

10/05/2020– Sunday

There were a lot of things to be considered when staring at the dark. It could depend on your situation. Did you feel lonely? Did you feel happy? Did you feel angry? What was your mood at that moment?

In the clear night sky, the stars above didn't seem to care that much about the chaos in Bianca Evans Stones's mind. The maps of wrinkle on her forehead announced she was troubled, she would never understand why people believed in love or life itself. Life wasn't some fairytale children were made to believe. Only if Bianca could go back in time and tell herself she shouldn't get stuck in her rubbish belief.

A shooting star was in sight, Bianca snorted as tears rolled down her cheek, creating paths of many untold stories. A chill breeze blew, causing her skin to grow cold, she shivered as she recalled her tales and tried to find the meaning behind it. She had been married for five years. After three, long years of visiting different doctors, she finally gave birth. But to a special child–Anthony Stones. He was deaf and dumb.

She could remember making a wish at a shooting star but it only caused her more pain. Her husband, Liam Stones was a wealthy businessman, just like her dad. She met him at one of her dad's business event.

He stood out in the crowd with his Viking gold hair and concrete jaw. His mariner-blue eyes darted everywhere as if to find a worthy companion in the crowd. She couldn't get her eyes off him. She watched as many tried and failed to get his attention but his eyes landed on her. It seemed her beauty caught him. She still remembered sucking in her breath when his gaze landed over her.

Bianca Evans wasn't a model but she would have been if her dad allowed it. Black long hair, almond-shaped eyes and a face you could never forget. Her dad later introduced Liam to her, it was her dream come true. They danced all night, whispering sweet things to each other. The night was perfect.

Seven months passed, her dad demanded her to marry him–more like a business proposal, merging both companies. Bianca wasn't ready for marriage, she needed more time to digest this new information about getting married to a divorcee.

Liam was formerly married to famous model, Tia with no kids. Surely, he was handsome and wealthy and he made her heart flutter with his voice but she was young and she wanted to experience everything. But her Dad left her no choice. Yes, she had fallen in love with him. The jolly side of him which made her smile and made the butterflies dance in her belly but she was young.

'There was really nothing stronger than love,' she thought. Their wedding was the talk of the town, every lady in the town envied them.

Until her life crash-landed on a hill. Liam was all lovey-dovey for two years, when he realized she wasn't going to have a baby any time soon, he started skipped dinners, went on trips without informing her. All of a sudden, his presence became cold and distant. He cheated, after all, he had looks that would make any girl melt on the spot.

On the days he manages to come home, he was either drunk or angry at something. Few times she took a hit from him but never got an apology. All he wanted was a child and she was forced to bear the brunt of his frustration cum desperation.

She got pregnant. Finally. Liam was the happiest. He moved her to the mansion in Beaverton, Oregon, US–the family house. She didn't have a choice or a say. The family mansion was stunning with a large-sized swimming pool, beautiful garden, a gym centre, 30 rooms with a bathroom each. It was like a paradise but no girl would want to live with her husband's family forever, especially if the family didn't like her.

Liam had an extended family. His father, Mr Edward Stones married four wives. The first one died, he divorced the second and third. Now, he was married to the fourth. It would not be a surprise if he divorced her soon. Liam was like his father, with each day she waited for him to bring the divorce papers for her to sign. It was their family curse. Only a few rich men knew the value of marriage and the pure meaning it held.

Mr Edward's third wife was Liam's mother, he was the only one who cared for her but he was rarely around. Her angelic face might have you fooled but she was a devil within.

Bianca moved in with them when she was eight months pregnant. At first, everyone acted as if she was a delicate doll, for she would give birth to a son and the heir. Maybe God was punishing her for her past sins because she birthed a child with red hair and disabilities. Traits foreign to the family.

Everyone except Mr Edward despised her immediately. Her two years old son had no idea what was going on. With his cute little smile, he ran around, Liam managed to fake an affection around him but within, he saw an outsider. He didn't look like Liam one bit.

Until now, the sky had been postcard-perfect, but it was changing. She quickened her pace as she headed back to the mansion with the clouds gathering in the sky. The first splatter of rain touched her when she was almost at the door. So much rain was falling that the sound blurred into one long whirring noise.

Bianca jogged the rest of the distance home, her next stop was upstairs to her son's room whose door she pushed open gently. His bedside light was on but he wasn't in the room. Panicked, she ran down almost tripping on the stairs.

"Did you see Anthony?" she asked one of the maids.

"Not at all, Madam Bianca," she replied.

"Check little Kelly's room to see if she's playing with him," she suggested to the maid, Vera, who nodded and headed upstairs.

Bianca ran to the east side of the mansion. Anthony loved playing there because of the beautiful garden. She opened the door, caring less about the rain splatters on her body.

"Anthony!" she called out fully aware he couldn't answer or hear her, but she did believe in the miracles.

Tears filled her eyes as she searched the garden and a torchlight at the far end caught her eyes. Happy it might be Anthony, she headed to it, he might have gotten scared and decided to hide under one of the shades. She smiled again as she ran to the torchlight to search the area, oblivious to the shadow gaining on her. The masked person was quick, she didn't notice the stick coming down on her until it hit the back of her head.

She collapsed to the wet ground, rolling to a corner as she saw her son already on the floor with his eyes partially opened and lips all white. He looked deadly pale.

"Anthony!" she cried out, her head spinning and voice fading at the back of her throat.

She crawled to the body of her son as thunder roared in the sky and the rushing wind violently shook the trees sideways without attempting to take a look at the masked person or scream for help. Her son was the only coherent thought in her head.

Her hands moved to touch the cold skin of the bundle of joy before her and tears poured out of her eyes. She carried him to her arms, not bothered by the blood seeping out from her head or the dizziness she felt. The pain she was experiencing as Anthony's little body had no life was far worse than the hit. She held him tight against her chest and wept.

He felt so cold and lifeless.The smile she was used to seeing was gone. The usual warmth on touching him was gone. The soft snores he used to give were missing.

A scream escaped her mouth as if a knife had stabbed her right through her heart.

"Anthony, mum is here. I'm here. Please wake up," she pleaded as more tears streamed down her eyes. "Can you feel my hand pinching your nose?" she asked hoping for an answer. When he was happy with something, he used to sit on her lap and pinch her nose.

When he didn't make a move, she stood with Anthony in her arms but another blow to her head made her trip. More blood seeped out from her head, nose and ears and she fell on the ground with Anthony in her arms.

As she took her last breath, her only regret was never leaving the mansion when they all made it clear she wasn't a part of the family. She would have been in Dubai sipping lemonade while Anthony playing with his toys. What would her mum think of her? She never told her about their cold treatment. But she doubt she would have cared, her mum was only too glad to get rid of her.

Thunder forked through the sky, illuminating the mask on the killer's face staring at the two lifeless bodies drenched by the rain. Disgust and hate filled the cold atmosphere, but the murderer was glad to be done.

Bianca didn't deserve to live, neither did her son.

"Madam Bianca," a voice called out as the masked person ran the other way with the stick, making sure no evidence was left.