
Chapter 413: Secrets in the Pirate Treasure Map

On a safe journey, the escort convoy quickly crossed half of Manhattan and arrived at Sotheby's auction house.

After entering the underground garage, Sotheby's security personnel took the antiques to the lot warehouse, Walker and Raymond followed to complete the final part of the escort task.

Ye Tian took Matisse into the elevator, ready to go to the personal vault and the others stayed in the underground garage. When Ye Tian and the others came out, they left together.

In the descending elevator, Ye Tian said to Matisse:

"You will wait outside the warehouse later, I'll go in and get something, it won't take long."

The security level of the Sotheby's personal vault is very high. If someone is not a customers here, so isn't allowed to enter the warehouse, let alone a private bodyguard like Matisse!

"Okay! I'll just wait outside!"

Matisse nodded in response. He understood the security measures of such a vault and naturally had no objection.

During the conversation, the elevator reached the fourth basement level.

After some routine inspections, Ye Tian entered the reservoir area alone.

This time he didn't see through the safes on the left and right, and absorbed the aura of the antique artworks inside, but went straight to his own safe.

When he opened the door of the sturdy and heavy personal vault and stepped in, taking advantage of the opportunity of turning sideways, he quickly scanned the situation behind him with his peripheral view.

No one is following, he can operate with confidence!

In addition, he also looked at the surrounding environment, especially the ceiling at the door of the vault, to see if there was a pinhole camera to take pictures of the inside of the vault.

No monitoring! No one will know all his next actions!

Everything in the vault is normal and there is no sign of intrusion under the perspective and the simple early warning facility he made is still intact!

After confirming these, Ye Tian just stepped forward to open the two safes on the wall and took out the backpacks stored in them.

Both backpacks are filled with home accessories, such as Joel Meyerowitz's photographs and other objects, which have considerable artistic value and market value.

During the renovation of the security system, these things could not be kepted in the apartment, so they are kept here.

Now that the security system has been transformed, they should return to the apartment and continue to decorate his and Betty'apartment!

Ye Tian didn't open the two backpacks to check them, but put them on the table next to him. When he did the perspective just now, he had already seen them clearly and there was no need to check them again!

Then, he reached out and took out an object from the inner pocket of his jacket, carefully put it in one of the safes and then closed the safe door.

That is General Sherman's march notebook, wrapped in two layers of vacuum packaging bags, well kept!

Ye Tian plans to keep this very precious historical material here instead of the old-fashioned vault at home, so that it can be hidden.

Regarding this march notebook, the information he disclosed to the outside world was that he must be kept in the old vault of the apartment, always within his sight.

This is in line with human nature. After all, he spent a lot of money to renovate the apartment security and built it into the safest residence in New York. Of course, the heavyweight antiques must be placed in the apartment, which is not in vain!

But who would have thought that he would keep this march notebook in Sotheby's personal vault!

After storing the march notebook, Ye Tian immediately picked up the two backpacks, walked out of the safe and left here.

He and Matisse quickly returned to the underground garage, and Walker and Raymond happened to be back.

"Steven, the last batch of antiques has been successfully put into storage without any problems!"

Walker came over and said, his expression lightened a lot.

"Okay! Let's leave here and go back to the apartment!"

Ye Tian smiled and nodded and said, his expression was very relaxed.

Afterwards, several people got in their cars, drove out of the Sotheby's underground garage and drove towards 110th Street.

In about twenty minutes, everyone returned to the apartment.

After the car stopped, Ye Tian didn't get off the car immediately, but said through the intercom:

"Everyone has worked hard! Your security task will end tomorrow. There is nothing wrong now. You can leave, go home and rest for a while, change your clothes and get ready to attend the dinner!

Just to make it clear that you can bring family members to the dinner! Bring your wives and children with you. If you want to save some private money, it is better not to bring your wife, so as not to ask for trouble!"


There was a burst of laughter in the intercom and everyone was extremely excited.

The laughter fell slightly, and Matisse's voice followed.

"Steven, is it appropriate for us to leave? Or should we leave the two brothers here and take care of your safety, just in case!"

"No! Go back, everyone. This is New York, not Tennessee. It is impossible for anyone to launch a raid in broad daylight. Besides, I am not giving it for nothing!

If anyone dares to rush into this apartment without my permission, he will pay an extremely heavy price, or even die!

The police and FBI downstairs are not furnishings, they still have a little deterrent effect, so you don't have to worry about my safety at all."

Ye Tian said with a smile, every sentence revealing strong confidence.

Makes sense! Who can pose a threat to Steven?

Especially in the metropolis of New York, in his super-safe apartment, it is almost impossible to threaten his safety!

Thinking of this, Matisse suddenly had no worries.

Afterwards, Walker drove the Paramount Marauder to the apartment garage, got out of the car with Matisse and drove home separately in a Suburban.

Ye Tian carried two backpacks, went upstairs and returned to the apartment.


After returning to the apartment to rest for a while, Ye Tian immediately became busy.

First, he quickly cleaned up the living room and dining room, washed out the used coffee cups and put the empty beer bottles in the trash bag, ready to be thrown out in the trash can later.

Then he cleaned the floor with a vacuum cleaner and found a soft cotton cloth to carefully wipe the surface of each piece of furniture to remove all fingerprints and other traces that did not belong here.

Then the ventilation equipment was turned on to dispel the messy breath left by everyone in the apartment and the air here became fresh and pure again!

He sent all the antique artworks in the living room worth less than US$100,000 into the vault upstairs, where they were temporarily stored.

After, Jason will take away these antique artworks in batches, sell them and turn them into green dollars! That's also a lot of money!

After a lot of hard work, the apartment was quickly restored and tidy, everything returned to its place, in order, it was pleasant to look at, even the air was full of sweetness!

Next, it's time to decorate the apartment!

He opened the two backpacks retrieved from Sotheby's and put the home accessories back in their original places, allowing them to continue decorating this top apartment and decorating his and Betty's lives.

After all this are done, it is already five o'clock in the afternoon.

After appreciating the fruits of his labor contentedly, Ye Tian walked into the master bathroom and began to wash!

Twenty minutes later, Ye Tian finished washing and walked out of the bathroom.

At this moment, he is already relaxed and full of energy!

Then, he entered the cloakroom and changed his clothes, strolled into the study, sat behind the desk and began to play with some antiques on the table with great interest.

He placed the Xuande furnace that he had found in Corridor 127 and the pair of mutton tallow jade mandarin duck antiques on the desk for fun and appreciation.

In addition to these three Chinese antiques, there are several other gadgets on the table. They are all very interesting antique works of art, both Chinese, European and American antiques.

After enjoying the play for a while, he put the Xuande furnace in his hand back to the desk, got up and walked to the bookshelf next to him, ready to take a book of antique art and study it.

There are a lot of antique books on the bookshelf, almost filling the entire bookshelf and there are books introducing all kinds of antique works of art.

Most of these books were bought when he visited the museum, and some were bought online to enrich his knowledge, so as to avoid the embarrassment that he can only identify and cannot speak!

If he show his unfamiliarity as soon as he speak, it will easily arouse others' suspicion!

"If you want to do well, you must first sharpen your tools!" This is a famous saying!

However, before he reached the bookshelf, he was attracted by a photo frame shining red on the wall next to him.

That is Gissler's pirate treasure map, Ye Tian almost forgot its existence.

Seeing this treasure map, he couldn't help but think of poor Gissler and also thought of the process of taking this treasure map and from the generous Costa Rican diplomat.

What supports the extravagant life of that diplomat? Even though Costa Rica is a relatively rich country in Latin America, the salary of diplomats seems far from enough, right?

Did that guy really find the pirate treasure? This is not impossible!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian immediately shifted his target, reached out and took off the treasure map frame, turned and returned to the seat behind the desk and began to study carefully.

There is no need to look at the surface of the treasure map, it has been studied countless times and there is no secret at all and it is absolutely impossible to find the treasure by relying on those lines.

If treasures can be found by relying on those routes, there are 10,000 pirate treasures, which have already been found by countless treasure hunters and looted!

If this treasure map really hides secrets and points to a pirate treasure somewhere, then its route must be very clever and secret and most people will never find it!

Even this secret only exists in this original treasure map and the rest of the numerous copies are just a piece of waste paper, without any value!

After sitting down, Ye Tian immediately opened the perspective and began to check all the details inside and outside of the treasure map, trying to discover surprising secrets!

This time is different from the perspective of the previous auction. There is no need to rush it at all. He can use the perspective function carefully.

The study room is his own and there is no other person next to him. He don't have to worry about interference or being seen by others. Moreover, this thing is already his own, he can study it any way he want!

If this treasure map really hides any secrets, it will definitely not escape his eyes!

All in sight!

In an instant, the line of sight had penetrated this pirate treasure map completely.

The lines drawn on the parchment, the veins inside the sheepskin, the rough back of the sheepskin and the solid wood picture frame, etc., all the details are presented in Ye Tian's eyes, very clear! Nothing is missing!

At first, what he saw was the same as when he was at the auction. This is a sheepskin map, which has been proven by countless people and has no value at all!

But he did not end the perspective, but patiently, continued to examine this famous pirate treasure map, carefully analyzing every detail.

Why did Gissler spend 17 years on this treasure map? There must be a reason! Is the Governor of Cocos a fool?

After ten thousand steps, he found 33 Spanish gold coins, indicating that this is not a fake treasure map.

Perhaps it does hide a major secret! It's just was not discovered by other people!

About a minute or so, a soft cry suddenly came from the study!

"Huh! There are actually two kinds of handwriting!"

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