
Twisted Mates

Freya Parrish was orphaned at age three by her family's rival pack, which forcefully took power from the Blue Moon Pack, murdering everyone except 'Lucky Freya.' After the death of everyone in her pack, Freya was supposed to be the ruling Omega being the only survivor, but she suffered from amnesia, leaving Alpha Hero Ian at advantage. The Omegas were never seen as worthy or relevant. They were the bitches and their pack was the most fragile. This implicated anyone from their pack because their hate came naturally. Alpha Hero Ian turned Freya into a slave for his pack, the Blood Moon Pack. For some reason, everyone felt intimidated by Freya, even though she was fragile. This led to everyone to hate and maltreat her, including the Alpha's rude and spoilt son, Dante Ian. As the governing rule of the Blood Moon Pack states, 'All slaves must be set free on their eighteenth birthday,' Freya got sent far away into the human world without any orientation or shelter. Dante on his path took over as the Alpha after the death of his father. For him to become true after, he must also bond with his mate. Desperate to make his pack whole, he goes searching for his mate, which was no other than the girl who hates even the air that he breathes. Despite all the ugliness, is there a chance for Freya and Dante to put their past and differences aside for both packs? Being the only survivor, Freya needs to bear the child of a true Alpha to avoid the extinction of the Blue Moon Pack. “Forgiveness is a pricey pearl that cannot be handed out with ease. It takes more than love and mate bond to win this battle.”

Shining · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
100 Chs


  Dante ended up ignoring Freya for the rest of the day. It wasn't intentional, but satisfactory all the same. He didn't even bother to show her to her desk. He wasn't entirely sure what Declan wanted her to do there, but he knew after the face-off that morning that he'd better keep her because he risked losing a lot.

  Freya thought that ignoring Dante will get the job done. In his mind, he was plotting everything possible, carving every impossible task to make sure her torture wasn't any less. All the same, maintaining a large distance between them.

  After having his lunch with David and his Agent, Dante had to overview the recently imported arts from Singapore before their sales. David was still trying to get his dick in an intern's skirt while a presenter was having an argument with the news unit because they didn't have the order of presentation right. If Dante wasn't Lucifer himself, all these were enough to give one a meltdown.