
Chapter 13 Surprise

Few days later xxx airport

Emmy is sitting on a bench waiting for her flight to Lond, her mom who is also her manager is sitting beside her looking at her worriedly. Emmy has been acting really uneasy and unhappy these pass few days and nobody knows why, at times you can see her staring blankly on her phone.

Emmy's thought

"It's been a week since we last talked and saw each other. Even if he decided not to take the role, shouldn't he at least let me know? What is this? Not even a single text message, and he doesn't even come to say goodbye?!"


"Didn't I make it obvious enough?! Am I suppose to run in front of you and say 'I like you' or something?! Am I the only one who thought we had something going on?!"


Emmy got stuck in a never ending loop. If there's special effects, you can see more and more rain clouds hanging above her head.


Ji Hoon just arrived at the airport, and his family members are sending him off.

"We are not going with you this time so take care of yourself okay?" His mom said so.

"Stop worrying about him, he should be taking care of little Emmy more than himself." His dad winks and gives him a thumbs up.

"Remember to bring back the autographs of the actors and actresses." That's Soo Yeon.

"I know I know. See you next month." Waving his hand, Ji Hoon walks into the airport.


Ji Hoon is trying to find Emmy, he has been planning to surprise her since that day, that's why he didn't say anything to her. *Goodluck my brother (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)

He finds Emmy and her mother surrounded by some fans at the waiting area.


"Wahh, it's Emmy, can you sign this for me please?!"

"Emmy-ssi, can we take a picture together?"

"Emmy unnie, can I have a hug please?"

"Erm, please... no pushing, one by one." Emmy tries her best to calm the fans down while her mom is trying her best to protect her.

Suddenly, a crazy man breaks through the fans and rushes towards Emmy, screaming.


Everything happened so fast, Emmy couldn't react at all, she just stood there helplessly.


Ji Hoon just looks at him without any expression, and proceed to take him down. He then grabs his arm and put it into an armbar.

"Arghhh!!!" He shrieks like someone getting slaughtered.

All these noises finally brought the security to their attention. After some explaining, they then take over the situation.

After seeing the man's arm, one of the guard comes and talks to Ji Hoon.

"Erm, even if this man's behaviour was unforgivable, you still didn't have to break his arm, I mean, you already did put him down. This makes things complicated."

"I'm gonna sue you you bastard, you know who my father is? You are gonna regret this so much!"

Ji Hoon doesn't say anything and just shows the guard his identication card.

'Kim Ji Hoon, 20, Sergeant...'

"Uhm, have a safe trip Sergeant. Get your ass moving you idiot." He kicks the man on the floor and drags him away.


The crowds start whispering to each other.

"Did you see his move? That was like a combat moves you see in a video game!"

"Sure did, he didn't even break a sweat doing it!"


"Oppa, you saw that? That was so cool!"

"Hmph, honey, I can do it better, let me show you back home."


"You? Let's just go home..."

"Honey? Honey wait!"


"Am I the only one who thinks he looks familiar?"

"Nope, I've been thinking the same thing. I definitely saw him somewhere before."

"He is Kim Ji Hoon."



"Ji Hoon oppa, the elder brother in the 'Zenith', one of the Nation's siblings."



"Erm, hi Emmy, good morning Mrs. Watts!"

Emmy doesn't answer, she just grabs her luggage and walks pass the checkpoint.

"Ji Hoon! Thank you dear boy, Emmy must've been still in shock, sorry about that child."

"No worries, let me help you carry those luggage."

"Oh thank you boy."


Inside the plane

Ji Hoon's seat is just right beside Emmy's.

"A thank you would've been nice."

Emmy just stares outside the window.

"Oookay, no conversations I see."

Minutes passed, Ji Hoon pokes her shoulder.

"Were you scared? I can teach you some self-defense skills if you wa..." Ji Hoon's voice got softer and softer as he feels a killing intent from her. Suddenly she turns her head and faces Ji Hoon.

"I could've swore I saw red light flashed in her eyes." Cold sweat starts breaking out from his back and forehead.

"Or you can just hire a few personal bodyguards, I happen to know a few ery professional and reliable ones..."

(○_○)✧ < Emmy


(´・_・`) < Emmy seconds later


( ˘•̥ _•̥ ˘ ) < Emmy now

"Oh hell naw, you can't be doing this to me! Please stop crying..."

Emmy just continues sobbing and looks at him with puppy eyes.

Ji Hoon quickly takes out some tissue and softly wipes away her seemingly never ending tears.

Ji Hoon tries to look for help, so he turns to Mrs. Watts, who immediately turns her head away and starts whistling.

??? ( ་ ⍸ ་ )

The other passangers are starting to look this way, and most of them look at Ji Hoon with disgust and anger, especially those ahjussi. 'How dare you make a girl cry?!'

"Emmy, I might be in deep deep trouble when I get off the airplane if this continues, so help a friend out will ya?"


Emmy lowers her head.

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asked softly.


"Why didn't you text me, or even give me a call for a whole week? I was waiting for your decision about the role."

"I mean... you didn't call me either... okay okay! I'm sorry!" Ji Hoon changes his words midway as her eyes starts getting teary again.

"This whole thing was supposed to be a surprise."

"Do I look like I'm surprised?"

"I think you would've react better without the mad man's interference... ouch, sorry." Ji Hoon got interrupted again because Emmy pinched his waist.

"Promise me not to go missing on me again. You don't how it was for me when you were gone for two years." Emmy lays her head on his shoulder and whispers softly.

"Before I promise you, can you lift your head up? Because if you don't I might be dead before I even get off the plane."

The surrounding passengers ahjussi are looking even scarier than before now.

"Yawn... No, I'm tired, I wanna sleep."

"I can already imagine what the news are gonna be tomorrow. 'The first thing Ji Hoon does when he returned is to make a popular child star cries' or even better, 'The nation's sibling Ji Hoon just became the nation's scumbag? Seducing an underage rising star!'. Yeah, both are gonna be some fantastic news. Emmy? Emmy? Sigh..."

Emmy listened to none of that because she has already fallen into sleep. It's the best nap she gets for the whole week.


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