
Undertale: The Scientist

"Hey, your majesty, I have a question." "Yes, Victor?" Asgore calmly replied. "Why do you have dead corpses of children in your basement, perfectly preserved, and not buried?" ... ----------- Will be updated frequently, but no set schedule, don't feel like forcing myself into a schedule that'll likely turn this into a hiatus book.

BoredMansDream · Videojogos
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23 Chs

Ch 9: Why is Temmie the only monster in the underground thats having a stroke?

"Well, uhhh," I reply, caught off guard. "The bird is kind of just hanging around, it's not my pet or anything…"

"So it chose to be there, on your shoulder?" she asked.

"Well, I put him on my shoulder but he chose to stay."

"Hmm, weird," she purses her lips in confusion a little. "Well, have a good day… I don't think I got your name?"

I close my left eye in a pseudo wink. "You couldn't look at the ID?"

"Of course I could, but that is just rude." She replies, hands at her hips in a dignified pose.

I smile a little at that and open my eye. "The names Victor, but you can call me Glyph."

"Well then, Glyph, have a good day," she says, almost immediately forgetting my name as I am just a normal citizen she probably won't meet again.

"Have a good day, Sturgeon."

With that, I walk past Mad Dummy, who seems geared up to fight Sturgeon, well, more like being a training dummy.

I soon reach an intersection.

"I, uhhh, don't remember this being here." I confess. What? I'm almost in my fifties! You can't expect me to remember everything!

I look all the ways. I can't see what is straight ahead, but to my left is a river, and to my right… is Gerson.

He looks… pretty good, actually, considering the fact that he fought in the war that probably was only a few years ago.

I smile as I walk to him. 'Finally! A guy my age I can talk to! Maybe I can make my first friend down here, I doubt I can make friends with those youngins…'

"Hello there!" I greet him.

"Whozzat?" He says aloud.

"Uhh, my name is Glyph, if thats what you are asking," I sweat drop at the response he gave. He should be like 50 right now, right? Maybe even younger! Why does he seem even older than me?

"Oh, you young ones really do pop out all over the place huh?" He gave a toothy grin, as if what he said made perfect sense.

I sweat drop again. "I'm 48."

"That's still young! Far younger than me! I'm 42! Hahaha!"

"Ohhhhkay," I say, deliberately increasing the length of my words. "I see dementia runs in your family… I'll leave."

"You youngins really got a lot on your hands huh? Hahaha! Gotta leave so quick! Hahaha!

I groan slightly in concern for his future, and my failure in getting a friend.

"As I am pretty sure that that river is the place River Person should be, let's go this way." I point to the left, the same way that would have originally been straight.

"This… is the hallway that they explain in the game that all monster souls are equal to a human soul right?" I think aloud as I use a hand to float over all of the water. "It gets stranger and stranger to see things not where they belong…"

I continue to float in silence, slightly enjoying the slight wind on my face as I breeze along on the hand at what I'd guess was a pretty respectable speed of 10 miles an hour. (16KPH)

"And this…" I slow my speed as I reach the next room. "… is the room before Temmie Village, right?"

'Do I go?' I start thinking of why I would go. 'I don't exactly have anything to sell, and I dont know if I can handle their weird ass personalities… wait, is Temmie Village even here this early in the timeline? They didn't exactly tell us in Undertale when they made Temmie Village, just that its "full of history".'

"Hoi!" Screams a little thing gnawing at my leg.

(Author's note: just for ease of reading, I am not going to write their text with random capital letters, It's honestly a huge pain to read.)

"Hmmm, should I?" I continue to think to myself, completely oblivious to the little creature that thinks my leg is a snack.

"Hay! Pay atention to meee!" (Hey! Pay attention to me!)

"Hm?" I finally notice the little Temmie "Well, hello there. Don't you think that's a little rude to my leg?" I smile.

"Iggnoring rude to!" (Ignoring me is rude too!)

"That's fair, but that hardly needs the reaction of biting me. What if you hurt me?" I guilt trip the Temmie.

"Sors, why don you come to villag?" (Sorry, why don't you come to our village?)

I smile a little more genuinely. 'Well, why not now? I am here and I am being pulled towards it, why not follow the flow of the river?' "Lead the way!" I calmly say.

"Yeeeee, new visetor!" (Yay, new visitor!)

"You seem happy about that, do you not get people visiting often?" I am astonished that I have been able to decipher the Temmie so far.

"Nuh, peopls no like enrgtic Tem." (No, people dont like the energetic Temmies) Its ears drop as it says that.

With that slightly sad word, we reach Temmie Village.

"HOI!" Screams every creature around.

'Fuck my ears!'


Name: Victor

Alias: Glyph

EXP: 7

LOVE: 39

G: 11

"Waiting for your ears to heal fills you with Patience."

💙 Continue. Give up.


Words 953

Authors note: we are now the most popular Undertale novel on this website, excluding Strength of Will but that's an MHA fanfic too, so that doesn't really count, cause people don't read Undertale fan fics as much as MHA fan fics. Thats fucking amazing, thank yall so much.

Why did i get a video in my recommended youtube called "Hatsune Miku is racist towards british people"

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