
Chapter 3"Why me though!!!"

After Melody finished her chores, she packed two lunch boxes for Minami and Mike and put them in their pockets. She went back to her bedroom and closed the door behind her. She took off her clothes, and went to the bathroom, she closed the door behind her and walked over to the mirror, where she stood, staring at the washed-out red marks that Brian left on her last night. The memories of everything flooded her mind. Tears streamed down her face as she stepped into the shower. She turned on the shower, she stood in the middle of the shower, and the hot water washed her body. She was sobbing so softly that no one would hear them if they weren't in her room.

" Why is everything happening to me? Why me? Did I wrong someone in my past life? And I'm being punished, why God '' Melody cried as she washed her body with a sponge, she wanted to remove all the touch she received yesterday, she was disgusted by herself, and she wanted nothing but to end her life it not as if she didn't try but whenever she tried to kill herself, she was somehow saved by some spirit, she did not know what was it. Melody walked out of the bathroom, with a towel around her body, she applied her body lotion and changed her clothes, and walked out of the room.

** In the sitting room **

" Mom, dad I will go to work now, I'm done with all the chores and I've made breakfast," Melody said she was trying hard to hold her tears.

" Tell me what happened yesterday. Are you going to work to seduce men? You are just a gold digger like your mother, always trying to trap rich men. Maxwell said as he looked at Melody with disgust in his eyes.

Melody did not want to argue with her father " I'm sorry dad for being a bitch, I'm sorry for everything I did not do " Melody said with her head bowed while her father and his wife and kids were seated on the couch, it was like she was the servant of the house.

" Dad you should teach her a lesson, she is such a sneaky bitch " Minami said

" Hahaha, hahaha, sister I never thought you would be such a sneaky person " Mike laughed at Melody. Melody did not say anything, she kept her head bowed, her eyes full of tears.

" Melody, you will not eat anything for 3 days, understand? you will also walk to your workplace, you will use no transport,

Give me all the money you have with you, " Maxwell said.

Melody took all the money that was in her purse and gave it all to her father. Maxwell shamelessly took the money and put it in his pocket.

" Can I go now?" Melody asked, she did not want to spend another second.

" Wait, you have to clean our school shoes first," Minami said with a smirk on her face.

"Okay, I'll clean them up," Melody said, holding back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Melody went to Minami's room and cleaned her and Mike's shoes. When she finished, she went back to the living room.

" I cleaned the shoes, can I leave now? "

Melody asked.

" You can go, now, and don't go around seducing rich men," Pink said.

Melody walked out of the house.

** Back at the Williams, Mansion

Brian walked into the house like someone who had seen a ghost

" Brian, what happened to you? Why do you look so distressed? " Naina asked as soon as she saw her son.

"Nana, I was wrong. I assaulted my mate, and she hates me now," Brian said madly, he walked over to the table and sat down, he took a glass of water, and gulped it down in one go…

" Calm down, Brian, and tell us, what happened?" Liam asked

" Dad I assaulted my fated mate, I was blinded by lust. I could not control myself, and she hates me now because I don't know what to do " Brian said.

" Oh thank God, it serves you right, you have always been disrespectful to us all here, I'm sure you will learn your lesson," Samuel said with a smirk.

"Don't talk nonsense okay, I need your help to win her over " Brian said

" Oh my Gosh! the Almighty Brian is asking for help, the girl must be very important to you, don't worry I know what to do "Samuel said with a smirk

" Wait! Is the girl a human? If so, just let her be, you can't have a human by your side. you are the future king of the vampire of the entire clan of vampires, you can get married to anyone in our vampire clan." Liam said sternly

" Yes your father is absolutely right, you can't marry a human girl even if she is your mate just drop it, " Naina said as she supports her husband

" Whether you like it or not, I don't care. I want that girl at any cost, and if you don't help me I will not be the next king, or will I work in the company as the chairman? It's your choice, help me or I will forget about everything " Brian said with a sinister smile.

Everyone in the room went silent, they knew that once Brian made up his mind he wouldn't go back on his word.

" So what! will you help me or not? make it fast, I have things to do " Brian said as if he was talking to his kids

" Fine I will ask someone to find everything about that girl," Liam said he gave up the idea of going against his son, he knew how crazy he can be.

" Okay fine, after you find the information about her we will go to her family.

For a marriage proposal. It seems like her family hates her so much, if we can offer them money, I'm sure they will agree, " Brian said with a smirk.

" But don't expect me to love a human girl, just because she is your wife, you know I hate how weak humans are, " Naina said as she rolled her eyes

" Naina please, don't make your problem my problem, if you don't like her it's not my problem okay? I will take my leave now, I need some blood, then I go to the office. " Brian said as he stood up and walked out of the house.

" That is our Brian, he will never change, " Samuel said

" You are right, we better get used to him, " Maq said as he sipped blood from the glass he was holding.

**Back to the hotel

Melody reached the hotel around 9 am, she was hungry and tired because of walking a long distance.

" Good morning, sir," melody said as soon as she entered the hotel, she was looking so pale and tired

" Melody, are you alright? Why are you looking so pale like this? " Mr. Philip asked.

" Don't worry about me sir, I will start my work now " melody said and headed to the changing room. She changed into her uniform and pushed her troll and started working.

Days flew by and three days were over for Melody's punishment. Everyone was in the dining room, eating breakfast.

" Ding, ding, ding " the doorbell rang.

" Are you expecting anyone?" Maxwell asked p

" No, " Pink said. "Melody, you go and check who is there, ". Melody stood up and opened the door.

When Melody saw the person standing in the doorway, she felt her soul was about to leave her body. All the memories of what happened three days ago came flooding back to her mind and tears welled up in her eyes.