
My average day.

After that insane incident I sent off Patient Zero or Shido Sensei to the US via underground connections. There they will experiment on him and all that fun stuff. 'Hehehehehe…'

With this I was on making my way back to the house on my Harley Davidson when I received a message on my phone, it I had Curie say it into my ear piece. The message read 'The package has been received and will be delivered.' upon the end of the message i heard Darcy speak out.

[Congrats, you managed to complete a hidden quest here in this world, and will receive a reward. You managed to find this and I'm not at all surprised as seeing that in the Anime and Manga that guy was complete and utter trash that wasn't worth anyones time. So here is your reward now enjoy.]

"Thank you Darcy but can this wait until I get home? I don't want to get into a wreck by mistake." [Hmph! Have it your way then. When you get to the house make sure to remind me for the reward. I'm going to sleep.] 'Systems can sleep?'

Along my way home I contacted Kirito and told him to pickup Yoshino in another half hour as it will be getting late and I'll grab fast food for dinner. He agreed and said that it would also be best to not tell Yoshino of what went down today, and I agreed as I sort of lost it and laughed like a crazed lunatic while injecting that bastard.

When I was making my way through the city I had the Sun set at my back and so the area before looked a golden orange. I took in the sight and loved the feeling of the wind in my hair as I didn't wear a helmet. I could see clearly and unbothered as my vampire bloodline allows such a trivial thing to disappear.

I rode through many streets taking in the sights of some small shops closing up and people making their final rounds at the grocery store. I also managed to spot a sole figure on the sidewalk. I smiled and rode on up beside the figure.

What awaited me was the beautiful Saeko Busujima. She had her hair down and was dressed in a casual wear, it was an orange tight fitting tee and long skinny jeans; she also had sunglasses in her hair and was wearing sneakers.

"Saeko!" I hollered out. She turned around to find the voice.

"Ah! Daban, what brings you here?" She asked with a smile going my way.

"I'm riding around on my Harley, it's a beautiful piece of art ain't she? I just love how smooth it runs an-" I would've explained more and in greater detail but was shot down by Saeko.

"That… Sounds interesting. It does seem to be a great motorcycle, But, how'd you get it overseas? It should cost a fortune. Are you perhaps rich?" Her smile became a side stabbing and mocking smile, but I knew she was just pulling my leg.

"Nope! I'm dirt poor!" I yelled with a smile. "…" She was speechless at my audacity of saying I was so poor but had such an expensive bike.

I then reach into the backpack I wore, inside was filled with a lightweight yet sturdy material, this acted as a cover for pulling out my items. Just simply reach inside and make the material disappear and item appear and nothing looks different.

I made the material disappear and pulled out a nice helmet I spent 50EC on and gave it to Saeko. "Hop on, I'll take you home tonight. Can't let such a pretty lady go home alone so late now can I?"

Unlike last time she reacted to my little bit of flirting and was blushing on her cheeks. She nodded her head and sat behind me on the bike while putting on a full covered motorcycle helmet.

"Okay now, just hold on tight. You falling off is something I do not want to happen while I drive you home." "Okay, I understand." She said that and placed her arms on my shoulders, "Like this?" 'like this she asks'.

"Wrong, if you want to fall off then be my guest, but the proper way is to wrap your arms around my waist. and put your chest to my back. This way you can help me with driving the bike and not fave much chance to fall off."

Hearing the way I needed her to hold onto me made her clench her teeth and blush more. But… I couldn't tell do to the helmet.She slowly yet surely wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned in. And now I could tell I made a mistake… Her breast were on my backside!!

They were supple like manju and he feeling I got even through two layers of clothing both mine and hers was enough for me to want to push her down. But of corse I have a stronger willpower than that and decided to say nothing.

Along the way we talked a bit. "So, what bring you almost an hour's drive from your house?" I asked the most obvious question.

"Well, I just thought of spending my time watching the sea. It has a sort of calming affect you know." "I completely get what your saying, sometimes I find myself just doing as i like. I enjoy myself a bit to often." [Your a terrible lier, before you died you early enjoyed yourself anymore than watching videos online and reading novels.] Now I feel sad now Darcy, thank you.

"Oh? Well, what are you doing way out here? You can't be driving all around the city now would you?" Saeko asked and I had no idea what to say… I just made the Patient Zero of zombies and had shipped him off to the United States to be experimented on in exchange for NOT blowing up an EMP on our heads.

"Well, I just had to get a few things taken care of, I know someone who rents out an old warehouse at the warf and needed some help getting the basic maintenance done. I was getting paid so why not?"

"That sounds interesting, ah and how goes your training? Are you making any progress?" Ah, yeah I did tell her I was practicing in Martial Arts, Swordsmanship and Spearmanship. So it makes sense she would be interested.

"Yes I have, and in fact I had a small enlightenment and gained quite a bit. I also found a group of people to help my training. Both Kirito and Yo-… Ah! I forgot to introduce you to Yohsino! Let's drop by my place so I can let you two meet." I clearly forgot that they have never met, so now would be best for them to meet. But I hope nobody decides to look into who Yoshino is as she did latterly appear out of nowhere.

"Your little sister? I'd love to finally meet her." Saeko had a very happy smile on her face, it seemed as if she were just your average girl. God,I love this woman. She was a waifu of mine in my past life, but in this life she will be my wife instead!

As we rode on I found a fast food place and quickly ran inside, I left Saeko outside as i'd take only a minute. There I saw someone that was trying o eat by himself, but surrounding him were a group of bullies and as I saw I didn't have long before dark I wanted to just go order.

As I made my way to the counter, I felt this urge, an urge to look back and examine the one being picked on. I tried to control myself but still looked back anyway.

I saw him, and smiled.

I did a full 180 and made my way over, this time I had a much gentler smile on my face. But if the SWAT team of mine saw this they would shit brick as they knew it was the smile I wore before I stepped in the arena for a 'friendly' spar.

"Hey guys why don't we all settle down and talk this out?" I spoke with them and when they saw me they got a smirk on their face. But the victim looked my way but contrary to the ones surrounding him he could see something, something was behind the person walking their way and it had a horrendous smile.

"Aaaaahhhh?… What? You got a problem or something?" "Yeah man, you wanna help this nobody?" "Like, you wanna get a beat down or something?" The three of them spoke out in an aggressive way as if they could beat me up when they wanted.

Seeing that something bad will happen an employee went into the kitchen and grabbed her phone, she then phoned the police and said that some people may start a fight. The police dispatched two officers and to wait for them.

Back to Daban he approached the group and said "I just want to let you three know that I don't take kind to weaklings acting tough. Unless they do it so damn well I gotta believe it myself." I openly mocked these sissies. "And you guys who cannot tell just what I am, are not up to my standard of being worth shit." I then gave mother award winning smile as I stopped.

They grew angry and they wanted to beat me. "WHAT DID YOU SAY BASTARD?!?!" "LET"S TEACH THIS PUNK A LESSON!!" "GET 'EM!!" They rushed at me, punk one who seemed the leader shouted the loudest at my provocation. Leader wore an average set of clothing, thug 1 was wearing a tank-top with short and thug 2 was wearing a dress shirt had blond hair and was actually wearing glasses. Gotta make sure not to punch the face of thug 2.

"Watch out!!" As they came my way, the victim sounded a warning to me. And I smirked a little more than before.

Leader threw a right hook toward my head, I lowered my knees and ducked. My right fist did an uppercut straight to his chin, with this his body rose up into the air and by the time he hit the ground he was out like a light. Thug one saw this and sent a kid to my stomach, before it could connect I caught the weak kick with my left hand and threw my own right hook instantly breaking his nose. Thug 2 ad yet to learn the lessons of the other two as he sent a right straight at my face, with it heading toward me I sent a forward kick to his abdomen and sent him into a nearby table wear he lied down stunned and in a lot of pain.

The victim was in awe at my small display of martial prowess. He then came forward and I took a small step back as if preparing to kick him to the floor. Noticing my stance he backed away while waving his hands and saying "Whoa whoa there! I don't mean any harm. Just wanted to shake your hand is all! My name is Kohta Hirano, nice to meet cha'!" He then stuck his hand out.

'Yep it was Kohta, Gun-nut Kohta a character that was actually based off the author of Helsing Ultimate series belief it or not.' I then returned the favor after letting down my stance. "The name is Daban a new person to the area and future student of the nearby private high school. I do many things for a living. One such as martial arts, tinkering with guns, blacksmithing and o-…"

Before I could finish my sentence he practically jumped at me full of enthusiasm. "WHAT?!?! You are a gun-nut! That's so co-…Mph, mph!!" But before he could finish I cut him off by sealing that mouth of his with a nearby burger that was left untouched.

"Okay, Kohta the entire fucking world needs not know what I do in my free time. Understand?" He nodded his head while eating the burger. 'Seriously? I'm right fucking here.' thought the nearby customer.

"Anyway Kohta it's a pleasure." I say while he finishes up. "…mm, yep nice to meet you too Daban." he says after a quick swallow.

"So anyway Daban about tha-" "Okay, what's going on here?!" Kohta was cut off once more, but this time by a police officer and his buddy. When they both came in they saw a few guys on the floor and me and Kohta talking over their unconscious and tattered bodies.

Therefore they have perfect reason to yell at us. 'Fuckers.'

"Alright, hands up." We followed through. "Now, you are both to be detained until we can get everything under control."

Hearing these words I grew even more angry than I was a few moments ago and Kohta was about to piss his pants because he's about to be arrested. But me, I just grow angry and want to put a bullet in each of their heads. But do to Darcy threatening me with a tribulation I relented.

As the two officers approached with handcuffs in hand the two thugs that were still conscious laughed in their heads as they thought I was to b arrested and this was my punishment for fighting them.

"Alright then, take me away then." I stretched my arms forward, and Kohta was still very confused but realized I was giving up and did the same. But when they saw this they were actually confused at our quick surrender.

But they took it in stride and approached us, they placed their cuffs on isa but as soon as that happened. A voice spoke out. "What do you think you are doing?! They were the victims!" It was the waitress that went into the kitchen to call the police.

"Miss, please cal down." The older officer attempted to calm the lady down yet she and a few other customers spoke of how we were the victims and that the ones on the floor were bullying Kohta and how they attacked me and I beat them down.

As they attempted to calm down the group around them, the thugs realized it would be best to feign unconsciousness. With the crowd around the officers, I look at and study them. And i read their name tags displayed on their left chest. I saw a familiar name that was mentioned plenty of times in the anime and manga, but I only saw him in the last officially released chapter.

Then it hit me it was the father of Rei "Miyamoto, are you the father of Rei?" I instantly threw a look at me filled with shock which grew to anger. "What do you know of my daughter? Hah!" He then reached toward me, and the surrounding people gasped at his actions. The younger police man began to hold people back and was going to speak with Miyamoto but I began to speak first.

"Hahahaha! Of course I know Rei! She is dating my good friends Takashi after all!" I then gave an award winning smile, but this time it was a genuine one and not filled with hatred.

"Ah! So you're a friend of Takashi? Then I guess that makes you a friend of mine then! And you're right my name is Miyamoto. Tadashi Miyamoto." "My name is Daban, you can refer to me as such."

He gave me a quizzical look, as if confused. Ah, right no last name. I gave a wiry look on my face as if apologizing.

'Darcy, why do I not have a last name? It is not in the Status section and I find that strange.'

[Well… You were not very attached to your last name, so you should probably choose one yourself. I'll stop time for a few minutes while you think.] Then the world came to a halt, it all just froze in place. Even myself, yet my mind still could think.

'Since when could you do this?' [I always could, you just had no need for it and I can only do it in small intervals after a week of cool down.] 'Okay then.'

A name huh, what should I name myself? Uchiha? I do have the Sharingan. Maybe Helsing due to my Vampire bloodline. or maybe Tempest for I will cause many storms in countless worlds. I just don't know.

As I do this I look through my memories of the entire english language that I can use for a last name and even other languages and Anime. But then I hear from Darcy a small quizzical word. [Paradox...] it seemed to fit me so well that I almost broke out in cold sweat due to her understanding of me. Yes 'Paradox' [… You will travel through countless Dimensions and change everything there whether for better or worst. You will be the ultimate 'Paradox'.]

By some fucked up miracle the word brought a grand smile on my face which was to be frozen in time and then it went away almost as if never there.

"Daban Paradox, that is my full name. I don't really have any real need nor want to speak of my last name so let us not speak of it." Time unfroze and I spoke with Tadashi once more.

"Then please call me Tadashi. With you being a friend of both Rei and Takashi, you are free to call e father if you'd like." "No thank you Tadashi, we are not quite on that level of familiarity just yet." He then nodded in agreement with me.

As we spoke the customers, the other officer and even Kohta looked dumbfounded at me who turned out to be friends with this decorated policeman and the thugs they just wanted to bite off their tongues and die.

"Well, Tadashi if you wouldn't mind." I hold up my hands. "Haha… Yes sorry about all this. From what we were told by staff and customers, the two of you are not at fault and will be released after an incident report."

"No can do Tadashi. Perhaps i can come to the station tomorrow? I currently am with a lady friend who is outside." At the moment I got the cuffs off my wrist I couldn't even rubb them yet as I saw Saeko barge in. "Officer! Please do not put cuffs on him, we were just stopping for food and did not mean to start trouble."

She was stared at by everyone, as they were captivated by her beauty. "Saeko, do not worry. These officers were just releasing me and not putting me into cuffs. All is well." I gave her a cam and heart warming smile that said 'thank you'.

She then blushed red in embarrassment at my smile and how she misunderstood the situation. Tadashi obviously caught this and understood why I myself had helped Takashi get with Rei and not take her myself and it was because of her.

Yep, he knew that I helped Takashi. But he didn't know what I looked like nor my last name and that was why he gave such a speculating gaze earlier.

"Okay then, would you mind if we ordered now? I would like five #1's. All with a Coke Soda. Please." I gave my order to the nearby cash register employee.

"Hey, Daban. As long as you come in tomorrow I can let it go for now as I can see you gotta entertain the young lady there." He gave me a pat on the back and was about to leave when he noticed how much I was purchasing.

"By the way, why five meals?" "Oh, I have to get food for my little sister and brother. as for the last two line is for Saeko and another for the customer I took the burger I gave Kohta from. Hahaha!"

After getting his answer and saying he'd love to meet my siblings he took off with the two thugs and their leader.

We then got the food and got on my bike and as I was about to take off I heard "I'll see you when school starts up then!" from Kohta.

[Kohta sees you as a great man worth lot of respect, he also gets along well do to your similar hobbies and knowledge. Part (4/5) complete on Quest: You need some allies. Good work, using a low moment for him and beating down his enemies was what was needed to gain his trust friendship and respect. Also… Congrats for activating a hidden quest!: Meet some more allies! (1/6)]


Quest: Meet some more allies!

Objective: Befriend Tadashi, Kiriko, Soichiro, Yuriko and Shizuka.

Bonus Quest: Befriend Zeke, Asami and Rika.

Difficulty: F

Reward: Skill: Chakra Control 1

Bonus Reward: Item: Evolve Sharingan Pill

Punishment: None


Nice! A new quest! With this I can get more stuff for doing what I originally set out to do!

But why is Shizuka in the second and not the first quest? So many questions! Like that Evolve Sharingan Pill, will it make my Sharingan go into Second Tomoe or Mangekyou Sharingan? And what is the upper limit? Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan or can I use it with Senju cells and make it turn into Rinnegan?

Both I and Saeko then went back to my place where we were met with a couple of hungry looking brats. Ha. One was pouty and the other was just pissed at me arriving so damn late with dinner.

After enterig the house Kirito gave me a good reprimanding "Why did you you show up so late, why did you not call all day, why did you not tell us where you were, why did you not tell us you would bring a guest over, why did you think you can go and get into a fight, why di…" and this continued for several minutes. I let it happen as I didn't want to be the bad guy and I know I would just beat Kirito into the pavement later anyway.

After that thought Kirito had a shiver run up his spine. He ignored it for now and continued on. Horrible move.

"Waaaaaaahhh!! She is so cute! Why did you not tell me she would be this adorable!" Saeko just got really close to Yoshino really quickly. 'Uuaaahhh… She really likes kids huh?' my faced twitched a little.

"Hey! Leave Yoshino alone! She doesn't like being being manhandled so much!" And then the rabbit spoke out, oh boy here we go.

"Oh? And this little rabbit is gonna stop me from holding this little one huh?" She said in an amused and teasing way.

But before she could continue, I pulled her aside as the rabbit went into a rant.

"Saeko, I can tell you like kids a whole lot. But, Yoshino is a special case. She has a mental disorder that had here create Yoshinon the rabbit as her alter ego, so please do your best to go along with it and not bother her to much okay." I truly explained this to her and she understood. She gave Yoshino a bit of a pitiful look.

"Don't. She doesn't need pity or sympathy. What she needs is a real friend, and with that attitude she will just distance herself." I signed and let it out once more. "All three of us have our own problems as well. And we are willing to let others into our live if they want to stay, but we don't allow pit and sympathy only friendship, trust and love."

I then joined them at the table once again. Saeko herself had a smile on her face much more gentler than before and began to actually treat Yoshinon as her own existence rather than as a puppet. Saeko even began to talk directly with Yoshino herself, this made me and Kirito smile as Yoshino gained another friend to cherish.

After laying Yoshino down for bed in her pajamas and futon, she fell straight to sleep as she was tired from the exciting dinner and making a new friend. Kirito also went to take a bath dn would go to bed after. I myself led tot drop Saeko off at her house.

We were halfway when we began to unconsciously grow closer once again, having a laugh about the dinner and truly enjoying our walk. At 3/4ths the way we slowed down and told tales off our past and how we would act in the future and what we hoped it to be.

I lied through my teeth, I couldn't just tell her. Not just yet at least. That the world was almost over.

When we reached her house I said my same as ever 'see you in a bit' and turned to leave. But then I stopped and stared at my hands again like always. 'Is what I'am doing right? Not telling her the truth, just letting life go on as if the world was all normal? Just pretending until the very last moment? NO! That is not how it is supposed to be!.

I clenched my fist to the point of where the skin almost broke and blood would flow as I asked Darcy.

'Darcy, is it possible to bring them all along with me? As a summon or in my Pocket Dimension perhaps?'

[There is a way, all it involves is that you grow closer to them; the more intimate or friendly or loved or even repeated you are by them can help lower their price as a summon until they become free in the shop. Alternativly, if they grow to resent you their price will go up. But when you summon them, they will have no memory of you and you can grow close to them like any other. You can bring them into the Pocket Dimension but they will be forced back into their world when you traverse into another dimension.] 'Thanks for the explanation, I feel much better.' [Noo problem~.]

As I finish up with Darcy I hear familiar foot steps behind me to which I speak "Ah, Saeko I just needed to te-" I was cut off, but unlike earlier it was not by her speaking but rather it was…

A kiss.

As I saw this beautiful girl kiss me, I couldn't contain my excitement and hugged her tightly. She noticed and struggled a bit but gave up quickly and began to embrace me. We stayed like this for quite some time it seemed but was only a few seconds. She pulled back and looked into my eyes with a blushing face that seemed unable to hide her emotions. She then laid her head on my chest and stayed there.

After some time she pulled away again, kissed me on the cheek and ran inside.

That was the last I remembered seeing before I woke up the next morning.

'I was struck by another tribulation it seems.' I gave one more wiry smile.


have a very crappy upload speed.

Sorry everyone.

I just have to much work on my plate and cannot seem to concentrate most of the time.

So forgive me alright? Also, Paradox won by a landslide.

Cool what I wrote… Right?

Thanks for reading!

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts
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