
Trazyn Knock-Off

I never thought that my second chance in life would be in a place where depression is like sand on the beach. The earth is dying, and a corporation runs the country. Lucky for me, I was born into a family that owns one of the biggest corporations in the entire country. If only the world were not as fucked as this one. Lucky for me, I get a third chance. =||= I don't know how to synopsis, help. Also, this is the Overlord x Multiverse story. By that alone, you should know that this is a self-indulgent story. You have been warned.

Fangrove · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 18

I close the book and release a sigh. The book is about the history of this place and how the Abyss Creature appears on this planet. It looks like even the people of this world did not know how they appeared.

What they know is that they can appear out of a portal and attack anything alive. Once a portal appears, the creature will appear in three days. It is as if they declare that they will attack in three days, and the people in this place cannot do anything about it.

I also learned that the creatures coming from the portal have their own hierarchy and are smart. They understand human language and can learn their fighting style and strategy quickly. They are tricky to defeat because not only are they strong, but they also fight dirty.

They attack the civilians, so the fighter has a hard time fighting them head-on or protecting the civilian.

However, what makes me interested in the book is the end of it. The owner of the book is a High Ranking magician that creates a prison for the Abyss Creature. As long as there are no more living beings on this planet, they will be prisoned to their prison and never once get out of their prison.

Humans can also get inside the portal, but the end of that portal is usually in the middle of their city, and many Abyss Creatures are waiting for anyone who dares to get through it.

This is a good and bad thing for us.

Bad thing because they will come back because of us in this place. Good thing because we know what kind of enemy we will encounter if we stay in this place, and we know how to beat them.

We can send a lot of golems into the portal and gather information on how powerful they are. We will go to another universe if they are too powerful for us. However, if they are weaker or have the same power as us, I want to fight them first before getting away from this place if fighting them is more of a hassle than a profitable journey.

I release a sigh and look out of my castle, which is now officially called [Arcanum], to see a transparent barrier around it. These are the barriers I made early today, and they took a few hours to make.

It can even block a super-tier spell, but it will be destroyed once hit. While Arcanum did not come with a barrier like Nazarick, it had an internal defense like a turret and hidden mine.

"My lord."

I snap from my thoughts and look to the side. I can see Hina and Valena walk toward me. They are wearing their full battle attire that is layered with an illusion cast by one of the guardians. We don't know where we will be teleported, and we decide to cover our real armor with an illusion to turn it into everyday clothes.

"We are ready, my lord."

"Yes~ We are ready, my lord~."

I smile at them and say.

"Then, let's go."

The three of us teleport to the rainbow bridge and walk toward the massive golden gate at the end of the bridge. I walk toward the orb in front of the massive gate and place my hand on it. I can feel two worlds ready for me to visit, and I pick the one asking for help.

After picking that world inside my mind, I can see the gate open, and a purple void appears inside the gate. It was just like the color of [Gate] skill. Maybe it was the same but at a higher level.

The three of us walk through the portal and see a white place with nothing in it. I can feel thick mana in the air, but Negative Energy taints the mana. I don't really mind the negative energy because of my job as [Necromancer], but it should not be like this.

My [Lord of Mana] skill, know about this and inform me that it should not be like this.

"My lord! Look."

I look where Hana points her finger and see a lone tree in the middle of this place. However, what catches my attention is a little girl sitting underneath the tree. The little girl is so thin and pale. It is as if I'm seeing an undead instead of a living being.

How do I know she is a living being? I can feel her life force, it was so powerful, but at the same time, it was dying.

"Come on."

We walk toward the little girl and see her eyes light up when her eyes land on me. When we arrive in front of her, I squat down next to her and say.

"Are you okay?"


|Gaia POV|

I'm dying. I can feel it. The foolish human tried something they did not understand, affecting me now. I can feel the energy of death start to creep up on me.

I will bring them down with me if they want to kill me.

I can see it. I could see Alaya trying to save me by deploying her attack dog, but it was too late. The ritual that humans did already took effect. To increase her potency over her necromancy magic, she does something she should not do. Or maybe she did not care? I don't know.

She tries to change the mana's nature I release into Necromantic. She didn't know necro mana is an aggressive mana that eats anything in its path. I can feel it. I can feel the necro mana eating from the inside out, and I only have a couple of hundred years left before I finally die.

I don't want to die. Help me. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help. Help.

I look to the side when I feel a surge of power coming into my realm. I look at the source of power and see three humans… no. They cannot be human. Their power can be compared to a God on the other side of the realm of my body.

However, the male in the group is the one who gets my attention. I can feel it. The tremendous power inside of him. He is even more powerful than me in my prime.

I can see the ring on his finger trying to hide it, but the ring cannot hide them from my eyes. I can see anything when they are inside my realm.

I can see his tremendous power and the concept he is bringing with him. I can see the concept of Time, Death, Life, Wild Life, Nature, Space, Destruction, and Shadow inside of him. I don't know how a being can have that much concept inside of them.

I can see him and his companion walk toward me. When he gets closer, I can feel it. I can feel the power inside of him wash over me. It was oppressive but kind and cold at the same time. When he is close enough, I know that he is the one who can help me.

"Are you okay?"

I look at him and say.

"Help… Me…"

I can see him nodding and putting his staff on my avatar's head.

"[Maximize Magic: Heavy Recovery]"

I can feel a soothing energy get inside me, trying to heal me, but it is not working. The Necro Mana is already too strong within me.

"I see. Negative energy is too strong. It cannot heal her. Very well."

I can see him take a deep breath before a massive surge of mana suddenly comes out of him. It was beautiful to see all that color. He points his staff at me, and I feel a surge of newfound power get inside my body.

"[Blessing of Yggdrasil]"

I can feel the Necro Mana is gone from my body, and I can finally breathe freely. I can see my avatar's body get healthier but still look sickly, and I can see my realm get a new color after so long.

"That's good. The Negative Energy is gone and now, let's heal you. Let's try the low-level healing spell once again [Maximize Magic: Heavy Recovery]."

I can feel my body getting healthy, but it is not much. It did its work, but it was not noticeable.

"I see. A tier-3 spell is not working, huh? Even when I already use maximize magic and my job to boost the effect. Let's try higher. Let's try the Tier-6 version. [Maximize Magic: Heal]"

This time it was different. I can feel my entire body start to heal. Nature begins to bloom, and I can feel my body younger. It is as if I get a hundred thousand more years to live.

"Not yet, huh? You are a tough cookie. Hmmm, I guess I can go all out. Let's try Tier-10 magic. [Touch of Life]"

This time I can feel it. My entire body starts to heal at a fast rate before it finally returns to its original state. I'm back to my prime. I look at my avatar and get up from the ground. I look at my savior and say.

"Thank… You…"

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