
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · Ficção Científica
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123 Chs

A True Friend [1]

Tsuyoi fiercely asked, "What team? We don't even know you."

The Alien didn't seem to mind this little rebellious stunt, "I am Meron, the leader of the W-Block, and I would like you two little girls to join my rugby team."

She was not asking but demanding. However, that didn't work well with the two girls.

Encender ground her teeth and yelled, "I won't! I will never play with someone I don't know! And I don't even know a thing about rugby!"

"Tsuyoi agrees! It's rude to demand things like that!"

No change happened to Meron's face, "I will just force you to do it."

The two girls didn't hesitate to throw punches at her. This woman was just asking for it. However, their attacks were blocked by Meron's palm.


The two girls suddenly screamed. An electric current was moving up in their bodies. It took seconds for them to pass out.


Meron looked at the two men who had just walked out from the living room rooms after hearing the loud noises. 

"Would you like to propose a challenge for me as well?

Rajah couldn't let it happen, but as a gentleman, he couldn't possibly bring himself to shout at a woman. In the end, all he could do was grit his teeth in silence. 

However, Tito looks at Meron with dead eyes and walks back to the living room. "No, you can take them away."

"But, Tito, we can't-!"

The man in question cuts the prince off. "It would be beneficial for them regardless. In the meantime, please return the television to the living room. I would like to watch the Doctor's trainee."

Rajah wide opened his mouth in disbelief. He couldn't believe that Tito was abandoning his two inmates just because he wanted to see a television series. 

Seeing Rajah helplessly drag the television, Meron comments, "Tsk, men."

Meron carries the two girls on her shoulder before she walks out of the cell. 

"I will help you both recognize areas where you can improve."

A few minutes passed, and the strongest woman in Galactic Prison is now showing her true colors. 

"Run! Run!" Meron yelled.

The rugby trainees kept on running around the field. All of them were sweating and panting heavily. Their captain had made them run over a hundred rounds.

Encender and Tsuyoi were at the front. Their bodies were all drenched in sweat with their feet loudly pounding against the concrete field. 

However, they did their best to maintain their breath.

Even so, in a pair of deep green eyes, they weren't doing anything.

"Hey, you little babies! Run even faster! I can start from Zero and catch up to you!"

"She really is annoying... Why did she pick us anyway?" Encender asked in an annoyed tone.

This giant of a woman was no joke. She was both stronger and smarter than her. If she were a nice person, she would have been a perfect role model.

"Calm down, Encender. Let's think of a way to get away from this together," Tsuyoi suggested. "Two heads are better than one."

The golden-eyed girl ignored her friend and yelled, "Then do it! Try catching up with us!"

"Hey!" Tsuyoi face palmed in shout. 

The person she had chosen as her best friend would only listen to the words that came from Tito's mouth.

Although she didn't say it, this bothered her a lot.

Yes, Tito and Encender are like Yin and Yang – intelligent and strong. 

However, she could do better than him. If they fought, she is one hundred percent confident that she would win, although it would take up time.

In terms of intelligence, she can process things faster than normal humans. This is also thanks to the things she underwent during the Wushu operations.

She could be as smart as Tito if she puts her mind to it.

As a good friend, Tsuyoi had no choice but to suppress her feelings. She didn't want to lose her first friend. 

All she could do was watch Meron run around the rugby field. She was breaking the sound barrier, and it took only a minute for her to catch up with the two girls. 

Meron coldly glared at Encender, "What were you attempting to convey, little girl? Rugby encompasses more than just physical prowess and muscular strength; it also requires a level of discipline which appears to be lacking in you."

She took a sigh and continued, "As they say, everyone older than you deserves to be respected. You only respect those who are strong and those who have something you need. Anyone who is not like that is just a stepping stone for you. 

The truth is that you are an evil bitch." 

Encender gritted her teeth. 

Why would she respect someone who is not part of her life? 

Her brother didn't care about other people besides his family. So why would she? 

Why share a piece of pie with someone you don't know? It's better to have it yourself.

"Shut up? You don't know a thing about me!" The young girl yelled and sprinted up front. 

"I will kill you for making Tsuyoi's best friend angry." The young girl muttered, before she followed the shadow of her friend.

Meron casually remarked, "You are fortunate to have a good friend, however, you seem to be lacking in broad-mindedness to appreciate it." With a slight grin, Meron added, "Rest assured, I will work on expanding your perspective."

"She took a deep breath and called, "Everybody gather around me in 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!" 

Meron didn't even need to shout to reach zero, as all fifteen recruits came rushing at her like ants. Some of these women just happened to be unlucky when she was carrying Encender and Tsuyoi. 

Encender wanted to take a seat, but Meron couldn't let her do so, "If you are not stronger than me, don't you dare sit on the ground. If you can win against me then that's when you can take a seat."

"Humpf!" puffing out her cheeks, Encender sat on the ground. 

This time, she was sure she could take care of Meron. Last time, she was caught off guard, but now she is prepared. 

The corner of her golden eyes looked at Tsuyoi. However, her friend didn't even flinch. She still knew that the rugby captain is stronger than them now. 

Encender became a little flustered; without Tsuyoi's help, the chances of her winning were low. Even so, she didn't mind; she is not a meat shield like Rajah who can be restore his body.

The young girl waited patiently for what was going to happen. However, the one who got punched in the gut was Tsuyoi.


The youngest coughed up black blood. Tsuyoi was hurt that much, but Meron didn't stop.

Bam, bam, bam—!

It looked more like domestic violence, as Meron kept on punching Tsuyoi. Even so, the youngest showed great tenacity, as she kept on standing.

"Leave her alone!!" Encender roared.

Anyone could tell that the one suffering from her rebellious act was Tsuyoi, who followed the rules.

It looked like an unfair judgement.

Meron punched the youngest girl in the face to stop her from saying anything, "If you are displeased with what I am doing, make me stop."

"Ahhhh!" Encender roared and tried to kick the monstrous woman on the head.


However, a punch to the gut reached her first. Not only that, but a huge electric current started flowing through her body.


Encender loudly fell to the ground. Nonetheless, she found something wrong with her body. Such an attack would have made her pass out. However...she was only paralyzed.

Meron coldly states, "Do you know what happens to a company leader for making a bad decision? Nothing."

She clenched her fist and hit Tsuyoi in the face, "The ones who suffer are the workers instead. The ones who go home with unpaid salaries are them."

With each sentence she produced out of her mouth, she punched the little girl, "The ones who will have their family die of hunger are them. The ones who will have their kids drop out of school, do you know who?! It is the workers. The one at the top won't even notice a thing. However, I am going to let you see all that."


Tsuyoi finally fell to the ground. Only her sky blue eyes could be told apart from her face. Everything else was covered in blood.

Nevertheless, she didn't look like the pain affected her at all. She tried to get up, but the rugby captain kicked her on the shin.

However, not even a single cry of pain escaped her mouth. Tsuyoi's eyes were directed at the person she thought was her best friend all along.

When Rajah's dead body was stabbed, she shed a few tears for him. Even so, she didn't even shed a single tear for her friend being beaten up.

'Tsuyoi is not dead, but aren't friends supposed to feel each other's pain?'

'A good friend is someone who shares the same pain with you when you are in trouble.'

Even though she found out that her friend didn't care for her, Tsuyoi kept on trying to get up. This made Meron's attacks to halt. 

The rugby captain felt a little sad as she went a little overboard with teaching the two. She knew deep down that she wasn't fond of women who are more beautiful than her.

"Today's training ends here. I want to see everyone here tomorrow," she spoke in an emotionless tone.

As she walked towards the stands, she saw Tsuyoi lifting up the paralyzed Encender.

She didn't know anything about the youngest inmate's past. Even so, she could somewhat relate to her.

Nobody wanted to hang around with Meron because of her muscular body. She was even stronger than half aliens, half humans. This led people to treat her with the back of their hand.

However, the moment she stopped caring, her whole world changed. And that's the moment she found her first love.


In this sport, people like her were needed.

She even left her planet just for this sport, and also went to prison for it. Without rugby, there is no Meron.

She looked sadly at Tsuyoi as he pulled Encender out of the field and remarks, "It would be best for you to go your own way. Developing feelings for someone who only views you as an object is harmful. Although you may not recognize it presently, I am certain the future version of yourself will echo these sentiments."


The moment her words finished, someone called out to Meron. She couldn't help but smile at the sight of her frail boyfriend rushing at her with a bouquet of artificial roses in his hand.

Meron wide opened her arms, and her shameless boyfriend was the one to leap up to her. The scene looked more like a reverse couple.

The yellow-skinned woman took the roses and sniffed them, "You don't need flowers to show me how you love me. Seeing you every day is all I wish for."

Hein locked his hands around her neck and looked into her alluring eyes. He pouts, "Pfft, I don't want any other guys trying to steal you away from me. Don't you remember I practically begged just to take you out on a date?"

Meron smiled, remembering how Hein begged her to be her boyfriend for two months straight is really funny.

However, a second didn't pass before her pupils got diluted. She asks, "What should I do about the two girls now."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Power stones and golden tickets are greatly appreciated!

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