high as you can. The impact, the spirit and the inspiration to learn among our siblings at that time was so high.

I got a lot of other information about my unknown father, from the conversation of the villagers. Whether in coffee shops, in mosques, or in the houses of the feast. I kind of do not believe in what they say.