

1. Terris

A family house located outside the town perimeters near the town big forest.

In the middle of the night during the full moon inside an empty room a boy of approximately seven years old is seen grunting and there are some visible physical changes on his body. ever since he had turned five he had been experiencing some pain especially during the full moon nights the pain came with some changes in his body first he has become stronger than any boy his age but today something happened he feels like he's more powerful but also he feels like he can hear so many voices and his vision has improved even if he's in the dark room he can see every corner of the room clearly.

Outside the room his parents have been waiting to see if anything more will happen but after five minutes of quiteness his mother called "Terris are you okay"

But her husband interrupted her "wait Claire shhhh..."

"But Liam my son is inside there alone what if he hurts himself"

Just when Claire was preparing to open the door she heard her son calling her

"Mom I think something is happening to me again"

After hearing her son's reply Claire quickly opened the door and was shocked at the sight Infront of her.

A much taller Terris is looking at her with those blood red eyes. Terris could not understand why his parents are looking at him with bewilderment so he asked

"Mom is everything o...okay"

"Ooo..oh sorry sweetie it's just that your eyes are really breathtaking"

"But mom that is what you tell me everyday that I have beautiful eyes.... right daddy" Terris asked his daddy with such expectations written all over his face

"Ye..es right that's true, but today they look different... I mean in a good way "

By that time it's already 3 am so they sent their son to his room and tucked him in and went back to their room still contemplating on what is going on with their son

"Claire do you think there will be more changes on his body... I mean if there will be anything that we should be afraid of."

"I am not sure Liam. I am afraid we need to be more careful in the future as you know our son never showed any changes since he was born he has been normal like a human and I thought maybe he had some problems like maybe he is cursed but this really scares me"

"Don't worry my love we will be together in all this and I will see my son become as strong as us"

" this is what scares me the most. you know we have enemies out there and I am afraid our son will get hurt"

"Don't worry our son is more strong than you can imagine"

A week later

It's Halloween weak and Terris have been bugging his parents to let him attend and they have refused him

"Mom this is not fair everyone in my school will go there, even Jac and Charlie are going even Aubrey is going why can't I "

"Hush there young man, be good you will attend next year "

"But even last year you said the same thing, I want to go this year please my Queen please...mmmh"

"Stop it now Terris please I am also feeling bad that you can't attend "

"Then let me attend please mom I will be good just this once mmmmh"


"Let him attend" Terris heard his father's voice and was elated


"But Liam"

"We can't always lock him inside and deprive his childhood, he needs to go out and get some experience and remember today he will be coming "

"Huh" Claire was speechless

"Who is coming daddy ????"

"No one, now go get ready before I change my mind young man"


Claire watched her son go into his room then turned to his husband

"What is the meaning of this, I thought we agreed that he will not attend any night gatherings unless we are sure that everything is good"

"Shhhh... relax now honey you know we can't say anything now that he's growing up he needs to experience these things"

"I hate you"

"And I love you my vam..."

"Hey don't say it our son is still home"

Claire said playful glaring at her husband

Terris came out wearing a blue long sleeve round shirt and a grey trouser he appeared really handsome with some shiny black shoes. Claire was in awe looking at the beautiful son of hers and Liam

"Do you understand that we have brought in existence the most beautiful boy my love" she asked her husband

"Nhhh I agree with you. My son is really handsome."

"So mom, daddy I am ready will you be taking me there"

"Sure how can I let this incredible beautiful young man to go alone"

"Daddy stop calling me beautiful"

"Chill there young man, let me take my keys now"

While they were happily chatting on the forest there seems to be some strange people lurking in the shadows, they looked creepy with their faces painted under their eyes mouth and cheeks with black colors

Inside the house

"Honey are you coming with us"

"Nah! I will pass by the way I have to prepare our feast my love" Claire answered her husband and caught the gross look on Terri's face

"Aw disgusting, I will be late now stop sweet talking to one another I am still here remember."

After Terris said that they looked at each other and said in unison

"Your son" then busted out laughing

If only Terris knew that was his last moment with his parents.

What do you think will happen to Terri's parents.

Please support me and my work I will try harder to update my every chapter in time so my readers can enjoy every bit of my work. Thank you 😊 see you 👋

hello it's my first time writing here hope you all will love my humble story.

please feel free to correct me whenever you see any mistakes in my novel 'cause this will help me grow and become a good writer........ wish me luck everyone

Jackie_0545creators' thoughts