

Autor: Melina_11
Magical Realism
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Leia o romance udnzkdjbdidiwn8347 escrito pelo autor Melina_11 publicado no WebNovel. ...


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She Who Can Never Be Happy

Note: this is just a hobby project and most of the chapters are like written at 3am so please comment if you see a grammatical/spelling mistake. i’ll try to post an illus with every chapter i post so the time between chapters will be quite long too. if you don’t like waiting for chapters then come back in like two years it may or may not be done. The story also jumps around a lot since it’s just random ideas popping into my head at 3am. I have the general idea of the story but yes i’ll just add random short stories in between chapters and stuff. if the story ever ends i may reorganise the chapters into chronological order. and the stories will also be from a bunch of characters perspectives not just the mc. in fact, there are actually two mcs and their stories are related somehow but honestly i might just make a separate book for mc1 because his story is complicated by itself —————— Most people would agree that Ava was an amazing person. She was a legendary adventurer. Undefeated for who knows how many centuries. She was always smiling and helped everyone. She was friendly and pretty. But other than that, no one knew anything about her. Most people would have heard about her since they were kids. No one knew how old she truly was. Not where she came from, nor what she was. It’s common knowledge that humans can’t live for several centuries like Ava did. But no one knew what she truly was. Even though she had never taken off her hood and no one has seen her ears. People come to the conclusion that she was an elf. A long living race that were known for their beauty and magic abilities. Everyone accepted this as the truth. After all, they didn’t want to think about it. About the other possibility. “She’s so nice to everyone, she could only be an elf!” they deceive themselves with such thoughts. This is a story about a legendary adventurer who was always smiling. But if she was always smiling, doesn’t that mean that she’s never smiling? The red in her eyes will never fade. Thus, she lives for another day.

omizu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Emerald Eyes and New Beginnings

On November 1st, 2001, the magical community rejoices over the defeat of Voldemort, crediting the miraculous event to the infant Harry Potter. However, Albus Dumbledore, wary of Voldemort's true fate and understanding the protective magic invoked by Lily Potter, ensures Harry's safety through a powerful blood ward anchored at the home of his aunt, Petunia Dursley. Ignoring the family's inevitable resentment, Dumbledore leaves Harry with the Dursleys, confident they will protect him. The Dursleys, deeply uncomfortable with Harry's magical nature, treat him with increasing cruelty as his accidental magic manifests. This culminates in a violent outburst when Harry is six, leading Vernon Dursley to abandon him at a London orphanage. At the orphanage, Harry faces further abuse and learns to suppress his magical outbursts. A year later, Harry is adopted by the wealthy Shaws, who view him as a status symbol rather than a son. Despite their indifference, Harry's life improves as he receives proper food, education, and the freedom to practice his magic in secret. Years later, Hogwarts sends Harry's acceptance letter to his new address, puzzling Dumbledore. McGonagall visits the Shaws to explain Harry's heritage and secure his attendance at Hogwarts, despite their initial reluctance. She ensures Harry is prepared for his magical education while uncovering the true hardships he faced with the Dursleys, leaving Dumbledore to ponder the consequences of his decisions. If you enjoyed this fanfic and want to read ahead, you can find advance chapters on my Patreon: patreon.com/FandomQuillScribe. Thank you for your support!

FandomQuillScribe · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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