
TTLDC - Hogwarts University

The Thousand Lives of a Dual Cultivator - Hogwarts University During the War against Voldemort, Dumbledore and a group of Ministry employees came to the conclusion that children needed more protection, the entry age at Hogwarts was raised to 17, the names in the archives were protected by a huge spell where only the Nameless would have access from the age of 11. Pureblood and Half Blood families began to receive collections of books at their doors, they were basic and harmless knowledge, among these books the most involved defensive magic. The Mugglebrons were visited once a month by the Nameless to teach them about the magical world. Thus a new way of living emerged. But they didn't expect what was about to happen. Society has undergone greater stratification between purebloods versus half bloods and muggleborn. The pureblood children were only homeschooled while the others attended muggle schools until high school. Thus, purebreds are even more behind in subjects such as arithmancy and, of course, common sense. In the midst of all this, a pureblood named Kai Mao is born, descendant of a long line of Wizards from Asia, his father Feilong Mao and his mother Matilda Nott were Deatheaters without much expression, but fanatics nonetheless. His father falls under the Order of the Phoenix after Voldemort's defeat and, months later, after giving birth to Kai, his mother joined the search for the Dark Lord and ended up succumbing to Ministry forces. Now we are at the moment when Kai enters Hogwarts and his soul finally awakens. His first words are: “F*ck” ------------------------------- Because of what he deed in his first 10 reincarnations the universe thinks he likes to save dying worlds of their destruction. When in reality he only tried to live a debauche live every time before he ascend and reunite with his harem. Kai now reincarnated in the world of Harry Potter because it has lost his protagonist. ------------------------------- Guys a simple request, I would love for you to comment on what you thought of the chapters, review my work and if you think I deserve it, support me. I'm starting with a patre on, I started this project and posted basically everything I've done so far. Now I have extra chaps that you can access through patre on. I hope to increase this number soon.  patrë on.com/ReiseAbdala

LucasAbdala · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
79 Chs

Spells to Learn and a Call to the Headmasters Office

I started to calculate the list of Spells that they needed to master, me too, when I realized that the list was extensive.

Luckily Gemma had brought her bag and had parchment and a quill to write them all down.

We discussed it a bit and soon came up with a concise list of required Spells.

"For defense we have Shield Charm, General Counter-Spell, Banishing Charm, Freezing Charm, Disillusionment Charm, Bubble-Head Charm, Ascension Charm, Human-presence-revealing Spell and Patronus Charm." – I started by listing the ones I thought were necessary in defensive aspects.

"It's already a good list and that's just the defensive basics." – Gemma commented, seeing what she had written.

I agreed with her.

"Each one has a role." – I said and started to explain.

"Shield Charm, or Protego, was essential to defend yourself from Spells thrown at you or even physical attacks.

General Counter-Spell, Finite for the most intimate, was essential to put an end to the effect of a good part of the non-destructive Spells that can be launched at you to hinder your movement or simply be annoying.

Banishing Charm, Depulso, is good for situations where you are caught off guard and need to move away from an object or enemy.

Freezing Charm, or Immobulus, is for you to make the confusion around you stop and be able to prepare yourself or escape the situation.

Disillusionment Charm is meant to blend into the environment, almost becoming invisible.

Bubble-Head Charm is for in case you need to hide in water or enter suspicious mists.

Ascension Charm, or Ascendio, serves both on land and water and upwards may be the only path of escape in certain situations.

Human-presence-revealing Spell, Humenum Revelio lets you know if there are people hiding near you.

Patronus Charm, Expecto Patronum, helps ward off Dementors and makes those around you feel happier and more comfortable in difficult times."

The four girls in front of me listened intently to what I was saying.

Meanwhile Gemma was writing down everything I said.

"Now for the combat Spells. Disarming Charm, Knockback Jinx, Fire-Making Spell, Aqua Eructo, Freezing Spell, Full Body-Bind Curse, Bombardment Spell, Severing Charm, Reductor Curse, Silencing Charm, Leg-Locker Curse and Impediment Jinx." – I listed it again.

When Gemma finished writing, she whistled.

"Seven years of study and we need to learn them all as quickly as possible. Good thing I know most of them and others I just need to finish mastering." – she commented.

This comment put pressure on the other girls.

"I basically mastered Disillusionment Charm in a few days. When you are at the limit of your soul power, you will be able to learn each of them in about a week." – I explained trying to take some of the weight off their shoulders.

They eased up a little and I saw the desire to reach that level.

I took a deep breath.

"Disarming Charm, Expelliarmus, takes the weapon out of the opponent's hand, be it a wand, knife, club or even a chair.

Knockback Jinx, Flipendo, to make the target go backwards, potentially knocking down an opponent.

Fire-Making Spell, Incendio, fire is always a good way to attack.

Aqua Eructo, good against fire, or can be used as an attack in its most powerful forms.

Freezing Spell, Glacius, cold is a good destabilizer for opponents and can reduce the speed and accuracy with which the target attacks you and in more powerful forms it can directly freeze a part of the body or the entire target.

Full Body-Bind Curse, Petrificus Totalus, makes the opponent remain completely immobile, or slows them down for a few moments, depending on the opponent's power.

Bombardment Spell, Bombarda, blowing up something or someone is always effective.

Severing Charm, Diffindo, cutting something is always useful. We can disable the opponent's wand hand or if we are powerful enough, cut off the opponent's limbs or even the head.

Reductor Curse, Reducto, to break objects that have been thrown at you into pieces.

Silencing Charm, Silencio, to shut up opponents. Few people know how to use non-verbal Spells. And those who do know often have reduced efficiency and power.

Leg-Locker Curse, Locomotor Mortis, to tie the opponent's legs, super useful in combat and good to have Spell variations so the opponent doesn't always know what you're going to use.

Impediment Jinx, Impedimenta, to slow or stop an opponent's movements."

Gemma finished writing everything and I could almost see sweat coming off her forehead.

"I think that's it, some other things may come up in the future, but if we know all of these we will be prepared to deal with a lot of what awaits us in the future." – I declared, putting an end to the task of listing Spells that we need to learn.

With the new list, which is more focused on combat, the pressure has increased even more for the girls, even though the desire to reach the limit of soul power has not disappeared.

In total there were 21 Spells, if they took a week for each Spell it would still be more than five months of training and in the midst of all this we would have classes to attend, tests to take and homework to hand in.

They would still take a while to reach the limit of soul power.

Gemma was the closest and needed over two hundred points. With constant sex sessions she could earn around thirty points a day, but I don't believe she and Millicent were so voracious. Calculating an average of sixty to ninety points per week, she would need between three and four weeks.

Millicent would need seven to ten weeks.

Bridget would need five to seven weeks.

And Ginny would need six to nine weeks.

That is if this pace continues.

Leaving the conversation aside, we could finally focus on the food, breakfast time was ending and we needed to eat before the food returned to the kitchen.

When the time came, only the food on our plates remained on the table and I was disappointed because after so much exercise I would have liked to eat a little more, but I had to be content with what I had managed to serve on the plate.

The breakfast plate is smaller than the lunch and dinner plates, so the amount we can serve is also smaller.

Just as I was finishing eating, our excellent Head of the House approached the table and came towards us.

He stopped behind the girls, passing air that could give them chills.

"I see Miss Weasley is present at the wrong table again this morning." – declared Snape with all his usual petulance.

My eyes focused on him and I thought about whether or not it would be good to teach him a lesson.

But in the end it wasn't worth it. That would only make him try to expel me from the castle and I wouldn't leave my girls unprotected in the middle of so many 'Excellent Purebloods'.

"Professor, I believe there is no rule against joining other houses' tables during meals." – I said responding to his stupid comment.

Snape gave me a look capable of cowing someone with a weak mind, but I just ignored it.

"There isn't really a rule that prohibits it, but it's difficult to see a member of Gryffindor sitting at the Slytherin table, especially a Weasley." – he replied in a provocative tone.

At that moment Ginny couldn't contain herself. She had too short a fuse to take it.

"Oh Professor, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for Kai. I don't believe it would be worth wasting time here if it weren't for him." – she replied in a mix of casual tone and sarcasm.

Of course he knew she was here because of me. But the way she described the Slytherin table as a waste of time made the man in front of us almost lose patience with her.

Her words were offensive, but not directly. He couldn't take points away from Gryffindor because of this, something he was extremely dissatisfied with.

"I think we will need to review the castle rules, the fact that Miss is temporarily residing in the Slytherin dormitory is something that would never have happened in the past." – he declared, demonstrating that he was contrary to our intimate relationship.

At that moment I was the one who lost a little patience.

"Professor, if the rules are revised I believe that many students will be uncomfortable, I am not the only one who takes girls from other houses into the dormitory. Within Slytherin itself I know of at least half a dozen who do this." – I said casually.

I had no idea if this was really happening, but the chances were high. The Deatheater puppies had weddings scheduled and many of them would not wait for the wedding to consummate the fact. They, like their parents, delighted in having power over other people and girls who were not part of noble families were subject to this type of situation.

Snape stopped for a moment upon hearing my words and his expression was not the best.

He clearly had more knowledge about what went on inside Slytherin than I did and my conjectures seemed right.

"I'm not here to discuss the rules of the castle with mere students. I came to tell you that the Headmaster wants to see you in his office as soon as you finish eating. The password to enter is Honey Cakes." – declared our excellent Head of the House before turning his back and leaving.

I took a deep breath of relief that he left, I didn't know how much longer I could stand arguing with him without going into aggression.

I put up with the man as potions teacher, but only because I was required to attend classes. As soon as I could, I was going to put them aside. Unfortunately I won't be able to do this in more than three years.

Bearing him was getting harder and harder and it hasn't even been a year since I woke up.

"I think you can go back to my room and do your homework until I get back." – I suggested, but my words were more for Ginny and Bridget.

"Doesn't your room have its defenses activated?" – asked Gemma.

I shook my head.

"All of you are already registered to enter." – I replied.

At that moment it was as if a light bulb went off at the top of our Prefect's head.

"Good to know, now I don't have to knock to get in." – she declared, taking things and getting up from the table.

I felt like slapping myself in the head at that moment.

I could already imagine her calculating the moment I would be having sex to enter the room and make a dramatic scene.

Bridget and Ginny seemed to think the same thing.

Millicent on the other hand seemed worried about her girlfriend's plans.

Gemma was a free soul, which made her have a slightly quirky sense of humor. It was very funny for her to make double-meaning jokes or even bring up sexual exploits. This all intensified since she came back from winter break, I think freeing herself from her own family gave her the chance to express herself more freely.

I put the last bites of food in my mouth and got up.

I said goodbye to the girls and started heading up towards the Headmaster's office.


Guys, I come here with a simple request, I would love for you to comment on what you thought of the chapter, review my work and if you think I deserve it, support me.

I'm starting with a patre on, I started this project and posted basically everything I've done so far. Now I have extra caps that you can access through patre on. I hope to increase this number soon. 

patrë on.com/ReiseAbdala