
Everything Isn't Always The Same

 I woke up to see the bright sunshine falling on my face.  I turned my body to the right side trying to look through the window more clearly,  after adjusting my eyes to the light.  As I gazed upon the green lush leaves on trees on the sidewalk outside with the sun rising above it,  I found my schoolmates walking on the gray pavement talking to each other. 

Coming back to my senses, I realised that I was late for the first day of my school.  My eyes immediately fell on the alarm clock nearby.  I had set the time wrong. Of course. 

I tried to move my body but it wouldn't budge.  My body felt so heavy.  I was so tired.  I weakly hugged my soft white pillow and snuggled it.  

Slowly,  using all of my energy I pushed myself to sit up on my bed.  A dizzy spell came to me,  blacking out everything. I carried myself forward somehow as if coming back to life and brushed my teeth. I slipped into my school uniform which was a formal full sleeved white top,  tucked inside a clean black skirt above knee level. I brushed my long dark brown hair falling below my shoulders brushing my neckline as I looked into my sea blue eyes into the mirror,  thinking about life.

I was just depressed. And a complete mess. Nothing interesting ever happened to me since me and my boyfriend broke up. I live in an Asian country, in a practically small area.  The place where I lived was deserted every night. Not many people come here. 

I was now running out of my house with my school bag after eating my breakfast and I rushed off to meet my best friend, Iris. She has short black hair and she always tucks her hair behind her on one side.  Whatever dress she wears,  looks unusually cute on her and it suits her perfect.  She is one of the sweetest people I've ever met.  She helped me a lot during my breakup.  She hasn't had a boyfriend yet but she recently revealed that there's this guy that she likes and his name is Ian. 

He is single,  and his partly famous for his broad shoulders and has deep,  black hair with beautiful black eyes.  It wasn't surprising to know that Iris likes him though,  because every girl in our class has a crush on him. 

I stopped at her house only to see her running out of her house.  

'Sorry!  I'm late!', she yelled halfway. 

I chuckled to myself and replied, 'I was late myself'. 

We were talking along the way when she suddenly started off this topic about a girl in our school disappearing all of a sudden.  It seems that she had been gone for almost three days. 

'Zara!  Iris!  Wait for me'. yelled a similar voice behind me. I turned back to see who it was.  It was Vonn,  my ex.  He is currently the most popular guy in our school and he is one flirtatious guy. 

'What are you two lovely women talking about? ' he asked as Iris' face had slightly turned red.

We almost reached school when I replied, 'That's private.  Late too,  huh?'.

'Maybe' he nodded.  He quickly waved us a goodbye and ran off towards his fan girls. 

It's shocking to know how comfortably he talks to me even after we broke up.  I cried a lot and refused to eat during that time,  while Iris kept coming over to my house to console me and make me feel better.  But now,  I don't really care and I seemed to have lost all my love for him technically.  Vonn and I both treat each other as friends and the real reason why he broke up with me,  was because his fan girls were unhappy to see us together.  He lied to me that that it was just because he had someone else he liked.  I mean,  it was pretty obvious to find out.

I walked in the blue corridor of my school with Iris uninterested about what was happening around me.  A guy of my age who was someone I've never seen before caught my attention. Probably a newcomer,  I thought. He had black hair falling over his captivating black eyes. I overheard many girls saying that dreamy, spreading rumors that he was their boyfriend. All of them were freaking out and were gazing at him from a distance.

Of course,  it was obvious that he was the hottest guy anyone's ever seen and that he would get a girlfriend real soon,  I agreed to myself. 

His uniform brought out his broad shoulders suiting his hair and eyes.  He was leaning on the locker talking to Devon,  the guy rumored to have the hottest body. 

As I was walking past him,  there was this moment our eyes met. Sure, this may seem like a fantasy to you but my heart was racing. 

I felt something when I looked into his eyes...  It wasn't love.  I felt something different...

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