
Uchiha With the Nine Tails

After the Madara lost to Hashirama in the battle of the final valley, what if Indra and Ashura's chakra never found their next host? What if they merged together? What would happen then? The answer is; A jinchuriki with the sharingan. —X—X— I am still getting used to writing so I can't guarantee you the best of quality. But I will say this; You will never read a fanfic like this ever again. —X—X— Chapter Size – 1.5k - 5k words per chapter. The Voting for and against Harem/Smut is still Open. This story has many POVs other than the protagonist's own, so there is also a deuteragonist.

GuiltyOfSloth · Anime e quadrinhos
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49 Chs

Monster Hunt

Somewhere east of the land of fire and south of the land of Lightning, multiple giant ships were sailing through. Giant symbols of the land of fire were printed on the sails of these ships.

These are the cargo ships that transport cargo between the land of fire and the land of Lightning. 

Among one of the ships though, there was someone who wasn't supposed to be there. 

Standing on top of one of the pillars of the ship, Enkai was covering himself with a brown wood-coloured robe that looked like the texture of the ship. He was staring at the huge fog wall in front of him.

He had to investigate the eastern coast of the land of fire for weeks before he found out about a certain abandoned island that had an active volcano in the middle of it. 

Most people don't even know that it exists and no ship travels there. Left with no other choice, Enkai had to sneak into one of the cargo ships until he was close to the location, and from then on he would have to travel alone in the sea.

"See you later, Mainland," Enkai Muttered before grabbing his robe which disappeared with a poof of smoke; revealing the black poncho that he was wearing underneath. Enkai's black gloves had storage fuinjutsu on them, though it was impossible to see because the ink was also black like his gloves.

When he was ready he jumped straight into the water. It was night time so no one saw Enkai, but they would have heard the splash of water. 

Except they didn't because Enkai never touched the sea. If one were to look at him now then they would think that he is just floating in midair but in reality, this is one of his blank techniques in use.

'Blank Foothold' is a foothold made out of wind and chakra and because it's air it's invisible, but one can still feel it if they are close enough. 

After stabilising his footing Enkai ducked down and blinked straight towards the fog wall. Instantly travelling twenty metres, when he felt himself slowing down he created another foothold and blinked again.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

In a matter of seconds, Enkai was moving so fast that ordinary people could only hear the sound of wind passing by, not that there was anybody there to begin with. 

He had no way of knowing how fast he was going but his rough estimate was that he was moving at around fifty miles per hour.

When Naruto and their party were sailing through this particular fogwall they had to travel for two weeks. Considering that the fastest ship here travels at 14 knots or about 16 miles per hour he had estimated that at most it would take him four days of travelling to get there.

He would have to travel nonstop to achieve that though, he can't even stop to eat but that's fine because Kurama's chakra heals everything. 

After he started experimenting with Kurama's chakra he came to know that it's really useful and it can heal just about anything including thirst and hunger. Why did Naruto never exploit that in the canon? Only he and Kishimoto would know, his personal opinion is – that he was too stupid to use it.

But it sure is annoying to travel in a foggy climate. If not for the fact that Enkai desperately needs summons he would have never bothered to come here.

Right now he is going to the infamous 'Forgotten Island' better known as 'Summoning Island'. This is a nameless island that Naruto will later visit around the time of Shippuden. 

Here some Hidden village was experimenting to create The 'Ultimate Summoning Animal' or USA as Enkai calls it. 

Though the experiment will go wrong, the chimaera will eat all the scientists as well as an Uzumaki kunoichi who was responsible for sealing it.

Of Course, Enkai isn't going for the chimaera as who knows what trouble that might bring. 

He is going there to make a summoning pact with the other summons that live there. Enkai didn't know which shinobi village was responsible for the USA project but he did know that for experimentation purposes they particularly chose that Island because a wide variety of summoning beasts live there.

To some, it might seem that summons are pretty insignificant, at first even Enkai thought so because similar to Ninjutsu summons are useless when fighting high-tier threats like the ten-tails or the Otsutsuki clan members.

But then one thought surfaced in his mind – travelling. In the Naruto world, the fastest way to travel for a shinobi is to travel on foot but there is another method. 

Flight – the number of people who can fly in Naruto's world can be counted in one hand but what if he made a contract with a flying beast and then used it to fly around the world?

Genius! Enkai was a genius! He thought when he first came up with this idea but now it's starting to seem pretty stupid because he has been running at fifty miles per hour for three days now and even though his body was perfectly fine he had weakened a lot mentally.

At this point just to stay awake he had to use some of Kurama's chakra which was apparent as the natural blue in his eyes was now replaced with an orange hue, his round pupils had turned into long slits.

He was really regretting his decision to travel on foot now. He thought he could pull off four days of travel without food and water and he was right but it seems he can't travel for four days without sleep.

Just when negative thoughts were starting to creep in his head he saw a shadow of a huge volcano. 

Yes! That's it! This is it! 

He felt himself getting energised again when he saw the silhouette of the summoning Island. Just a bit more and he can do this! He motivated himself and drove right past the dark thoughts.


"Sleep well, Me," Enkai Muttered as he looked at the makeshift hiding spot. He invaded the island about an hour ago, back then he was so mentally exhausted that he wanted to sleep right then, right there. 

But Enkai knew that the shinobis that were experimenting here might capture him so he quickly removed his traces, searched for a good hiding spot, made a makeshift base, and now he shall sleep!


Enkai slept for a couple of days before waking up. After waking up he hunted some wild animals and had a huge feast. This isn't something he would usually do but he wanted to treat himself to a good meal after not eating anything for the past six days.

And now after all the problems he is finally ready to make some summoning contracts! Enkai gleamed as he took out a small storage scroll from which he summoned a bigger storage scroll from which he took out multiple giant scrolls.

Usually, you can't store summoning contracts in storage scrolls but that's only true when the contract has been established, these summoning contracts are just empty contracts that neither have the summoner's chakra and signature nor the Summon's chakra and signature. 

After taking out ten empty contracts he stored nine of them in his storage gloves and strapped the last one on his waist. 

"It's time for the monster hunt!" Enkai said as he tiptoed his way towards the direction from where the sound of a snake rustling was coming from.



Enkai groaned in frustration when he saw Cloud Nins bustling through the trees. This was the third time he had seen cloud ninjas here. The more he gets near the core of the island the more frequent the ninjas are, it seems.

This is annoying for Enkai because most Summoning beasts prefer to live near the middle of the island as well. 

Enkai sighed and shook his head in disappointment. It looks like he needs to wait and observe their movement patterns and figure out the time when they are at their lowest.


Two days later, he was sure of it. Cloud isn't pulling their punches on this one, For two days straight he scouted the entire area surrounding the volcano and he has concluded that there is no possible way for him to make contracts stealthily.

Looks like he has no choice but to use that method...

No Pun Intended ;)

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