
Really Strange Librarians

"We should probably hide "

Nodoka:" En"

They duck behind one of the many bookcases and wait for a gimps of the approaching enemy

"Navi I'm not looking for a fight here right now any suggestions??"

*I would suggest you stay very quiet *

{Mental face palm}

"anything a little more helpful?" he asks with zero hope

* if you stay still and quiet I can mask the faint energy signature you give out which should keep you from there detection*

"Why didn't you say that in the beginning," he asks highly irritated " what about Nodoka ?"

*if shes withing close contact with your body I can mask you both*

" How close?"


(oh god here goes nothing) " Nodoka please no matter what happens to try to stay as still and as calm as possible ok"

Before she had a chance to respond he grabbed her waist and pulled her into his body luckily she was even smaller than he was at this age. unfortunately, the sudden proximity to him sent her into shock overheating her brain causing her to faint

"well that works to I guess," he thought as he held her now limp body tighter ( she is so adorable at this age I swear ) he puts the head against his chest tucking her as close as possible to him wrapping both arms around her small waste for as much contact as possible

*Recording presiding for FBI *

" HEY NOW !!"

Aa Kora and Navi continued there internal argument a very large stone block on what seemed like tank treads could be seen rounding the corner and coming to a stop near there point of landing

suddenly the square started split apart unfolding and transforming itself into a bipedal stone golem-like figure with two-wheeled feet four arms with three fingers on each and strangest of all where there faces devoid of a mouth only two lard eyes and a red jewel in the center of it for head which immediately started to glow as a red light shot forth sweeping left to right then stopping on the whole in the ceiling



{Structural damage found }

{repairing } and just like that the golem starting fixing the hole created by there fall with a complicated-looking magic circle. It seemed as if the ceiling was healing itself as two arms fixed the ceiling the others removed rubble and restocked the bookshelves. Two more automatons followed and within minutes all evidence of there landing had been erased.

Nodoka:" so cool..." she whispers she had come to a while ago but was entranced with his sent secretly burring his face deeper into his chest to smell him only becoming self-aware with the transformation and show of the automaton

"what are they ya think?" he asks Navi

* they would appear to be some form of magical life for know as golems they are more than likely guardians and caretakers of this place*

" So there librarians then," he asks

*Probably yes but given the energy reading they give off I'm sure they do more than fix holes and stock shelves so do your best to avoid antagonizing them they are using very advanced applications of earth magic*

"will do," he said assuredly the last thing he wanted was to get wasted by some crazy giant rumba librarian

After a while, they reformed into there cub forms and rolled off into different directions leaving the area peaceful again.

Nodoka:" ...Hey .." she says to me breaking the quiet

"Yeah what's up" surprised to hear her speak so suddenly

Nodoka:"....y- you can let me go now," she says Kora realizes that shes currently still against his chest

"Sorry," he says as he sets her down

Nodoka:" It's ok to thank you"

"let's look around some maybe we can find a way back up top everyone has to be worried"

She nods her head and they start to walk

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