
Try Me Again

Fool me one okay do me twice but never again.

cokie · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

All the way back.

Anna's eyes turned red as tears ran from her eyes she struggled to breath but James pushed his knees harder into her throat. Finally, she bite into his hand. " Shit." he screamed as she gasping for air only to be met with a thick slam to the head with a thick book. " If your gonna killer her, at least kill her properly and fast ." Helen continuously slammed the the book on her head breaking into her skull bleeding her out through her nose and mouth colliding her head against the floor. Quietly, the blood from her body leaked out edging every corner of the room her white dress socked in the fresh warm fluid spewing from her.

" You were a waste of my time." she pulled through the pain as she saw in her blood. She eyed them with heavy breathes. " i'll kill you." her eyes turned redder and redder and redder. Lifeless. 

The sound of overlapping honks of cars filles her ears thumping in and out continuously. "Anastasia, Anna, An." Repetitive calling sided in her ear. Her eyes flung open grasping everything in a panick. She looked at the person beside her it was her best friend , Savannah, her mouth was wide open as she parked her car in a hast. " What happened to you? You fainted for a few slight seconds and your hair was turning back and yor eyes were red. Look at you." She pulled down the car mirror speaking in worry.

Anna held onto her face staring at her self and looking back at grace. " Hospital, LET'S GO TO THE HOSPITAL. " Grace had her hands on the wheel again.

Anastasia was still in shock, quietly quivering in the back. "What year is it?"

Grace gasped " You don't even know what year it is!" Her voice got high like a mouses squeal. "What year is it?" An repeated.

"Year 20xx, why!" She sat in the drivers seat like it was a hot seat of worry.

Grace and An stepped out the car.

The pale white walls shined like stage lights as they walked in all eyes on them. On her.

Black dyed hair, arrow red eyes, long pale legs, curvy body and undeniable beauty turned the waiting room up and down.

( Anastasia's head

'So I'm back to the horrible beginning.' )

She looked up at the mirror staring at herself smiling.

"Anna," a painfully ringing voice hovered behind her ear. She turned on her heels. "James." She streched the name on her tongue. He smiled leaning in to hug her. She stepped back under the blinking light. " Why are you here?" Folding herself into her chest.

He stepped back noticing her little movements. Laughing behind her sister she walked out and the sound of her diabolical high heels and hysterical laugh failed to ease the awkward tension. "We heared you were sick and we came to see and look your eyes are all red i think you should do another check up." "No." An looked at her "I've already been to one they said that it was a genetic change. " Helen pouted at her.

"Dad couldn't make it he is at the company."

"I know."

Ann's response were bland as she walked away hoping to find Grace to stop the fake voice that patronized her ears striking for conversation