
Chapter Two - All Except School

" Things don't always work the way we plan, but we can happen while what we plan happens.

The worst doesn't come to pull us down but to make us need for speed,

it triggers your aim and spirit and helps you be that light..". @Victor_precious.


I saw a light, it shined so bright, Iya was standing in between the light and he had his hand out for me,

I walked slowly as the light captured me but I heard my dad's voice from behind, it was loud enough but I couldn't see him.

'Ira, why are you so cruel, your mother left, Iya did the same, and now you? Hell, no, Ira!!! you can't do this to me,

you have fought for three days you can fight More my dear, I can't stay a loser forever. I have reached the deadline and I can be a winner with you Ira,

we can win and overcome, please don't leave me, Dad said to my lifeless body. Those words resuscitated me,

even though I was unconscious at the moment.

I bid Iya Goodbye I could see him smile and I ran back to find Dad to tell him I'll stay with him and that was how I regain consciousness,

Dad was the first person I saw that day and I gave him the best smile I could mutter, ‘‘I'm here dad to stay’’ I told him very proud.

(Five years after)


I took Iya's wardrobe and made it mine. I wore his clothes and dressed just like him. I just want to feel him close to me,

when I look in the mirror I see me in my face but through my dress I see him, I believe I am living my life and his.

Dad is worried about me, but I told him I've never been better, he understood me and didn't bother about My appearance.

I decided to get into the university Iya attended just to fulfill his dreams, he wanted to be a Doctor,

always ready to commiserate with kids in pain, He wanted to give them hope even when hope was lost,

he wanted the orphans to see him as their dad and mom.

He never wanted to marry after what mom did to dad but because of me he changed his mind just a little though,

but he still didn't get attached to girls even though they made advances on him.

Iya has always been my role model so I always wanted my life to play like his except for the fact he died early,

After Iya told me his vision of being a doctor, I saw myself loving the profession and after Iya left,

all I wanted to do was see his dreams live while he played below.

'I know it sounds silly, but dad I want to do it, please dad do this for me, don't reject this offer,' I told my dad who thinks my idea is stupid.

“I don't want you living for your brother, I want you to do what makes you happy, think about you and what you want,

and not just about fulfilling your brother's dreams, they were his dreams and not yours”. Dad added.

“Have you heard of ‘we had the same goal?’ that's why it is for me dad, I and Iya's dreams are similar and it's what I want,

it's what makes me happy, it's what I want to see myself doing”. I told Dad. “You have my support, my child,

I will always stand by you no matter what”. I gave Dad a big hug before running up to complete my application.


Dad decided to take me to school. It was my idea that he should rent a house for me instead of living on campus.

I love my privacy a lot and my dad knows that too well.

I stopped for a moment to think, Five years ago I made my decisions about what I want in life and here I am seeing it coming to light,

I hugged my dad the fifteenth time today until he finally decided to drive away,

I unpack my things and settle in so that I can wake up fresh and healthy for the next day which is going to be my first day at a university far from home.

I welcomed a friendly but strange happiness that I forgot to eat dinner.

The next day as early as 3:45 am I was up because I couldn't sleep, my stomach was rumbling so hard, I finally decided to make myself a big pot of noodles which didn't taste so great but I had no choice cause Iya taught me not to waste food cause,

I'm in affluence knowing fully well that a huge number of people have nothing to eat, I belch a bucket before having my bathe.

As I attempted to brush my teeth I puke on my brush. It helped me ease the pain a little,

I drank a cup of water but then I couldn't do anything so I called my dad.

He came to pick me up very early in the morning, and he called a cleaner to help me clean up the mess I made.

He took me home and made sure I got treated, Dad insisted I stay for another day, He cared too much about me because I am the only one he has left.

After two days dad decided that I would return to school after my constant plea. He dropped me off at school instead of my house because I have an early lecture, and it took a long time before I could locate my lecture hall. 'Finally', I said as I found my lecture class,

I put my hand on the doorknob and try to twist it but it did on its own, and the first person I saw happened to be my lecturer,

Mr. Yawn, I froze on the spot, he eyed me up and down and back up and back down,

I had to clutch my boobs like I was protecting them from his eyes because he just undressed me with those smoky eyes of his.

'Hey, who are you, and are you for this class? Were you supposed to be in this class that just ended?'

He asked me this time to search my face 'like it's his drawer and he just found his wife's underwear in it.

'Well sir, I began, I'm Ira Claus Sanderson(I hate pronouncing my full name because it's too long), I am taking this class sir,

I'm so sorry I am late, I said to him, he just stared at me quietly, I gave him this confused look and he was still searching my face.

I took out my phone and checked the school's map and timetable to see if I got the class number and venue.

I checked the wall and found out that I'm in the right place but at the wrong time.

I turned my attention to Mr. Yawn and oh boy, the way this dude is looking at me he has eaten me up like I'm a sponge cake '(oh I love that cake)'.

I immediately took to my heels before I use my bag to smash his face so hard for staring at me like that.

'come back here Irac' I heard him call, I don't know why he must add 'c' to my name,

I don't give a damn, I said to myself and I ran out of the school building,

'School sucks', I muttered as soon as I got out to save.

I decided to use the bus home because dad dropped me off and I didn't get to bring my bike, the bus ride was a quick one.

I changed into my beige and sat on my desk to study with a bowl of chips to help me settle.

I slept late with the mind reminding me constantly of what happened in school today,

I just couldn't get that ugly Mr. Yawn's face off my mind, I just hope he forgets me and life continues.
