
College Girls

Slowly but surely after a year of Grandmaster Long's relentless attacks my Ki Sense quickly developed on par with my battle experience and I began to anticipate Grandmaster Long's attacks.

As I accumulated battle experience my body began to move reflexively, dodging Grandmaster Long's initial attack while I instinctively positioned my body in the optimum form to both defend and counterattack. Pouring Ki into both my legs and fists my counterattack was swift as I struck Grandmaster Long's incoming fists and feet directly with my own, countering him blow for blow, the sound of metal striking metal ringing thru the air as are Ki infuse limb's caused small explosions of air to fill the area around us.

This like many of our most recent momentary bouts would only last for a few seconds before Grandmaster Long would quickly retreat with a few powerful steps, traveling hundreds of feet with every step that he took. By now my Ki had advanced by leaps and bounds and I had already attained a power level of more than 100, more than enough for me to make a few basic Ki Blasts.

Yet despite the fact that unlike Son Goku and friends with the small amount of Ki I had arduously accumulated my Ki Blasts usually were no larger than a golf ball size orb of whitish light, and I could only fire off a few before I fully depleted my Ki, and their range was still only around 50 feet, and they took several seconds to form making them completely unusable for combat, I still felt excited every time I fired off a Ki Blast, watching the tiny glowing star-like orb shooting thru the air before with a bang it vividly exploded on striking its target, the blast radius covering at least several feet in every direction.

Another year quickly passed during which so many wonderful things happened to me. I became far more proficient at fighting and finally was able to keep up with Grandmaster Long when he tried to escape. Now instead of leaving me in his dust when he retreated I would follow him and continue the fight until I grew tired or Grandmaster Long's was forced to say stop.

I also turned 18, went to prom with Mary (a nice girl who was the captain of the school gymnast team which had made it all the way to nationals) where we were voted best looking couple and chosen to be class King and Queen, and finally finished high school graduating as valedictorian.

I also got accepted into my first choice college which surprisingly was M.I.T. since despite my handsome but thuggish look, (a side-effect from year of martial training) I was actual very mechanically inclined and according to my high school tech teacher was a unprecedented engineering prodigy of the century.

When the day finally came for me to pack up the few things I had for college in the trunk of my slick 2015 dark green Toyota 86 I walk with a bounce in my step, excited for what the future held for me and felt fortunate that it only was a 2 hour drive from the campus dorms I was going to be staying at to either my parents or Grandmaster Long's which I planned to visit frequently.

Life as a student college was surprisingly both easier and harder than that of a high school student. with the more open class structure I should have had more time to train, yet for some reason seemed to have less time since I also had to get a part-time job and way more content to study. Still all in all I enjoyed my life and continued to walk forward along the path I had made for myself.

However there was one really.... interesting...no terrifying thing I had discovered about college, girls! To be specific how they reacted to me. Despite the limitation of my age, after 4 years of high school I had gone on my fair share of dates with several beautiful girl's and had even managed to avoid any of the usually nervousness of my fellow male peers, taking the dominant lead in ever relationship as I skillfully yet gently made it to 3rd base with all of them.

Yet I had never really felt a strong enough connection with any of them prompting me to aim for a home run and unfortunately being the gentleman that I was, out of consideration for what was best for them I was forced to play the ass that broke up with all of them, but despite this I somehow managed to remain really close friend with them, because according to them I was supposedly the greatest guy they had ever met.

So you can see that I had always been really well liked, especially by the opposite sex, but it had always remained at the level of a sunlight warm crush. Yet at college it seemed that all the girls had lost any and all social inhibitions they had towards the opposite sex when they met me, especially sorority girls who were a particular hassle for me.

Many a time they would ask for my help to study only for me to get halfway thru the lesson and some sort of incident would occur with them desperately "needing" to remove several important articles of clothing concealing their most intimate parts. The worst part was the competitive spirit most girls seemed to have for my general affection.

A simple careless hello casually given to any girl would result in countless looks of hatred and envy being focused on the unfortunate recipient who's moment of bliss would quickly be followed with week long chastisement and jealousy fueled spurning.

Hell, I couldn't even finish a date without it being interrupted by the "unexpected" appearance of a few girls I had met who just happen to "coincidentally" be at the exact same place that we were. Like anyone would be coincidentally in a rowboat in the middle of a lake on a romantic moonlit night or rock climbing 800 feet in the air, yeah.....I'd say chances are slim at best.

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