1 Prologue: Ayo

A punch comes right to his face

<Serves you , idiot>

said a guy that was almost 2m tall  while looking down on him like he was some bug  <Tch lame , you make me puke at least put on fight , even girl can fight better than you!>

said another guy with look that said 'you are like a bitch'. He wasn't responding to their words and they got irritated and started beating him to death. After beating him they got away.


"Soon the sun will go down" he thought while trying to get upp. He's whole body was aching and was covered with bruised , blood was coming down his nose.

<Damn I might die if this continues like this , well I might also die> he said. And at that moment someone  spoke in in his mind  [Live up Ayo no matter what] he heard a voice he recognized this voice that was full of joy and happiness it was his mother voice. "Am i imagining things now but.."

<What the hell was I thinking dying? Really that's so lame of me> he said so as mocking himself. He got up and started to whip up the dust from his clothes and took the school bag that was on ground and started walking


He opens the door of the home walks and goes to the end of the corridor and enters in the room puts his bag on a chair and lays down on the bed and started sleeping.


He was sweating extremely and his body was shivering as he was seeing a nightmare , he suddenly got up and was breathing heavily he put his hand on his chest and felt that his heart was beating like crazy.After he calmed down a bit he got up a drank some water in the kitchen and went to the bathroom to wash his face and when he looked in the mirror he thought he was imagining but it didn't look like that. A part of his hair that was black were turned to gold yellowish color he was amazed at what was seeing but at the same time he was feeling confused and was worrying about the change of his hair color because before he got to bed his hair were pitch black and now a part at the front of the hair were gold but that wasn't the only change that happened because he was concerned about his hair and was concentrated on that part he didn't realize that the injures and bruises he got when the guys beat him today were gone. He was completely mind blown at the things that were happening he felt that something was wrong and thought that he probably wasn't having enough sleep and got too bed. While being in bed he looked at the window and he thought "Today the Moon is quite bright" and his mom came to his mind an said <I'm feeling lonely , mom. Just why did you have to leave me like this all alone, i wish you were here to protect me. I was attacked even today, but don't worry cause it doesn't hurt anymore I just got used to it being beaten everyday so it doesn't even hurt anymore. That isn't something being proud of but that's just how things are, I hate this world, a world without you isn't a world for me. But you know mom I'm at you mad cause you said you'd be there for me when I most needed, but you aren't why....why mom why why why why why why, why do I have to go all these hardships, why do I have to be lonely, why do I have to be beaten. In this world that I have nothing would it be better to die and just go in a eternal sleep, no?> and he spoke the words he had been keeping inside him he didn't know ju he did that but he felt relieved and just like that he felt  a sleep.


As the light of the morning woke him up from his sleep he woke up and the he felt that the environment wasn't the same before he slept. He looked around found out that he was in the middle of the forest and there was a lake near was so clean it made it look like there was no water  the air he breathed was so fresh that it could not be compared to the air in earth the sunlight pierced his eyes that was like a heaven environment.

<Where am I!?>

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