

Serena Lee is a vampire running away from destiny, trying to live a normal life with humans and a lot of werewolves. Draco Van Hellsing is a werewolf trying to prove himself to his dad. When the two clash interests are gained, bonds are formed, friends are made. What they didn't expect were pain and betrayal. Follow Serena and Draco in their battles against fate.

Mamapatience · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


Time surged ahead, and with the passage of a week, the rhythm of life resettled. School had resumed, ushering in a return to routine. Amidst the ebb and flow of days, Serena and Kelly shouldered the responsibility of their captive. And amid this, Draco's presence remained steadfast, punctuating their days with his visits and assistance.

On this particular morning, the sun had barely brushed the horizon when Serena ventured out, an early errand guiding her steps. She returned to the confines of the basement, carrying breakfast for the captive. With quiet efficiency, she placed the food before her, her movements gentle yet deliberate. Unbinding the captive's wrists, Serena's actions belied the surrealness of their situation. The captive, fingers brushing against the memory of rope marks, began to eat in silence.

In the midst of her task, Serena's voice wove through the air—an inquiry laced with concern. "Do you need to use the washroom before we leave? The school has resumed, and neither Kelly nor I can be here to assist."

The captive's reply was curt, a hint of irritation underscored by her words. "No, I don't need it."

Yet, Serena's persistence remained, her gaze softening as she pressed further. "Are you sure?"

The captive's frustration flared, a sharp retort escaping her lips. It was a brief moment, an outburst that stirred the room's stagnant air.

Unperturbed, Serena rose, a note of reproach coloring her words. "You should be more civil. Tomorrow is Kelly's turn to look after you."

A bristling reply came, etched with a measure of candor. "At least Kelly wears her emotions. You? You're hiding your true nature behind a façade of concern. You're just as bloodthirsty as they say."

Serena's laughter followed—a chilling, mirthless sound that sent an unsettling chill through the room. Her eyes, once warm, had turned frigid, shadows of cruelty dancing within them. The captive's courage wavered, a whisper of fear creeping in. And then, with deliberate calm, Serena's voice cut through the air like a blade. "If you understand that much, you should be cautious around me."

Beyond the basement's confines, the call of urgency resonated. Kelly's voice, insistent, seeped into their world. "We're going to be late!"

Serena's transformation was swift—the coldness dissolving, replaced by her customary gentle smile. In a seamless motion, she bound and silenced the captive, her touch carrying an odd mix of compassion and duty. As the door to the basement closed behind her, Serena's presence lingered leaving a seed of fear planted in her.


Under the morning sun's benevolent gaze, Serena and Kelly embarked on their journey to school. Their laughter, a fleeting symphony, punctuated the short distance until the grand gates of the school welcomed them.

Draco stood there, a figure marked by anticipation. A subtle smile touched his lips as he moved towards them, his arm finding its way around Serena. The gesture, as possessive as it was tender, stirred a blush upon her cheeks. But before the warmth could settle, Kelly intervened, tugging her sister away from Draco's grasp.

Amused, Draco posed a question to Serena, a touch of mischief playing in his eyes. "Ready for school?"

Serena's response was soft, her voice laced with affirmation. "Yes, I am."

As the trio stepped into the school's bustling corridors, a wave of attention surged forth. Students flocked around Serena, their inquiries a testament to her popularity. Draco observed, a simmer of possessiveness mingling with a silent appreciation. He watched as Serena conversed with genuine warmth, a kindness that radiated effortlessly. She was an angel in their midst, a figure that drew people to her without exerting any effort.

Draco acknowledged this truth, the pull she had over others. And although he begrudgingly admitted his discomfort at the crowd around her, he recognized that it was woven into the essence of Serena's character. It was a facet he cherished, one that, alongside her vampire identity, set her apart.

Serena's friends intervened in a collective force that extricated her from the crowd's fervor. Together, they navigated the corridors, their bond solidified through shared experiences. And as they approached their classroom, Serena turned back, a beckoning gesture directed at Draco. He caught her eye, his smile a mirror of her own, and joined their path.


Amidst the vibrant energy of the cheer practice, Serena found herself soaring, carried by the strength of her teammates' hands. The wind tousled her hair as her body arched gracefully through the air, performing a flawless display of flips. And then, as if touched by magic, she was lowered back to solid ground, captured in the waiting arms of her fellow cheerleaders.

Cherry, the vigilant cheer captain, halted the performance, her discerning eyes detecting a slight discord in the tempo. She commanded a break, prompting the athletes to scatter, seeking respite from their exertions. Kelly handed her a bottle of water.

Seated amidst the lively buzz of their fellow cheerleaders, Serena and Kelly took a moment to catch their breath. Cleo, her eyes glinting with curiosity, initiated the conversation. "Hey, have you guys heard about Leona Artemis?"

Serena, feigning innocence, leaned in. "Leona Artemis? Who's that?"

The topic seemed to spark the interest of others as well, and Cleo continued with a conspiratorial smile. "The missing student. Rumor has it she got kidnapped by vampires."

A collective gasp echoed through the group, followed by a murmur of disbelief. But the chatter wasn't over yet, as another voice joined in. "I heard something different. She was supposedly bitten by a vampire, and...well, you know."

Kelly's candidness broke through, punctuating the conversation. "Her name's a bit weird, though."

Amidst the chuckles, Cleo agreed, "Yeah, it does sound pretty unusual."

As the playful banter continued, Cherry, the captain, intervened to remind them of their practice. With a resigned sigh, the cheerleaders dispersed, each returning to the rhythm of their routines.


As cheer practice wrapped up, Serena and Kelly bid farewell to their fellow cheerleaders. Exiting the school, they found Draco waiting for them. With a casual air, he slung Serena's school bag over his shoulder, eliciting an eye roll from Kelly.

They walked together, Draco's presence providing a sense of security. Along the way, they made a brief stop to grab some food for the captive before reaching their destination. Inside the basement, the captive's resentful gaze locked onto Draco as he entered.

"Are you pleased with yourself, seeing me like this?" the captive snarled, defiance in her tone.

Draco's response was measured, his eyes unwavering. "I'm not here for pleasure. I'm here to ensure Serena's safety. If you agree to keep our secret, we'll consider letting you go."

The captive's gaze flickered toward Serena, searching for some hint of motive. Serena's expression was unreadable, her eyes giving away nothing.

"Your request for compromise is quite rich, considering you're holding me captive," the captive retorted.

Draco's patience was wearing thin.

A heavy silence hung in the air, the weight of the moment palpable. Serena's voice, soft but resolute, cut through the tension. "Take your time to decide. We're offering a way out."The captive's eyes bore into Serena's, a mixture of anger and calculation in her gaze. With a nod from Serena, the meal ended, and the captive was bound and gagged once more.

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