
Chaos In The Palace

Walking out of the room once he had their attention, King Zander led the way with Treegan and Rein following right after him.

The guards who were stationed at the entrance of the corridors, the maids rushing around to prepare for the beginning of the new day, and a few other servants were shocked to see their King moving about already.

It was common knowledge that the King had a set routine that he followed every day.

After waking up, he would spend a few hours in his personal office, looking through his work for the day before heading towards the Dining hall for his breakfast.

Once that was done, he would attend his morning court session that sometimes extended late into the afternoon before heading back to the Dining hall for his lunch.

Thus they were shocked to see their Ruler out of his room so early in the morning.

The sun had just come up so what was he doing outside right now?

Not to mention that his aides were following him around, making it seem that they were in a hurry to reach someplace.

This sight might not have caught their attention if this had taken place a few days ago.

However, ever since they had heard that their Master had punished Lady Marin's maid by sentencing her to death for the crime of poisoning his chamberlain, they did not know what else they would get to see in connection to that case.

Did they solve another mystery related to Rein Melk's poisoning case?

Was that why they were walking together?

Were they heading towards the person who would be punished next?

Such doubts were present in the minds of the people who had witnessed the sight of the King and his two aides walking through the corridors.

It did not take much longer before such rumors spread throughout the Palace.

Almost every servant here was a vampire or some other species belonging to the creations of the Demon Lord.

Thus it was simple for them to communicate with each other even if they were in different areas of the Palace.

Some curious maids had reached out to their friends who worked in the part of the Palace where the three Queen candidates resided.

They had assumed that the King was not yet satisfied with just Lady Marin's maid being punished and must have gone there to announce further punishment for the other culprits of this case.

After all, they were already aware of the King's displeasure when they had heard that he had only snapped his finger to dispose of the one who had harmed one of his men.

Therefore, a few of the overly curious maids had inquired about this matter to their friends who worked in that part of the Palace.

To their surprise, they received a negative reply, stating that the King had not appeared there.

However, another group of maids had spotted him moving outside the Palace which enlightened the curious maids, making them hurry in its direction to see what the King and his aides were up to.

They could not just abandon their duties to spy on their King no matter how intrigued they were, thus had to think of a way to not get caught while they were slacking.


The group of three had come to a halt at a place outside the Palace, unknown to the chaos they had caused within the Palace walls.

Right now maids and even patrolling guards were sneaking peeks at them but they did not mind and were focused on what they had come here for today.

Reina's lips curved into a smile when the cold breeze swept across them.

The sun was visible now but its heat had not yet warmed the surface of the land, resulting in the chilly air from last night being present all around them.

"Molt, you have already agreed to undergo the punishment that Melk has decided for you." King Zander announced after their feet came to a halt at this place.

Treegan flinched at these words but he nodded nonetheless as he was not someone who would go back on his words, especially when he had already vowed to never disobey his Master.

Receiving his answer, the King's eyes scanned the surroundings and it was no doubt that he had sensed too many pairs of eyes aimed at them.

However, he did not let it affect the purpose he had come here to fulfill and turned towards the youngest aide he had.

"Melk, are you sure you want Molt to go through with it?" He questioned the other person, giving him one last chance to take back this odd punishment he had set for Treegan.

Reina had the rare opportunity to admire the scenery and was utilizing it when she heard the King speaking.

'Why does he sound like a minister at a wedding?' She snickered in her heart as this was similar to a priest asking the bride and the groom if they were willing participants in the wedding.

She had no reason to change her mind, in fact, she was eager to go witness Treegan facing his punishment.

Thus she nodded her head in answer, blowing out the last flicker of hope Treegan had of escaping this awkward punishment.

The King shot Treegan a pitying gaze which he appreciated as he knew that his Master had given it a try for his sake even now.

His dissatisfaction was never with the King but with that mousy man who had grown wings and was soaring too high in the last couple of days.

'I shall deal with you soon enough.' He gritted his teeth while looking at Rein but the other person only smiled at him as though he were unafraid of what was to happen to him once this punishment ended.

Treegan wasn't wrong to think this way because right now, Reina's mind was not even bothered to think about the consequences of her actions.

Instead, she was giddy with the thought of what was about to take place.

She was eager for them to begin and the impatience was clear for both the King and Treegan to see.

From their point of view, they saw the shorter man who was dressed in a Butler's uniform grinning from ear to ear.

The eerie smile now on his face was enough to send a shiver running down their spines but that feeling would soon intensify thanks to what Rein had to say next.

"What are you waiting for?" Reina sneered at the slow man who had not moved a muscle after they had arrived at the place of his punishment.

"Strip~!" The men heard the chamberlain's command in an equally eerie voice, causing goosebumps to form all over.

Ummm what!?

ObsidianOrbscreators' thoughts
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