
Under The Full Moon - The Werewolf Detective Finds A Mate

A werewolf and a human have to figure out their feelings for one another while a killer is on the loose. Up until four years ago, Nick was known for being a reckless thrill seeker, always out in the field and breathing down the necks of the most notorious criminals New York had to offer. Then he was turned into a werewolf and everything changed. Now he's forced to avoid any situation that could cause a spike in adrenaline until he stumbles upon a case he needs to investigate himself: it looks like the killer might be a werewolf. Someone is already on the case, however, and it's none other than Kate, the most beautiful woman Nick's ever met. While they're working together, secrets are revealed. But can Nick expect Kate to accept everything about him, even his best kept secret, if he struggles to accept it himself? - She had no right to toy with his feelings like that. But seeing her on the brink of crying.. his gaze softened. "I'm sorry, Kate." She blinked and a tear ran down hear cheek. She quickly wiped it away. "No, you have nothing to be sorry for, Nick. I'm sorry." He didn't know when it happened, exactly, but suddenly, they stood so close to each other their bodies were almost touching. Kate's breath softly brushed his skin. The scent of the perfume she was wearing reached his nostrils. Sandalwood, burnt sugar and vanilla. Time stood still for a while. Could she want him looking like this, his wolf side exposed? Kate got up on her tippy-toes. Her chest was touching his. The warm feeling from before was basically searing a hole in Nick's body. The animal in him wanted to jump her right then and there, but he stood still. Then, after what felt like eternity, Kate's lips collided with his. At first, the kiss was a bit awkward. Nick was afraid he'd poke her with his teeth, which were still long and sharp, but they figured it out pretty quickly and there was no going back from then on. → cover by @chhvjhwr (you can find her on Wattpad)

fennecfox321 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

A Different Approach

After chatting with Hugo a bit more, Nick returned to his desk and went over the transcript from yesterday's interrogations.

As he skimmed through the text, he let his mind wander. What if they actually found the killer and that person really turned out to be a werewolf?

They'd have to be arrested, but Nick couldn't let that happen. If he and Kate ever came close to finding that person, he'd have to get to them first and.. then what? Lock them in his basement?

Kill them?

Yeah, because that would definitely work, Nick thought as he turned the page.

What did he hope to gain by essentially exposing Kate and the rest of the world to a ruthless, supernatural serial killer when he could just as easily walk away from all of this?

If he was being honest with himself, he was really searching for a friend. Someone who shared the same secret and could help him, because nobody had ever helped him with this.

The murderer-werewolf could never be his friend, though, and he needed to stop believing in that fantasy.

While closing the transcript and putting it back in the drawer, he felt sick as he thought of the many times he'd come close to losing control. What if the other werewolf hadn't meant to harm these lawyers at all? What if they had simply lost control and killed the lawyers accidentally?

Nick suppressed the sudden urge to growl. I'm a killer, too, his wolf seemed to say, just haven't gotten around to it yet.

"You look like you've just seen a ghost."

Nick almost jumped as the familiar voice disrupted his thoughts. Kate.

His wolf was provoked, now, and Nick was on edge, nervous. He had to be careful and, under no circumstances, let that feeling take over because his wolf would jump at the opportunity to show himself.

He couldn't let that happen, ever. Not in front of Kate.

"It's nothing," he said, too quickly for her to believe him.

"No, it isn't. If it's about the case, I want to hear your thoughts."

She put her hands on her hips and regarded him expectantly.

Her black hair was partly hidden by the collar of her trenchcoat, which fit her perfectly, accentuating her natural curves.

Nick's breath caught for a moment. She was just so effortlessly beautiful.

She must have a boyfriend, he told himself, trying his best to convince his wolf to stand down and simultaneously formulate an appropriate answer.

"I was just going over our suspects again. Maybe we're approaching this the wrong way."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you can't really control animals, right? Especially when they're on a killing spree. Maybe the owner isn't at fault here."

"Obviously," Kate laughed. Nick quickly looked away as a comfortable feeling spread through his body, even soothing his wolf.

She placed her hands on Nick's desk, bending over and speaking slowly, like she was explaining something to a child.

"For now, we're treating this as a homicide, Nick. Of course, animals have been known to act of their own volition. Considering the reputation of the victims, however, we have to assume that this was planned."

Wow. Nick wondered if she was aware of how sexy it was when she talked like that.

She handed him a file. "This is why I came. We have a new suspect. Grab your coat, you can read it on the way."


Hope you liked this chapter!

In the next one, Nick and Kate will be interrogating their newest suspect.. and not everything will go as planned ;)