
Chapter 1: So far....

I was having the same nightmare again. It was the same one that keeps popping into my head frequently. I died, my body was recovered and I publicly declared dead. what happens afterwards should be along the lines of someone coming to claim me, for a funeral or memorial. Something with mourning. But no one appears to recognize me. I lay upon the cold morgue table for what seems like ages, and I think. Today they will come for me. But time passes as I stare at the clock that sits above me, slowly it ticks by. Second by second. Minute by minute. Hour upon hour. It blurs together. Soon someone comes to place me into the corpse fridge. I scream that I'm alive, but no words come to my lips. My face lies silent, but the muscles beneath squirm like worms in the ground. The table glides right into the darkness, only when a click sounds my body moves.

I jerk towards the light streaming through the small opening, hoping that I make it in time. But my body numbs, the feeling in me fades. Leaving a prickling sense of loss. My arm freezes leaving my hand grasping towards the light, which dwindles as the pressure closes in. When the light vanishes, the pressure suffocates me. My breathing stalls, and I close my eyes under the unrelenting weight that rests on my eyelids. When my eyes close I wake with a start gasping for air and clutching towards ceiling.

I held my heart, forcing the gasping into deep breathes. Looking around in the dim lighting, everything looked the same. Clothes were strewn across room. With beer bottles and pill capsules littering the bed. A distinct sharp ache in the back of my head makes me wince and the dull scent of sex in the air reminds me of yesterdays acts. Feeling around my neck, I didn't find my dog tags. Worried I flipped the covers, sending the stuff on the bed to the floor. Feeling around I couldn't find it, slowly despair started to set in. The only picture of my family was in one of the dog tags. It was a gift that was kept with me through my service and time in prison. It was even with me til now but its gone...

I snapped out of it when my company started moving, I turned and look at a beautiful woman that was in her mid 20s Asian she was a newbie in the crime syndicate I had ties with. They sent her over with the pills and alcohol when I was talking about having a nice night, while I could have indulged in this by myself but all the better when I could share my fun. I had her many firsts while I taught her how to enjoy life like our colleagues, and may have gone overboard in my drunk/drug induced stupor.

She tried sitting up but from her waist down she was completely numb, so she fell back onto the bed with a dazed look on her face. A glint of light flashed in my eyes drawing my gaze upon her neck where my dog tags rested, reaching over I pulled her onto my lap as she murmured something. I took my tags and looked over the picture with a wiry grin, put them back on then rubbed her scalp and temples to relive some of the pain left from the hangover. She purred at my rubbing and I couldn't help but think what life would be like if I never messed up back then, I shook my head from such thoughts as it is in the past. I idly pet her head as I was in a slight reverie. Feeling something wet on my thigh I saw that the she went back to sleep, drooling on my thigh as a result. I moved her carefully back onto the bed and went toward the kitchen to get something for the headache, stepping over various things that litter the ground I stopped at the door frame.

Looking back I couldn't help but smile at the face she was making, her cheeks puffed out slightly with squinting eyes that showed some discomfort. "Your feeling it huh...?" I left towards the kitchen still going over random objects, I looked through the drawers until I found the pain meds, popping the cap I downed some of the bottle and what I think is left over beer. Streching when the pain let up somewhat, the satisfying cracks rang out as I twist and turn.

Jumping a little I looked towards the clock on the microwave. "Haennnn... late again..."I closed the bottle and chucked it onto the bed, lets hope she notices it. looking around I found my pants and shoes near the door, not having a lot of time I took one of the coats that was hanging by the front door and was and was about to leave when I remembered the girl's face. I hesitated for a moment before leaving a stack of cash and a note on the little bench, feeling lighter I ran out the door to get to business on time.

*POV Change*

I woke up to the bed shifting and the sound of sheets being ruffled. I tried to sit up but the soreness of my body made lay back down, I open my eyes yet my vision was blurred I saw his outline getting closer. He grabbed me by the shoulders and I thought again? He pulled me onto his lap, and I was preparing to experience another mind numbing time when But he only took his necklace back and ahhh... **5ish mins later** I woke up again, he was near the door putting on his clothes. I tried to get up but the soreness didn't let me move I called for him yet my voice was frail and weak. It didn't reach him he left through the door... I hope I see him again... The door shutting woke me from my daze, did I really develop feelings that fast for someone I met yesterday? But he did do all those amazing things to my body... And those scars and those muscles... Oh and that dick... Yeah. I'm going to ask some of my friends who this guy is, they seemed to know him from their reactions... "Whats this?" she picked up a orange bottle that had the name, Hangover Pills scribbled on the side.

*POV Change*

My way onto to work was surprisingly open while it was rush hour, while I was riding over on my Ninja H2 there was asshole who braked in front of me while I was making a right turn at an intersection almost making me wreck into the back of their van, I was about to ride around them and hit one of their rear view mirrors for a bit of release when a siren sounded out and voice over a loud speaker sounded out. "Freeze! hold it right where you are!" I slammed on my breaks again and raised my arms out of habit. "Come out of the vehicle with your arms raised!" I kicked my stand and got off my bike, I was about to call out why I was pulled over when the people in the van also got out of the vehicle, they were dressed in black while wearing ski masks. Was my luck this shit today to get stuck with these dumbasses? I was sure as hell not coming into the precinct like this.

I was conveniently positioned in blind spot of these retards so a quick takedown and on my way to work I go. But why do I have to do work before showing up? And more importantly, could I get the credit of this arrest while I don't have my badge? And knowing the hardass at the helm, he'll probably credit this off to some beat cop before giving me any recognition without proof. Fuck it, got bigger fish to fry. When the men finally came out of the van, they dragged along some kids while holding guns to their heads. Yeah, ima cripple these bastards. When the head honcho on the criminals side started barking orders for another getaway vehicle while holding shotgun point-blank on the small kids chest, I walked behind one who had a waist sheathed knife while pointing a gun at one of the kids. (I hope you know he's thinking while acting, not just standing there while talking in his head, you know?)

I pulled the knife out and brought the pummel down upon the nape of the guy's neck, he went out like a light and I grabbed his gun before hold his body from dropping, using his body as a shield, I then let out a bullet into the back of the bosses head before capping the two guys stand right next to him, both side were surprised when the guy making demands just had a hole blown through his head.

I capitalized on this and put the two others who were standing behind the children down with a bullet into the cartilage of the shoulder and ankle. They cried on there way down while dropping the guns, amateurs.

I kicked the guns away before chucking the gun I held down and razing my arms while shouting "I got the baddies please don't shoot me!" The cops were still a bit dazed. The tense atmosphere that was so tangible you can taste it from before was now ruined, the kidnappers were now immobilized or dead, the kids were safe, and a shirtless guy wearing only a coat and pants was now saying he handled the problem..... What the fuck just happened? was the thought ringing through all of the cops head right now.

The first respond was the bullhorn operator. "Hurry up and make the arrest you dolts!" the other responded, first arresting the only standing adult, while the few less intimidating officers tended to the now wailing children. They then apprehended the screaming dudes while confirming the death of the others. They bagged the guns and then had the other emergency services step in from the back line of the impromptu police barricade. The paramedics treated the bullet wounds of the duo while cleaning the abrasions and bruising on the kids. They checked me quickly and confirmed I had no injuries, "This guy is good but...damn." The others were gossiping just by the squad cars.

I was taken off to the side by a few officers who were poised to draw their guns. I tried to take my helmet of so my voice isn't muffled but they point their guns at me with some impressive speed. "Yo Hold up man! Just taking my helmet off. That's good yeah? No bullets needed to help" I raised my arms above my head again and waited until the relaxed their posture a bit. Then took my helmet of with a bit of effort. "See no bad stuff in the helmet?" I gave them my helmet while picking at my ear a bit.

I saw their eyes visibly twitch, "So could you explain to me why you were with the others and how you could take them out with such..." "Precision?" I pitched in a bit "Yeah, precision." I straitened my non existent tie and swept back my hair. "Well not to brag but I have a bit of a history in the service, and I also did some time which led me to even better or worse circumstances depending on your view point."

They only looked at each other before sighing. "Come on man, we got to bring you in for those guys you dropped. Shouldn't be to long of a process so we hope you'll bear with us" I nodded while they ducked me into the car. "No worries officers, I ain't got no beef with the Fuzz" They laughed and got into the squad car. "Yeah that's a relief. Don't want some special forces vet on my ass for simple bring in" We all laughed as the car went onto the precinct. Although it was kind of of annoying due to the fact that the Chief will have yet another reason to chew my ass out. The kids being alright brought me well enough over the temper meter to not worry about the scolding I'll get later.

Be straight with me. Am I over explaining things and should I add more verbal diaolog?

2069 words. Yep, Im proud of both achievments

Otakubakucreators' thoughts