

Serena Lee is a vampire running away from destiny, trying to live a normal life with humans and a lot of werewolves. Draco Van Hellsing is a werewolf trying to prove himself to his dad. When the two clash interests are gained, bonds are formed, friends are made. What they didn't expect were pain and betrayal. Follow Serena and Draco in their battles against fate.

Mamapatience · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs



As the school bell rang, signaling the end of another class, Serena found herself alone in the hallway, separated from her friends. She had stayed back to gather her belongings when the alarm suddenly blared, and panic ensued among the students.

Alarmed by the chaos, Serena's senses heightened, and she felt the unmistakable presence of a vampire nearby. Her heart pounded, but instead of fear, a surge of excitement coursed through her veins. She welcomed the challenge, for she was no ordinary high school student.

Serena moved like a shadow, stealthily tracking the creature's location. The vampire would soon learn that it had chosen the wrong school to attack.

Turning a corner, she came face to face with the vampire—an imposing figure with bloodlust in its eyes. Despite the threat it posed, Serena remained eerily calm, her crimson eyes locked onto her adversary.

With lightning speed, the vampire lunged at her, fangs bared and claws extended. But Serena was already prepared. In a blur of motion, she sidestepped the attack, her movements fluid and graceful.

The vampire roared in frustration, surprised by her agility. It swung again, but Serena danced away effortlessly, as though she was toying with her prey. Each of the vampire's strikes missed its mark, and it became increasingly infuriated by Serena's seemingly casual evasion.

Without warning, Serena struck back. Her hands moved like a blur as she delivered precise blows, sending the vampire staggering. Her strength, far beyond that of a regular human, was a testament to her supernatural heritage.

The vampire attempted to retaliate, but Serena was always one step ahead. She anticipated its moves, her instincts honed by years of training. It was as if she could see the vampire's attacks before they even happened.

With a final, decisive strike, Serena incapacitated the vampire, sending it crashing to the ground. The creature lay there, defeated and humiliated, unable to comprehend how it had been so effortlessly overpowered.

As Serena stood there, her crimson eyes still glowing with intensity, the vampire took one last look at its formidable opponent before fleeing into the darkness, knowing it was no match for the pureblood vampire's power.

Oh? A hunt?

Serena felt a mix of adrenaline and excitement. She quickly took deep breaths to calm down. She couldn't get too excited. She knew she couldn't let the vampire roam free, so she resolved to find it before it harmed anyone else.

As Serena delved deeper into her investigation, little did she know that her path would soon cross with Draco's, leading to a revelation that would change both of their lives forever.


After the encounter with the vampire and the shocking revelation that her secret was no longer safe, Serena's heart raced as she rushed home. Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, and urgency gripped every step she took. The carefully crafted façade of her life was now at risk of shattering completely.

Upon reaching home, Serena moved swiftly, packing her and her sister's most treasured possessions into a bag. The reality of their situation weighed heavily on her, and she knew there was only one option left—to leave and to leave quickly.

As Serena gathered their belongings, the front door creaked open, and Kelly's voice rang out, filled with concern and curiosity. "Serena, what's going on here?"

Serena turned to her sister, her eyes showing a mix of determination and worry. "Kelly, we need to go. Draco knows what I am."

Kelly's eyes widened, her shock evident on her face. "How... How did he find out?"

Serena's voice was tense as she spoke, her mind racing for answers. "I don't know, but it doesn't matter now. We can't stay here any longer."

Kelly's brows furrowed, her concern shifting to frustration and anger. "And what about him, Serena? What do we do about Draco? About the fact that he knows?"

Serena's lips pressed together, a mixture of emotions clouding her expression. She had hoped to protect the lie they had now, but her efforts were crumbling before her eyes.

"Our safety comes first. We have to leave," Serena said firmly.

Kelly's gaze intensified, her tone edged with impatience. "And what if he follows us? What then?"

Serena hesitated, torn between her sister's concern and the feelings she held for Draco. "We'll deal with that if it happens. But right now, we need to ensure we're safe."

Kelly's eyes narrowed, her voice tinged with skepticism. "And what if we can't? What if this never ends?"

Serena's chest tightened, her fingers gripping the strap of the bag tighter. "We'll find a way. We have each other."

Kelly's frustration mounted, and she stared at Serena for a long moment. "Tell me the truth, Serena. How did he find out?"

Serena's gaze wavered, her hesitation evident as she avoided her sister's eyes. Kelly's voice grew more insistent. "Serena, tell me."

Finally, Serena's resolve crumbled, and she met her sister's gaze, her voice barely above a whisper. "I... I saved him. During the vampire attack, I saved Draco."

Kelly's eyes widened, a mix of shock and anger on her face. "You... You what?"

Tears welled up in Serena's eyes as the truth spilled from her lips. "I couldn't let him die, Kelly. I exposed myself to save him."

Kelly's shock fully transformed into seething anger, her eyes blazing. "You what? You risked everything for him?"

Serena's voice quivered. "I couldn't just stand there and let him die."

Kelly's tone was biting, filled with resentment. "And now we have to run because of your decision."

Serena's heart ached at her sister's words, the weight of her actions crashing down on her.

As the room pulsed with tension, Serena's heart raced, caught between the fierce arguments of her sister and the weight of her own decisions. Leaving was the only choice, a decision she had made to safeguard their lives and the secret they held.

"Kelly, please try to understand," Serena pleaded, her voice a blend of desperation and urgency. "We can't stay here. Our lives are at stake."

Kelly's gaze remained unyielding, her determination as sharp as her stare. "Running won't solve everything, Serena. We can't be on the run forever. We could just eliminate the problem. We could kill him."

Serena's eyes widened, appalled by her sister's suggestion. "No, Kelly, that's not an option. "

Kelly's face twisted in anger, her words stinging. "Why, because you like him? What happened to our safety comes first?"

Before Serena could respond, the sound of footsteps echoed outside the door, freezing both sisters in their tracks.

And then, almost as if summoned by their words and emotions, the door swung open, revealing Draco's presence. But he wasn't alone. Behind him, a figure was bound and gagged, struggling against her restraints.

Serena's eyes widened as she recognized the vampire hunter, the one who had aided Draco in the battle against the vampire. Her heart pounded, a sense of unease settling over her.

"Serena," Draco said, his voice heavy. "We need to talk."

Serena's gaze flickered to the vampire hunter, her emotions in turmoil. What had happened? Why was she here, bound and helpless?

Kelly's anger was momentarily forgotten as she too took in the scene before her. "What's going on?"

Draco's gaze shifted to the bound vampire hunter, his voice calm but unwavering. "She knows your secret."

As the truth hung heavy in the air, Serena and Kelly exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. This situation had become far more complicated than they had anticipated.

Serena turned back to Draco, her voice laced with a mix of anxiety and determination. "Draco, I..."

Draco's expression softened, his concern evident. "We'll talk, Serena. But first, we need to address this situation and keep your secret safe."

Together, they moved the bound vampire hunter into the basement, securing her away from prying eyes.

"Serena, we can't just leave her down there," Kelly said, her voice low but insistent.

Serena turned to her sister, her eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "I know, I'm thinking."

Kelly's eyes flashed with frustration, her voice tinged with impatience. "We could 'make her understand'."

Before Serena could respond, Draco's voice cut through the tension. "I you're talking about mind manipulation, hunters have a blocker of some sort implanted in them."

"let's kill her then"

"I'm not helping you commit murder"

"But you sure helped us kidnap her." Kelly retaliated, "I take it back. that was all you. Good job"

"Enough," Serena interjected before Draco could reply. "Let's reason with her. Maybe she would understand" But even she knew the chances of that happening were close to none.

With a shared nod, the three of them returned to the basement. The vampire hunter, her expression a mix of defiance and anger, struggled against her restraints.

Serena hesitated, her fingers trembling as she removed the gag. The moment the cloth was removed, the captive's voice erupted in a barrage of accusations and threats.

"You vampires think you can hide forever, but your reign of darkness ends here!" she spat, her words venomous.

Kelly rolled her eyes.

"We're not like the others you hunt. We're trying to protect ourselves, just as you're protecting your kind."

The captive's eyes blazed with skepticism. "Protecting your kind? By feasting on humans?"

"No," Serena chimed in, her voice steady. "We don't hunt humans. We just want to live our lives in peace."

"You think I'll just believe your lies? You." she turned to Draco. "Why are you helping them? Does your family know you're a traitor?"

Draco's eyes narrowed.

Kelly's impatience boiled over, and she gestured to the captive with frustration. "We should just get rid of her."

The idea sounded tempting at that point.

"You're monsters, all of you!"

Draco exchanged a glance with Serena, a silent agreement passing between them. This confrontation was leading nowhere, and their time was running out.

With a sigh, Serena nodded to Kelly. The gag was returned to the captive's mouth, silencing her venomous words.

Kelly turned to Serena, "So what now?."

Serena sighed, her voice laced with weariness. "I don't know."