
Try Me Again

Fool me one okay do me twice but never again.

cokie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Bar pt.2

An left the room looking for Grace as it had been a long time. She walked to the bartender. " Have you seen a girl this high and had brown hair." The bartender pondered for a few seconds . " Yes, she went with this guy to the side if the bar."

" Guy?" An frowned as she walked of to the club boxes going around.

" I said i don't want to see you." Graces high pitched shout made it way to An. She ran towards Grace as the short man rose his hand to slap her. An hit the man and pulled Grace to the side checking if she was okay. "Oh look you brought your friend great so i can beat both you bitches to bits." He rose his hand to hit them again but suddenly his collar was grabbed by two arm as he thrown through the air and landed on his back.

" Adam." An smiled at him cupping his face from underneath his chin with her hand. " Sis are you okay?" Helen ran towards An to hug her. An evaded her sly hug. " When did you get here?" She quietly prayed that james wasn't there but not all things in life is fair. " An." His loving voice etched from the corridor. An almost gagged as the nostalgia took over her. She leaned onto adam as james approach causing james to be confused.

Grace then took the stand noticing how down Anastasia was already. " It Mrs Priswell James." 

James' hearty smile fell from his face as Grace corrected him. "Yes, Miss Priswell how have you been?" An leaned deeper into adam as he tried to talk to her. He eyed adam coming closer to her. "An... Are you on the way to your parents booth we are having a meal as a family." Grace stood between james as he tries to close in the space between him and An. 

"An drank a lot he must be really drunk, right adam?" Grace tapped Adam waiting for his alibi. "Ahh! Yes, they had a terrible lot to drink. They were downing everything and she got so tipsy." James frowned he quickly Chan his expressions with a smile looking into adams deep eyes with competition. "I guess i will leave her to you,...Adam." He pointed at him to make sure he got his name correct and walked away dragging along Helen as she pouted and winned for not doing anything.