So yes, she's invisible to the world and it's only the douchebag sorry excuse for a bully who can see her. She's in for a surprise as her once peaceful high school life turns inside out as her once great enemy becomes her true friend. Will she become visible or would she stay that way to save a friend
She walked happily since no one could see her and as she slammed some lockers shut she saw some people staring in fear. She knew what they were thinking and she wasn't bothered by it as she turned slowly and saw him. Dave !!
It dawned on her this would be the perfect time to get her revenge. She walked confidently to him and as she was about to disgrace him she noticed he was looking at her and for some reason his eyes had this
" What are you doing ". He could see her , he really saw her. Olivia nearly screamed out of joy but quickly pulled her composure as soon as she remembered she was on a mission. She would reverse her curse but she would first find out who he really was.